Heep-both ridge near Feodosia. Secrets of ancient jewelers

  • 10.04.2021

So, in 1853, the famous Feodosian Artist - Maristra I. Ayvazovsky Received official permission from the Ministry of the Imperial Court and the Details for archaeological works in the area of \u200b\u200bFeodosia, the purpose of archaeological surveys was supposedly a search for "old, ancient Feodosia". In the middle of the 19th century, there were alleged disputes about the location of medieval café-Feodosia between scientists around the world. Someone placed her on the slopes of the warm-both, in the area of \u200b\u200bCape St. Lyli, someone at the foot of the Karadaga, in the area of \u200b\u200btoday's Koktebel, well, and someone had an ancient Cafa at all in the middle of an ancient cafu, to the teal of Opuk. But one day the famous archaeologist of that time Siberian A.A. , walking on the slopes of the tepe - both, discovered an ancient Greek coin, presumably 5th century BC. The archaeologist shared his find with the famous Feodosian artist I. Ayvazovsky, presenting his opinion about the existence of an "ancient city" in the area of \u200b\u200bCape St. Hyli on the slopes of the Teppe Ridge. The artist fully supported the ideas of Siberian A.A. And accepted direct participation in organizing an archaeological expedition.

In the spring of 1853, gourmet work was made on the slopes of the ridge in full swing, almost immediately were discovered. 5 Kurgans - Mogilnikov. Four Kurganov turned out to be completely empty, but in the fifth ...! In the fifth, the burial of a woman was discovered, presumably 4-5th centuries BC, a lot of exquisite ceramic items, as well as a whole pleiad of interesting jewelery, including the feodosi earrings uniquely performed. The news of the unique Feodosian find flew around the whole world by chaining the attention of numismatists, antiques and gold business masters. Jewelers from all over the world tried to copy the decoration, but to no avail - the technology of the ancient Greek masters were irretrievably lost. Even famous Karl FabergeI tried to repeat the "Feodosi Earrings", suffered a full fiasco.

The encouraged by an incredible find, I. Ayvazovsky, with a tripled energy, continued its archaeological searches, and during the summer-autumn 1853g. An even more than 80 mounds opened in the vicinity of Feodosia, and good luck smiled again by the artist - one of the burial grounds on the heating ridge was also full of jewelry. Naturally, all the jewelry found were recalculated, described and sent to St. Petersburg, where they were exhibited for everyone to see the Hermitage.
According to the results of the archaeological expedition, headed by I. Ayvazovsky, an approximately the following conclusion was made - a Greek necropolis was located on the slopes of the Teppe, about 4-5th century to our era.

This beautiful bike about the "Feodosian earrings" can be heard from Feodosian guides or read on numerous "est "sites. Reality, however, is much severe and dirtier.

In fact, the number of so-called "antique jewelry", not to be copied, is quite large and there are hundreds and thousands of decorations. Naturally, this group includes the so-called "Gold Scythians", jewelry found in the Scythian Mound-Zogilniki. The geography of finding "Scythian gold" is very extensive - from Altai to the Danube from the east to the west, and from the White Sea to North Africa from north to south. Many of the "Scythian decorations" are really unique and technologies even-known technologies have been used to create them. The following photographs ("Feodosian earrings on the first") showing a small part of "golden female earrings", found during the excavations of Scythian burial ground curbs in completely different places: South Siberia, Tavria, Taman, Podneprovye, Volga region. It is united by these unique products. One thing is really unique, it is extremely difficult to fake, and it is often impossible, and are works of art of ancient Greek antique jewelry masters, whose technologies are irretrievably lost.

Exactly - In Scythian Kurgans lay "ancient Greek gold" !!! Including in Siberian and Altai! How it fell there, modern "historical science" is absolutely not interested - yes you never know - bought in the bazaar, for sale!

The only arguments of these "fighters for ancient Greece" is the statement that the Scythians are nomads, and nomads are not able to create unique masterpieces.
But back to the "Feodosian earrings". So, on the slopes of the Heauy-Both archaeological expedition, under the leadership of I. Ayvazovsky, some mound-burial grounds were discovered in the amount of about 90 pieces, which were identified as Greek necropolis of the 4th century BC. However, 50 years later, a certain German forestry F. Zibold, on the same slopes of the heat range - both were found about 30 objects of the medieval hydraulic system of the Feodosius, as well as a significant number of ceramic pipelines. Naturally, the ceramic water pipe was created not in the 4th century BC, but much later, in 15-16 centuries.

It turns out a very busy picture - the medieval hydraulic structure was built straight on the ancient Greek necropolis! Here, one of the two or our ancestors, built a ceramic water supply, did not have any concept of hygiene and sanitation, or someone frankly and brazenly lying. But I do not think that our ancestors would build hydraulic in the middle of the burial ground curricians, which means the matter in the other!

By the way, it is known that the expedition of Siberian-Ayvazovsky opened orders 90 Zogilnik Kurgans on the Teppe RidgeBut just where are they, and why they are not preserved to the present day? And as a rule, all the burial ground mounds, where something worthwhile is found, has its name (Kurgan Kul-both, Kurgan Solok, Tsarsky Kurgan, etc.) As in this case, the Kurgan is called "Feodosian earrings "? In no way.

The same F.zibold, describing the heat supply ridge in 1900, mentions, in addition to hydraulic structures, numerous stone ruins of other structures, But it was absolutely not the burial grounds.

By the way, the big question is why the Lord historians of the mid-19th century, allegedly arguing about the location of the "old Feodosia" did not see these ruins and hydraulic structures, as if they did not exist? Are they struck by a sudden blindness?

But after all, I. Ayvazovsky, allegedly born in 1817 in Feodosia, had to certainly know about some ruins on the warm-both, which at that time could have a completely different appearance.

In the picture K. Bossoli, imprinuable in 1842, we can observe a fairly interesting landscape - the fortress structures and structures of incomprehensible appointment in the foreground and the city itself in the background, in the valley. It is clear that the Italian artist painted the picture, being on the slopes of the ridge - no more similar angle to find. The question is what happened to these structures in 15 years? Disappeared without a trace or turned into burial ground mounds?

It must be admitted that no Greek necropolis, consisting of the Scythian Mounds-Mogilnikov, on the Teppe Ridge never existed, there were structures of a suck of another nature on the ridge, absolutely not compatible in their destination with the city of the dead.

But where in this case and when exactly was the archaeological expedition of Siberian-Aivazovsky?

Indeed, in the vicinity of Feodosia, there are quite a lot of incomprehensible hills that can be identified as mound-burial grounds, but they are mostly located mostly in the north and northeast from Feodosia, i.e. In the opposite side of the tele-both. Several hills, similar to the mounds, are south of the ridge, in the valley of the bay bay, but it may well be the remnants of fortifications.

In any case, in the vicinity of Feodosia, for the period of the mid-19th century there was quite a lot of interesting monuments of antiquities, which, risk to suggest, were not yet looted and desecrated.

Undoubtedly, the archaeologists of the treasteners were waiting for a very rich native.

And then a very interesting point arises. The age of many Crimean Kurgans in the Crimea is about 2000 years and more. According to official history, dozens of tribes and peoples passed through Crimea over the Crimea, but for some reason no one had no desire to see what was kept in these most pyramid mounds until the 19th century, when research and development of antiquity monuments began . Therefore, it should be recognized that in the Crimean Peninsula, the time of centuries lived only one manpion of Tavroskifov - Russians, in any other case, all the burial grounds and mounds would be destroyed long before the 19th century. In the 19th century, the host of the Peninsula was changed - he became part of the Russian Empire, which, despite his name, did not represent the interests of the Russian people, rather, on the contrary. Therefore, without exception, archaeological expeditions on the Crimean Peninsula pursued by and large only two goals - to destroy the monuments of the past of the Great People and, if possible, to make up the maximum, expanding and assigning wealth, millennia accumulating in the territories of the Tauride Peninsula.

Archaeological expedition Aivazovsky - no exception. It is enough to look at the personality of the main archaeologist of the expedition, and in combination of antiquary and numismat - Siberian A.A., as well as to the personalities of his patrian friends, Ya. Rehel, B.Ken, I. Bartolohea, P.-Y. Sabat. All these gentlemen obviously not Russian origin The origins of the creation of the imperial archaeological society, whose curator was directly the house of Romanov. Naturally, all these people had the largest collection of jewelry and golden vintage coins in Europe. I think it's not necessary to prove, from where it fell on the heads, this is wealth. This happened in the order of things - most of the looted jewelry and the objects of the old days just remained in the hands of people who gave "archaeological searches" and then settled in numerous private collections, a smaller part was delivered to museums.

By the way, I. Yavazovsky also had a fairly large jewelry collection, which after the death of the artist in 1900 remained his widow - A.Bornazyan - Sarkisov. After the October Revolution, the collection of widow was arranged the most real hunt, and since the power in Crimea changed several times a year, then for the jewelry collection of Aivazovsky, literally all - and the occupation of the Karai-German Government of Solomon Solomonovich Crimea, the former friend of I. Ayvazovsky, and the White Guard "Black Baron" Wrangel, and the Chekists of Dzerzhinsky . The last, I must say, succeeded the most. A. Barnazyan was arrested by the HCC and at least six months spent in prison, from which he left only after the jewelry collection of the new authorities.

It is possible that A. Barnazyan was able to preserve some part of the collection, as it is known that during the Great Patriotic War, some jewelry from the collection of the artist somehow found themselves in the Germans occupied by Feodosius. The further fate of the jewelry collection of I. Ayvazovsky is unknown, for it came from darkness, in darkness gone.

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1. Watch "Peacock": In 1777, Prince Gregory Potemkin decided to surprise Ekaterina Empress once again. His choice fell on the work of the English mechanic James Coke. Why it is, unknown. Perhaps the Russian Count saw amazing things in advertising directories that Master published. To send a gift to Russia, it had to be disassembled.

We disassembled, but they could not collect - part of the details turned out whether it was broken, or was lost. And a spectacular gift would be gone if in 1791 Potemkin did not instruct the "revitalize the birds" Ivan Kulibin. And the master of the highest class did the impossible: the clock went, and the intricate mechanism came into motion. As soon as the clock begin to call, "comes to life" owl in a cage.

Under the conclusion of the cell bells, the cell begins to rotate. Then "wakes up" peacock: his tail rises, it begins to bloom, the bird is bowing, pulls and throws his head, opens the beak. At that moment, when the tail is completely revealed, Peacock turns 180 degrees so that the audience see it ... ass. Then the feathers are lowered, and peacock occupies the starting position.

It is impossible to learn about the true reason for such an imparting behavior of Peacock today. According to one of the versions of Kulibin failed to ensure that the bird makes a full turn. Another legend claims that the master deliberately forced the bird to make such a "Foute", thereby demonstrating his attitude towards the royal court for which the "bird" was intended.

2. "Gromer Tomb"

In the Hall of Jupiter, you can find another Ermitage's essential riddle - "Homer's Tomb". It was exported from Andros to the island of Andros, or from the island of Chios during the first Archipelago expedition of Count Orlov-Chesmensky. The first owner of the tomb became the "Warriorwriter of the Unusual" Count Alexander Stroganov, who wrote: "In the first Turkish war of 1770, the Russian officer, who commanded our landing on one of the Archipelago Islands, brought this sarcophagus to Russia and presented it to me. At the sight of this monument, I could not not exclaim: "Is this a monument to Homer?" The phrase began to move from mouth to mouth, only seemingly without questioning intonation.

Soon, Stroganov's authority as a collector incredibly increased. I would still, because he possessed the subject, for whom adventurers were chased from all over the world. However, the "Tomb of Homer" is another beautiful legend, like Atlantis or Troy Gold.

Having studied the bas-reliefs, scientists with confidence stated that the antique tomb was created in the second century of our era, which means that the person who belonged to Sarcophag, wondered with Homer for nine hundred. But still there is an unspecified other mystery of the tomb: completely different stylistics of the rear and face wall of the sarcophagus. How and when and when these walls connected - incomprehensible.

3. Bloody goddess Mut-Saksay

In the Egyptian hall, one of the oldest Egyptian monuments can be found in Russia - the statue of the Goddess of War and Retreat, the angry Mut-Saksay.

According to myth, the bloodthirsty goddess decided to destroy the human genus. The gods decided to save people: they spilled before the goddess tinted in a red beer, which Mut-Sakshet took for human blood. I drank - and calmed down.

However, the legend of the Hermitage assumes that the danger to people is still preserved. Allegedly, every year a reddish puddle appears on the knees of the goddess.

According to another version, the feet of the goddess are covered by a strange reddish wet bloom whenever Russia expects regular troubles, troubles, disasters. The last time falling out, allegedly, was discovered in 1991. Is there any truth in legend? And how can I explain the strange "bloody" raid? There are no answers to these questions yet.

4. Mystery of the Gold Mask

In the collections of the Hermitage, there are only three posthumous antique masks of gold. One of them is a mask from the tomb of the spacing. In 1837, archaeologists found in the vicinity of Kerch Kurgan, a stone sarcophagus with a female skeleton was found inside, which allegedly belonged not otherwise as the Queen: the whole body was sleeping with plaques of gold, on the head - a golden wreath, the face is hidden by a gold mask. A large number of valuable things were found around the sarcophagus, including a silver dish with a broken name of the King of the Reskuporid, the ruler of the Bosporian kingdom.

Scientists suggested that his wife was buried in the sarcophage, but later I was laughed. Until now, the hypothesis that the Golden Mask hid the face of the Bosporian Queen is not confirmed and not refuted.

5. Blank Peter

A halo of mysteriousness is surrounded by the so-called "wax person" of Peter, over which domestic and European wizards have worked out after the death of the emperor. Many visitors argued that they saw their own eyes like wax Peter got up, bowed, and then pointed to the door, apparently, hinting for the fact that the guests "it's time and honor to know."

In the 20th century, during the restoration inside the figure, hinges were found, which allowed to plant a chair and put a figure of Peter. However, no mechanism that would allow the king to move independently, it was not found. Someone evidence seemed unconvincing, someone - did not want to lose another beautiful legend. Be that as it may, but today there are a lot of those who claim that the "familiar caretaker" turned out to be in the hall at the moment when the figure "revived."

6. Unique Feodosi Earrings

In the Siberian collection of Peter I, you can find theeodosi earrings performed in ancient Greek grain technique. Their main decoration is a microscopic multifigure composition illustrating Athenian competitions. The smallest grain, which is suiced one of the parts of the decoration, can be seen except with a magnifying glass. With a strong increase, tiny grains are found, which are connected four and are lined up in the ranks - it is this finish and presented the Ferodosian earrings world famous. The best world jewelers tried to create copies of Feodosian jewelry, but the task was impracticable. Neither the way of soldering, nor the composition of the solder, who used the Master of Antiquity, could not find out.

7. "Icon of godless time"

One of the most scandalous masterpieces - Black Square Malevich 1932 - can also be found in the Hermitage. The author himself interpreted the idea as infertility, generalized into a single sign, calling the "black square" icon of the new, godless time. Disputes about the ideological content of the canvas are carried out for a long time, but from the moment the picture was put up in the Hermitage, again and again drawn attention to its "destructive" energy: some visitors were losing consciousness, others, on the contrary, came in furious excitement.

Does the world masterpiece really endowed with mystical power, or is it another attempt to "pour oil into the fire"?

big History of Little Cape

Mountains Crimea May 27, 2014

Cape of St. Ilya is the most extreme eastern tip of the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, the Feodosian bay begins to the east.

At the foot of the cape, on the shore, among stone blocks and sheer cliffs, mineralogy lovers can find interesting patterns of snow-white calcite, dubber and brush brushes anquerite, blue stroncyanitis.

The path to Cape Ilya leads past the destroyed jewish, the last witness of the past war, and rises to a green oasis, where the lighthouse is located.

Above the lighthouse, to the southwest, on one of the pla on vertices of the Cape was an ancient Greek church in memory of St. Ilya, where annually on July 20, a solemn service was committed to the throne holiday. According to legend, the church was devoted to fishermen, miraculously saved from death during storms off the coast of Cape.

There is also the Feodosian legend on how the sailor-merchant Ilya Tamara was twice the shipwreck off the coast of Cape St. Ilya. Seeing close death, Tamara praying the prophet Ilya soften his anger, calming the storm. In his prayer, he promised in the event of a prosperous outcome to build a temple on Cape.

The fiery zipper dispelled the Terrible Heaven, laid the air, lit up the ships and rocks, the last time he slid along the mast and caught fire ahead of the ship, styled by the storm, the kaffin lights were lit aside.

Tamara kept the promise and built a temple on the mountain. As he stood - it is unknown, but already in 1816, the chapel of St. Ilya. Nearby, the head of the Cape was the cemetery of the Red Cross Company.

In September 1861, Emperor Alexander II visited Feodosia. After the liturgy in the Nikolaev Cathedral Church, inspection of a military hospital, an archaeological museum, the Armenian Khalibovsky school and the antiquities of the city, Alexander II rose to the horse to the top of the mountain and visited the chapel of St. Ilya.

In 1854 I.K. Aivazovsky, together with the prince-archaeologist Siberian during archaeological excavations at Cape Ilya, not far from the chapel during the excavation of Kurgan among many household items, found amazing female gold earrings in their beauty (IV century BC).

This discovery entered world science called "Theodosi Earrings" (located in the Hermitage). These filigree earrings are a wonderful model of art culture Eldla, apparently imported work.

The diameter of the shield is 2.5 cm. It is impossible to see the naked eye to see the detail. And so, armed with a magnifying glass, the eye opens a monumental composition: Nick, the goddess of Victory rules the chariot, which is pronounced by the four of the horses.

An ancient artist showed an inspiration, fantasy when creating a genuine work of art. It is read in the ornament of Seagh, and in their entire composition. The way the master passed the rapid movement in the figures of tiny horses clearly talks about his amazing "snorkee."

Clemented reproduce these earrings were the best modern jewelers. Some secret "Microtechnics" is obviously lost.

Among finds in the mounds of Cape Ilya - various figurines of terracotta, antique coins and amphoras, painted vases covered with gilding and multi-colored paints.

This is what the defensive fortifications at Cape of St. Ilya look at January 2014 in Feodosia. It is sad to look like the builders vandals systematically destroy monuments of history.

Walking of antiquity sometimes put such riddles in front of the researchers, which modern science in a hurry to declare unresolved.
All, probably known the famous Ermitage exhibit - gold earrings with gold grain, which can be distinguished only with magnification. The product is dated IV century. BC.

These "gold earrings of the filigree work found during the excavations in 1853 in one of the Kurgans on the outskirts of Feodosia are one of the bright samples of the work of Greek jewelers IV century. BC. And executed in the so-called microtechnology, which has reached at the Athens of this time an unusually high level. In the top of the seague - round discs with an elegant flower in the center, which are bordered by rows of the smallest grain and decorated with an ornament from filigree films and outlets ... Theodosiy earrings were especially famous thanks to the use of grain, when the smallest metal droplets are located four and posted correct rows. "
No matter how many jewelers tried to repeat this result - they did not work. The smallest grain melted when heated. Attempts stopped, the art of the ancient Greeks was recognized as unsurpassed.

So how they managed in the IV century. BC. Perform something that failed to repeat in the twentieth century?
In the book of Altshuller, the "algorithm of the invention" in case of problems with adjustment and temperature control, they advise the phase transition. Phase transition like melting, here is hardly acceptable. But the metal can become liquid in one case - in the amalgam, alloy with mercury. Try to imagine such an option: the smallest balls of gold (getting them easy, it is enough to melt a shortly peeled thin wire on a non-paralized surface, such as charcoal) for a short time plunge into mercury. A thin layer of amalgam is formed on the surface. Mercury is rubbed and the substrate for which grains are applied. The grains are laid out the desired figure, after which the entire composition is heated to a temperature that is lower than the melting of gold, but sufficient to remove (evaporation) mercury from the amalgam. Golden grains fade together with a substrate. Similar technology for evaporation of mercury from gold amalgam (firing gilding) is the most ancient technique of gilding. Eastern Slavs were familiar with the way the gold amalgam "of gold alloy with mercury" and the coating of silver and bronze products. Work with Amalgam requires strictly compliance with security measures, as you can get severe poisoning. So, with the gilding of the domes of St. Isaac's Cathedral in 1838-1841. 60 workers died from mercury vapor.

It is not surprising that the technology of Athenian masters was lost for many centuries. After all, the masters store their secrets strictly, and death overtook such craftsmen as inexorably as two thousand years later - St. Petersburg gilts.

Vladimir Repin