Tibet secrets hidden from ordinary people. Prophecies of Tibetan monks

  • 21.11.2023

Time moves forward, and soon it will be a year since the fateful date of December 21, 2012, on which the ancient Mayans predicted the end of the world. When the end of the world did not happen, all progressive humanity joyfully opened champagne and immediately tried to forget about the terrible prophecy, like a bad dream. In vain!

Translating the fateful date from the ancient calendar to the modern one could lead to a significant error, and the growing frequency of natural disasters every year cannot but cause concern. True, no matter how the weather on the globe changes, the apocalypse will not come instantly.

Therefore, the author of the article, like most of the planet’s inhabitants, plunged into his own affairs, recklessly forgetting about the terrible prediction. And suddenly, in the summer of this year, on one of the analytical sites, I saw scanned photographs of a certain internal memo from the first years of Soviet power, compiled somewhere in the depths of the OGPU. True, the number and heading of the document were retouched, so it was impossible to determine whether the document was secret or not, by whom and when it was drawn up. At the same time, the text of the note itself was visible quite clearly and aroused a certain interest, because it said that the monks of Tibet allegedly told the expedition consisting of OGPU employees about the end of the world, which would actually happen, but in 2014.


The memo summed up the results of the famous expedition of ten people led by Yakov Blumkin, which was sent in 1925 to Tibet in search of artifacts from previous civilizations of the Earth and the City of the Gods. Today, many books have been written about this expedition, but for the first time the author of the article came across a document claiming to be authentic, created directly in the bowels of the organization that sent its employees to Tibet.

The same note. (Click to enlarge)

Today it is no longer a secret to anyone (and this is confirmed by the text of the note) that a rather expensive expedition was organized by order of Dzerzhinsky himself and consisted exclusively of employees of the special department of the OGPU, which was led by the no less legendary researcher of the sacred secrets of humanity, Gleb Bokiy.

From the note it followed that the main goal of the expedition was not to prove its existence, but to clarify the geographical coordinates of the location of the City of the Gods and obtain the technology of previously unknown weapons of terrible destructive power. It turns out that no one at that time even doubted the existence of the city! It is interesting that the leaders of Nazi Germany also more than once sent secret expeditions to these places - and for the same purposes.

The note confirms information known from a number of media publications that Blumkin initially tried to perform under the guise of a Mongolian lama, but was exposed in Lhasa. The document says that he was saved from arrest by a mandate signed by Dzerzhinsky and addressed to the 13th Dalai Lama. Surprisingly, the spiritual leader of the Buddhists happily received Blumkin, considering the appeal to him by one of the leaders of the Soviet Union as a good sign.

Blumkin instantly turned from an illegal tourist into an important guest. However, the security officer did not forget for a minute about the center’s task. And he bargained with the Dalai Lama for a visit to the underground structures under the Potala Palace, in which, according to the monks, the City of the Gods with wonderful mechanisms was located - he bargained in exchange for a promise to supply the Tibetan government with a large batch of weapons on credit and open a line of credit in gold.


Having undergone a kind of initiation, Blumkin, accompanied by thirteen monks, finally descended into the mysterious dungeon in January 1926. The note describes in detail the path of an OGPU employee through a whole chain of underground labyrinths with a complex system of locks. To open a particular door, the monks each stood in a certain place and, during the roll call, pulled metal rings hanging from the ceiling on chains, only after which the door opened with a grinding sound.

According to the note, Blyumkin counted thirteen doors, as well as the monks accompanying him. Of the secret halls with the mechanisms of the gods, he was shown only two. In one of them there was a certain machine, which the monks called “vajra”. Outwardly, it looked like huge tongs, which, according to the monks, appeared in underground tunnels 8-10 thousand years BC. e. With the help of this machine, gold was evaporated at a temperature close to the sun - 6-7 thousand degrees. Visually, according to the monks, the process looked like this: the gold flared up and turned into powder. The elite of ancient civilizations added this powder to food and drink, thereby extending their lives by hundreds of years. With the help of the same powder, the ancient inhabitants moved huge stone blocks, however, the technology of how this happened has not been preserved.


According to Blumkin, the monks told him that the underground halls contain artifacts of all previous civilizations of the Earth, of which there were five. Each of them died as a result of a global natural disaster caused by the passage of a certain planet near the Sun, three times larger than the Earth in size and, accordingly, with a large amount of heat and water on its surface. The periodicity of this planet's passage through the solar system was, according to the monks, about 3,600 years. It will immediately become clear to anyone with even the slightest interest in the alternative history of the Earth that we are talking about the planet we know as Nibiru.

This planet, as Blumkin was told, rotates, unlike the Earth, clockwise, therefore, when these two celestial bodies come together, a powerful Electromagnetic flow creates major natural disasters on our planet. The monks noted that every fourth approach to this planet causes a global flood on Earth, destroying all life, including the next human civilization. In this case, the wave rises to seven meters, and its speed is 1,000 km/h. The last, third cycle of the planet’s entry into the solar system was observed in 1586 BC. e., and the fatal fourth, which should destroy our civilization, causing a new global flood, should occur in 2009-2014. Moreover, as the monks claimed, in 2009 the ominous planet will again appear on the outskirts of the solar system, and in 2014 it will approach the Earth at a critical distance.

The note says that the monks of Tibet knew about the prophetic calendars of the Babylonians, Mayans and Aztecs, which ended on this date. The difference of one or two years may have arisen due to numerous translations of ancient calendars into modern ones. The gene pool of humanity, as well as its technology, will once again be saved by monks in an underground city in Antarctica and Tibet, which are connected by underground passages, as indicated in the note.

It is interesting that the monks also spoke about the change of poles during the flood. Thus, the first, most ancient pole, according to their information, was located on the site of modern Easter Island, and it is possible that its idols are images of the inhabitants of the legendary Arctida, or Hyperborea. North America should become the new North Pole after the 2014 apocalypse.

The final part of the note states that, according to Blumkin’s information, Japanese and German intelligence also became the owners of the information transmitted to him by the monks. Therefore, it was urgently necessary to organize a new expedition to Tibet, focusing on the need of its government for weapons and gold. Such an expedition was organized, but it was not led by Blyumkin: after attempting to escape abroad in 1929, he was arrested and disappeared in the dungeons of the Lubyanka. The next expedition was headed by a certain Savelyev. The construction of the mythical New Berlin by the Nazis in Antarctica at the end of the war fits perfectly into this theory. Perhaps the members of their expedition to Tibet actually managed to obtain the same information as Blumkin.

The final part of the note talks about plans for preparing Savelyev’s expedition to Tibet. True, nothing is known about her for sure. However, today, on the eve of 2014, this is not so important. If the note is reliable, and the monks of Tibet were not mistaken, then now it is much more important to understand whether Nibiru really exists, and if so, where it is currently located.


Unfortunately, the monks were not far from the truth. Back in 1982, numerous Western scientific publications stated that NASA had recognized the existence of another planet in the solar system. A year later, NASA's infrared artificial satellite discovered a huge object near the solar system. The object was so huge that it even exceeded Jupiter in size. The cosmic body was moving from the direction of the constellation Orion, which, as is known, appears in the mythology of many ancient civilizations of the Earth as the homeland of the gods. Since that moment, NASA employees have often, after retiring, told the press that the governments of the world's largest powers know about Nibiru and are even preparing to evacuate to underground shelters, however, in order not to cause panic, they do not talk about it. However, these words have not been confirmed, but they have not been officially refuted either.

Otherwise, it is assumed that Nibiru is a wanderer planet that orbits a so-called dark star or brown dwarf. Periodically, this planet, as evidenced by the mythological texts of ancient civilizations and modern astronomers, passes through the solar system in the region of Jupiter. Modern research confirms that Nibiru rotates in the opposite direction, in contrast to the bulk of the planets of the Solar System, which periodically changes the trajectory of Nibiru, and at the same time brings destruction to our planetary system.

At the same time, modern researchers claim that the fiery red Nibiru with its satellites passes through the solar system quite quickly - it takes from several weeks to several months. It is assumed that the planet, of which today only the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars remains, died due to a collision with Nibiru. The red alien caused a change in the inclination of the rotation axis of some planets, and a number of the largest craters appeared due to a collision with the satellites of Nibiru.

Astronomers assumed that it would be possible to observe Nibiru from Earth through a telescope starting in mid-May 2009, but only in the Southern Hemisphere, as the monks of Tibet said. From mid-summer 2011, it should have been visible to people on all continents. Armageddon was scheduled for December 2012, as predicted by the ancient Mayans. At this time, Nibiru was supposed to be equal in size to the Sun in the sky and cause a number of major natural disasters on Earth. However, as we know, this did not happen.

In February 2013, researchers predicted the passage of the Earth between Nibiru and the Sun - it was then that the geographic poles of the Earth should have changed and the Great Flood would have occurred. However, this did not happen either. Scientists expected that in the summer of 2014, Nibiru would begin to leave the solar system, and the troubles would begin to subside.

So what do we have in the bottom line? Was the information of the ancients only half confirmed? An unknown planet was discovered, its path was traced to the entrance to the solar system, photo and video images of Nibiru even circulated on the Internet, but only until the moment when it should have become visible from Earth with the naked eye. Then - silence. Since Nibiru did not appear in the sky, only one conclusion suggests itself - the trajectory of its movement has changed, and it has moved away from the solar system. This means there is a chance to happily survive 2014.



When we showed the note to a number of experts related to the Russian intelligence services, they issued a rather contradictory conclusion. Here it is:

The document looks reliable, but there are several subtle points that may indicate that it was compiled by certain forces for unknown purposes much later than the expected date and is a high-quality forgery.

The document is printed as a carbon copy, i.e. it is a copy, and not the first copy, which was always presented to the addressee for reading. However, on it (on the copy!) there are personal notes from the addressee, for example, “I agree.” One can, of course, assume that the first copy was lost due to carelessness, and Merkulov was given an archival copy, but this is unlikely.

Judging by the indicated positions of Merkulov and Dekanozov, the document may date back to 1939-1941.
The list of personnel and means of the expedition of 29 people includes one doctor, one veterinarian, nine cars, of which three are ambulance buses, but not a single auto mechanic and no auto repair shop, which is more than strange. For 29 people, three ambulance buses are clearly too much, but a car mechanic, or even better, two, and a car repair shop in conditions of bad roads and low reliability of cars of those years would be just right.
The biggest mistake is in the “financial part” section.

It is not clear why exactly royal gold rubles became the currency for the official Soviet expedition. After all, since the 1920s, the USSR minted its own gold coins - chervonets. It would be more logical and simpler to send them to Tibet. It is also completely unclear from the document how much money is proposed to be given to the expedition participants - it says 1,000 gold coins, but how much is this in gold rubles?

After all, the gold ruble is the monetary unit of the Russian Empire, introduced by the monetary reform of 1897, and in the monetary circulation of Russia there were gold coins in denomination: 5; 7.5; 10 and 15 rubles... That is, 1000 coins are from 5,000 to 15,000 gold rubles! It turns out that Dekanozov is asking for something he doesn’t know, and Merkulov, a very educated man who held these same gold rubles in his hands in tsarist times, agrees to something unknown. Nothing is said about the possible timing of the new expedition, which is strange.

"Secrets and Riddles" September 2013

During the entire two-hour flight from Chengdu, I never once looked away from the window. The most beautiful landscape opened up below, smoothly transitioning from mountains covered with greenery to mountains covered with snow, all kinds of small and large lakes, long rivers and tiny houses. Somewhere in the middle of the flight we saw " vision" in the form of a rainbow shimmering beautifully in the rays of the sun.
This is how Tibet greeted us, one of my old dreams and magical places on earth. At the exit from the airport, we were met by our guide named Lakpa, a local Tibetan resident and a wonderful storyteller, as we became convinced of during our journey. With great cordiality, traditional white scarves were placed on our shoulders to greet the guests who had entered the mysterious land of Tibet.
Having loaded all our belongings into the car, we headed to the very heart of Tibet, the city of Lhasa, the journey took about two hours, during which we did not get bored; picturesque landscapes and one of the longest rivers in Tibet, the Brahmaputra (Yarlung Tsangpo), opened before our eyes.
I couldn’t believe that after so many years of dreams I was seeing something that had long excited people’s minds - Tibet. A small world of stunning nature, history, amazing people, magic and Tibetan lamas, whose faith is still strong and unshakable.

Many mysterious stories are associated with the appearance of this city, but it is reliably known that the founder of the first Tibetan state was Sronzang Gumbo(617? - 649), it was he who moved Lhasa from the Yarlung River valley to its present location. Before this, the city that was located on the site of Lhasa was called Race, which meant " enclosure", yes, this is not surprising; just look at the landscape to understand why this is so. Lhasa is located at an altitude of 3650 meters on the Tibetan Plateau, and on all sides, as if protecting this small town, it is surrounded by mountains. In the 10th century, with with the onset of feudal fragmentation, the importance of Lhasa declines. The rise of Lhasa as the secular and spiritual center of Tibet is associated with the activities Gelug-ba sect("yellow hats") in the 15th-17th centuries and the establishment of the power of the Dalai Lama.

The most amazing of the palaces of Lhasa, and all of Tibet - Potala Palace, which is the winter residence of the Dalai Lama (which he unfortunately cannot use: due to his struggle for the independence of Tibet from China, he had to leave Tibet).

The word "Potala" comes from Sanskrit and means "Mystical Mountain". The Potala is located 3,700 meters above sea level on the Red Hill (Marpo Ri) in the middle of the Lhasa Valley. Its height is 115 meters, divided into 13 floors, with a total area of ​​more than 130,000 square meters. There is no exact data on how many rooms and halls there are in the Potala. Their number is "somewhere over a thousand," and there are very few people who have been able to get around them all. The palace in its modern form began to be built in 1645 on the initiative of the V Dalai Lama. In 1648, the White Palace (Potrang Karpo) was completed, and the Potala began to be used as the winter residence of the Dalai Lamas. The Red Palace (Po Trang Marpo) was completed between 1690 and 1694. The name of the palace apparently comes from the legendary mountain Potala on which the bodhisattva Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara) lives, who is represented on earth by the Dalai Lama. The best craftsmen of that time from Tibet, Nepal and China took part in the grandiose construction. Countless amounts of stone, wood, gold and precious stones were spent on the construction.

They say that even a few incarnations are not enough to get around the Potala Palace, I am sure that this is exactly the case, but unfortunately, at the moment most of the halls are closed to the public by decision of the Chinese authorities, after the events of March 13 last year. So we only had to enjoy what was open to the public, which was quite a lot, but it also left a lasting impression. Many different statues of Buddhas and Dalai Lamas are located in this amazing place, many of the previous Dalai Lamas are also buried here, to be honest, I was shocked by the number of gods that Tibetans believe in, I read about it, but when you see it with your own eyes, it is huge respect for people who remember each of their gods by name and know his history, and there are very, very many of them. Another big disappointment was that it is forbidden to take photographs inside the palace, or you can pay from 300 to 1000 dollars for a photo, depending on the value of what you want to take. But this is usually done by people who prepare materials for magazines or websites, and I just kept all the greatness of this place in my heart.
But I found some photos on the Internet:

When leaving the palace, all along the road there are amazing signs with inscriptions in the Tibetan language, so if you are ready for a trip to Tibet, you can start learning the Tibetan language, then tell me what is written there.

Tibet is perhaps one of the most mysterious countries in the whole world. Many have heard about her amazing yoga, secret practices of magic, the legendary country of Shambhala and much more. But few people know that this mystical place hides another secret - its hidden sacred valleys (in Tibetan - “bayul”), inextricably and deeply connected with the realm of the esoteric.

What are hidden valleys?

According to Tibetan legends, hidden valleys are areas where highly spiritual people live without sorrows and worries, completely devoting themselves to understanding the universe through meditation and reflection. In other words, the hidden valleys are paradises where pleasant music is heard everywhere, and anyone who is lucky enough to get here simply bathes in sensual pleasures, eats delicious food, contemplates beautiful landscapes, and so on.

Naturally, what the hidden valley looks like varies from one legend to another, filling with new details and shifting the emphasis either towards spirituality or towards material wealth.

But in any case, it is believed that only good people who have good karma and are distinguished by their compassion, kindness and mercy can get into the hidden valley. Everyone else will not be able to get to these amazing places, even if they are right in front of their noses, because the hidden valley “protects” itself, since it is located in the spiritual plane, as if in some kind of parallel space, but, nevertheless, having a very real projection onto a particular territory.

Geographic Facts about Hidden Valleys

It is interesting to note that the hidden valleys are not a figment of the imagination of the Tibetans, but a fact that has a very real geographical basis. Thus, many famous travelers, wandering around Tibet, indeed, among the high mountain deserts and lifeless mountain slopes, discovered green valleys of amazing beauty, apparently fed by hot springs. They stand in stark contrast to the harsh surrounding landscape, suggesting that these places became the prototype for the legendary hidden valleys.

Hidden valleys and their connection with termas and tertons

Tibetan hidden valleys keep many secrets, and not only geographical, but also esoteric, since they are inextricably linked with such an amazing phenomenon of Tibetan mysticism as terma - sacred treasures and, of course, with tertons - spiritual seers who have the gift of finding “hidden places” "

Terma is a unique phenomenon of Tibetan mysticism, practically not found in other esoteric traditions. The term literally means “hidden treasure.” These treasures can be books, religious objects, new teachings, guidebooks, and so on and so forth. Terma were “hidden” in other planes of reality or, with the help of magic, hidden from the consciousness of people until a certain time, when they were discovered by a “treasure opener” (terton), who has the ability to see through realities, or when a certain hour came and humanity was ready to accept a new spiritual gift for your development.

Very often, a valley or cave became “hidden” only after some mystic hid a terma in it. The outstanding spiritual master, the central figure of Tibetan Buddhism, the founder of the Nyingma tradition, tantric guru and magician Padmasambhava, was especially distinguished in the field of creating hidden valleys. It was he who hid many spiritual treasures (terma) in the mountainous regions, and this was the reason that the very territories in which they were located began to have magical properties, became places of power and received additional “dimensions.”

Hidden Valley - sacred place

Due to the fact that secret valleys are inextricably linked with the spiritual treasures hidden in them, such places received a special status and turned into sacred places. It was believed that any person entering such territory would be spiritually transformed and, with a certain internal purity, could even receive enlightenment or some kind of superpower. Therefore, it is not surprising that ordinary people and yogis, adventurers and scientists spent a lot of effort in order to discover hidden valleys. There were periods when it was somewhat reminiscent of the Western boom of the gold rush, the search for treasures. But... Tibetan esotericists claim that not all terms have yet been discovered and not all hidden valleys have yet been revealed to the world.

Hidden Valleys - Paradise Options

Legends claim that in the hidden valleys there are healing springs that give strength and health, there is always warmth and the earth bears fruit, and there are also hidden spiritual treasures - terma, accessible only to spiritual seers-tertons. Just being in the territory of the hidden valley gives a person enlightenment, longevity and magical abilities.

It was also believed that one who reached the hidden valley and remained there would never be reborn in the lower realm of existence. Although sometimes you can come across beliefs that the inhabitants of the hidden valleys, living almost like gods, go to hell at the end of their earthly days.

Hidden Valley Guides

Naturally, descriptions of hidden valleys encouraged many to find these amazing places - some sought to find long-awaited spiritual salvation there, and others to get rich, because almost all the legends about such places said that there were countless treasures in the form of gold, silver and various precious stones. Therefore, it is not surprising that over time, various guide texts appeared, indicating routes and describing the obstacles that a traveler must go through in order to achieve his desired goal.

Here is an excerpt from one such guide: “There is a blue cave that looks like a tigress, it has four corners and four sides. There are three other caves above it. They contain ancient coins, four turquoise stones, two skull bowls full of gold, a leather bag containing ancient zi stones, and written instructions on how to find eighteen types of hidden treasures."

Yogic Guides to the Hidden Valleys

And yet, no matter how attractive the hidden valleys were for people dreaming of getting rich, the main “consumers” of the guidebooks were yogis, moreover, most of these texts were written by yogis for yogis. Hence their imagery and diversity of meaning. Most of the instructions in them were to be understood allegorically and only in states of heightened awareness, which is why it was argued that where the gaze of an ordinary person would meet only rocks, glaciers or forest thickets, yogis would see something different, more sublime.

Many researchers argue that guidebooks to the hidden valleys were nothing more than treatises containing instructions on revealing the inner light, one’s original nature, and they have nothing to do with specific geographical realities.

Hidden Valleys and Levels of Reality

Many mystics argue that the hidden valleys, although they are geographically bound, are in fact a kind of “superstructure” over reality, that is, they are astral regions, parallel to realities, accessible only to highly spiritual individuals. This is why beliefs claim that the hidden valley may be inhabited by ordinary people. But they will not realize that in the same place there is another level in which there is its own, special life. This is what makes it difficult to find such places, since they do not lie in a plane familiar to the average person. So even if a simple person finds a hidden valley, he still won’t see anything, unless he feels a certain elevated state of soul.

Hidden valley in hidden valley

Not only is the hidden valley itself a mysterious place, but some mystics claim that even in the valley itself there is an even deeper sacred level of existence, and it is to this, as the only real reality, that a spiritual practitioner should strive - to penetrate even further into the secret hidden valley. There he will find deeper spiritual knowledge that will allow him to practice higher levels of meditation and quickly achieve enlightenment. To discover this level one must gain a special vision or awareness. And at the deepest level, the valley is no longer located outside, but in the heart and mind of the yogi, who has ceased to feel any differences between himself and the world around him.

Emphasizing the enormous importance of the inner level of the hidden valleys, enlightened yogis and lamas say that even the subtlest contact with the hidden valley, even the thought of it, can dissolve negative thoughts and emotions that are the cause of suffering. If you know how to use the invisible power of the hidden valley, you can make your meditation extremely effective. One ancient guidebook says that it is much better to meditate for one year in such a place than for a thousand years in some other place. The greatest treasure that can be found in the hidden valley is nirvana itself.

The biggest secret of the hidden valley

If you look at the phenomenon of the hidden valley from the point of view of spirituality, then after analyzing all the legends, tales and “guidebooks” it becomes clear that the most important treasure that the traveler will discover there is his own original nature, and all its levels are the versatility of his own existence.

© Alexey Korneev

The distances from the Tibetan pyramids to the Egyptian ones and from Easter Island to the Mexican pyramids are absolutely the same. Today there is no doubt that the world pyramid system was once built by someone to connect our planet with space.

Participants in one of the scientific expeditions to Tibet discovered that if you draw an axis from the main mountain of Tibet, Kailash, to the opposite side of the globe, you can go straight to Easter Island, where there are stone statues of unknown origin. When we connect this island with the Mexican pyramids with an imaginary line and continue it further, we will end up exactly at Mount Kailash, in Tibet.

And if we connect Mount Kailash with the Egyptian pyramids with such a meridian, then we again go to Easter Island!

The distances from the Tibetan pyramids to the Egyptian ones and from Easter Island to the Mexican pyramids are absolutely the same. Today there is no doubt that the world pyramid system was once built by someone to connect our planet with space.

Tibet - place of the gods

The Tibetan group of pyramids is the largest on the globe. Imagine hundreds of pyramids, which are located evenly, in strict mathematical dependence on the four cardinal directions, near the main pyramid - the sacred Mount Kailash. The height of this mountain is 6714 meters. All other pyramids of Tibet amaze with their diversity and shapes; their height ranges from 100 to 1800 meters. For comparison, the height of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops is “only” 146 meters. All the pyramids of the world are similar to each other, but only in Tibet among the pyramids there are interesting stone structures, which are called “mirrors” due to their flat or concave surface. An old Tibetan legend tells that once upon a time the Sons of the Gods descended to Earth from heaven.

It was a long time ago. The sons possessed the amazing power of the five elements, with the help of which they built a giant city. It is in it, according to Eastern religions, that the North Pole was located before the Flood. In many eastern countries, Mount Kailash is considered the holiest place on planet Earth. It and the surrounding mountains were built using the mighty power of the five elements: air, water, earth, wind and fire.

In Tibet, this force is considered as the psychic energy of the Universe, as something inaccessible and unattainable for comprehension by the human mind! And here, at an altitude of 5680 meters, there is the famous “Valley of Death”; you can only pass through it along the sacred road. If you go off the road, you will find yourself in the zone of action of tantric power. And stone mirrors change the course of time so much for those people who got there that in a matter of years they turned into old people.

Stone mirrors

These unique stone structures have either a smooth or concave surface. The greatest mystery for science is the ability of stone mirrors to change time. “Time” is energy that can concentrate and spread. An example of the temporary effect of Tibetan mirrors is the mysterious death of four climbers who, during an expedition, left the indicated sacred road, and after returning within one year they grew old and died. Medicine was unable to determine the cause of their death. All stone mirrors have different shapes and different sizes. One of them, which has a height of 800 m, is called the “Stone Palace of Happiness”. It is believed that it is a place of transition to other parallel worlds. The largest “mirrors” are the flat slopes of the western and northern sides of the main Kailash pyramid. they have a clearly concave shape. The height of each of them is 1800 m. Scientists claim that such huge planes have the ability to transmit energy that accumulates in the pyramids themselves, connecting it with the flows of other energy forces of the Universe.

Mysterious builders

The creators of the pyramids, without a doubt, knew the laws of subtle energies and knew how to control them. But who was it? There are many hypotheses. Some people think that the pyramids were built by ordinary people. Other pyramids are the result of interference in earthly affairs by aliens. On some structures there were traces of drawings similar to human faces. So, the pyramids could have been built by representatives of a highly developed civilization. The most developed civilization on earth was the Lemurian civilization - a race that owned the energy of the Spirit. But they had big eyes and small noses, and those people in the pictures looked more like our contemporaries.

And on one stone there are four figures carved. Next to them is an oval with two passages, which resembles an Atlantean flying machine. The Atlanteans, as described in Tibetan documents, at a certain point in their existence gained access to the knowledge of the Lemurians, recorded on special gold plates. On one of the Tibetan peaks, as proof of this, sits a man, no, not alive, but a stone one. It’s like a monument, as tall as a 16-story building. A man sits in Buddha pose, holding a large plate on his knees. His head is bowed down, as if she is reading.

It is turned to the southeast, to where the legendary Lemuria once was in the Pacific Ocean. This monument is a symbol of the transfer of Lemurian knowledge to the Atlanteans. But today no one can get to the reading figure, because it “sits” in the coverage area of ​​one of the Tibetan “mirrors”. Probably, the people of our civilization need to have a lot of patience and a large supply of spiritual purity in order to get to that secret knowledge that, perhaps, will change our entire future life for the better.

And Russia from ancient times, which became more widely recognized by contemporaries, thanks to the discovery in recent years of some documents, according to which more than a century ago, Old Believers-hermits had some connections with the servants of Tibetan monasteries and sought to comprehend ancient Eastern mysteries.

Tibet has long been famous for its secret knowledge, and therefore strings of secret, then scientific research expeditions stretched there. So, at the beginning of the 20th century. Nicholas II sent a secret expedition to Tibet, which, already reduced in number, successfully returned back, bringing some information. The members of this expedition were received by the sovereign himself and ordered that its participants be generously rewarded. By the way, at this time not only the Russian Emperor was interested in Tibet. During the Russian mission, British military formations were also located there, whose secret service also carried out a secret operation.

However, let us return to the Old Believers of the Kostroma lands, who presumably from the middle of the 17th century. created their own sect, simply called “Wanderers”. They sent their members to Tibet and, according to some meager data, one of them, called Elder Nikitin, achieved his goal and was accepted by the monks. For a long time he lived in several monasteries and some of the mysteries of the Dunkhor-Kalachakra teaching were revealed to him, which consisted in the study of cosmic knowledge, secret natural phenomena and human abilities, as well as methods of controlling the masses.

At the beginning of the XX century. the elder also successfully returned, but it is obvious that the Old Believers failed to use the secret knowledge they had received, and perhaps they did not pursue large-scale revolutionary goals, but only strengthened their faith. Be that as it may, a revolution took place in the country, and history developed in a way that is now well known.

The Soviet government that came and strengthened later also turned its gaze to the Old Believers; by the way, at that time V.I. Lenin, who sought to put an end to the bearers of any theological knowledge, was no longer alive. Gleb Bokiy, a member of the OGPU, who was also supported in his endeavor by the great Russian scientist Academician Bekhterev, was actively interested in the secret knowledge of the Old Believers. He knew the telepathic abilities of man, and he sought to find new sources of this knowledge.

The Old Believers were forced to cooperate with the Bolsheviks and some artifacts brought from Tibet fell into their hands. Based on the materials received, the secret laboratory initiated an expedition to search for Shambhala, known in legends, but the participants in this laboratory were soon shot.

Around the same time, on Stalin’s orders, all the country’s famous clairvoyants and astrologers were repressed. It is assumed that the Old Believers suffered the same fate.

Now it is unknown what happened to the Tibetan artifacts, whether they are in anyone's custody or not. The mystery of this story is still shrouded in darkness.