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  • 29.10.2019

In Muromets district Omsk region There is a place that is known to the whole of Russia. This is not a temple and not a monument, but a small village with a modest name Okunevo. The settlement itself is quite young - the year of the foundation of the village is considered to be 1770, when the first settlers appeared here. Many researchers believe that people came to these places long before.

Legend of five lakes.

In fact, many legends are associated with this small village, of whom of course is the legend of five lakes. Not far from the settlement there are four (!) Famous far beyond the limits of the Siberian region of Lake: Danilovo, Lenovo, Shchuchye and Umanny (Shaitan-Lake). According to local beliefs, there is also the fifth - hidden lake, which is far from everyone.

It is believed that water and dirt in the Lakes Danilovo, Lenovo and Shchuchye possess healing powerthat attracts here holidays from all over Siberia. Local residents speak these lakes that they are "live" water. The umann of the same lake according to Oldersov is filled with "dead" water. It is also called the Shaitan-Lake, which in the literal translation from Turkic means damn lake.

Study of the properties of the water of five lakes near Okunovo confirmed the heabnium only Lake Danilovo. Here the water is actually able to treat some diseases of the intestinal tract and most skin diseases. This applies to the dirt of Danilov Lake. The heb content of the same water in Leno-Lanevo and Shchuchye from the point of view of science is very controversial.

An interesting version of the origin of Okuneva lakes is also interesting. According to the ancient Indian treatises, these lakes are born by space. Of course, we do not say that there were Hindus in these places, but do not forget about the legends. According to the ancient Indian myths, it was in these places that the great battle was held between the frame and evil forces. In this battle, the Hero named Hanuman was invaluable to the deity, for which the lands of Siberia were granted. According to legends, they were founded. Great city With the temple in which the crystal wisdom sent by space was stored. At one of the versions, this temple should be somewhere near Okuneva.

In principle, scientists suggest that Okuneva's lakes could well appear from the fragile meteorite. This hypothesis finds confirmation in the form of lakes (all lakes are extended in one direction), their depth. Among other things, there are magnetic anomalies, seismic oscillations and other "oddities". At the bottom of Danilov Lake, the scuba lakes discovered a hole on which the eaves the eaves with olderous trees, which confirms the fact that the near bottom of the lake was the surface of the Earth.

However, we forgot about the fifth - most mysterious lake. This lake is called traffic and according to legend is located on the right bank of the Tara, somewhere 250 meters from the coast. It is shown only in favorites, so see it - a big luck. It is said that it has the form of the right circle and very small.

Okunevo and Danilovo Lake as a resting place.

It may be due to numerous legends, and maybe thanks to the therapeutic strength of the water of Danilov Lake, but somehow a small village of Okunevo Omsk region has become a place of real pilgrimage of tourists from Omsk and nearby regions. Okunevo and her five lakes are located just on the border of the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, and Lake Danilovo lies in the Novosibirsk region, and Leno - in Omsk.

From Okunevo to Omsk 250 km, and Novosibirsk and more - 800 km. However, despite the pretty decent distance, the inhabitants of these Siberian cities with great pleasure ride to relax both on the lakes and the village of Okunevo. Both in the village and on the shores of Lake Danilovo and Lenovo there are campsites and seating courtyards, where tourists can spend the night with full comfort or dine. Local residents with great pleasure will tell the travelers about legends and spend on the presumptuous location of the hidden lake or the Great Temple.

All the details road route from Novosibirsk (urban district Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region, Russia) on the way to the village of Okunevo (Muromtsevsky district, Omsk Region, Russia) indicating all intermediate points, settlements, distances and time travel between them.

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Weather for today (08-06-2019) in Novosibirsk

Weather forecast for 08-06-2019 in Novosibirsk, urban district Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region, Russia

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Detailed weather forecast in Okunevo village

Weather in Okunevo village, Muromets district, Omsk Region, Russia Today, 08-06-2019

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Nearest airports to Okunevo village

Next to the village of Okunevo, Muromtsevsky district, Omsk Region, Russia are the following airports and airfields:

  • the village of Croes Bank (Omsk District, Omsk Region, Russia);
  • Pavlodar (urban akimat Pavlodar, Pavlodar region, Kazakhstan);
  • valaveovo village (Alexandrovsky District, Tomsk Region, Russia);

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Nearest airports to Novosibirsk

Airports and airfields located near Novosibirsk, urban district Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region, Russia:

  • Novosibirsk (urban district Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region, Russia);
  • Barnaul (Barnaul City District, Altai region, Russia);
  • Kemerovo (Kemerovo City District, Kemerovo, Russia);
  • Tomsk (Tomsk City District, Tomsk Region, Russia);

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General information on the flight Novosibirsk - Okunevo village

  • Distance by plane between Novosibirsk and the village of Okunevo is 531.6 kilometers.
  • The flight time in Okunevo village from Novosibirsk - 1 hour, 10 minutes (and by train 4 hours, 7 minutes).
  • Most cheap airline From Novosibirsk to the village of Okunevo, found by our users today (08-06-2019), costs 97 euros.

Cheap flights from Novosibirsk to Village Okunevo

In order to get to the village of Okunevo (Muromtsevsky district, Omsk Region, Russia) from Novosibirsk (urban district Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region, Russia) by plane You can choose the flight that suits you and buy inexpensive air ticket.

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Where to
And fly
Kemerovo (KEJ) Novosibirsk (OVB) Direct. T9 508. Thai Star Airlines. 97 € Filty!
Tomsk (TOF) vodkovo (SWT) Direct. SP 5009. 256 € Filty!
Novosibirsk (OVB) create-Bank settlement (OMS) 1 Stop. Un 108. Transaero Airlines. 406 € Filty!
Tomsk (TOF) Novosibirsk (OVB) 1 Stop. Un 2154. Transaero Airlines. 432 € Filty!
Tomsk (TOF) create-Bank settlement (OMS) 1 Stop. Un 2154. Transaero Airlines. 433 € Filty!
Kemerovo (KEJ) Novosibirsk (OVB) 1 Stop. Un 114. Transaero Airlines. 540 € Filty!
Tomsk (TOF) create-Bank settlement (OMS) 2 Stops. SU 1531. Aeroflot Russian Airlines. 660 € Filty!
Barnaul (Bax) create-Bank settlement (OMS) 2 Stops. FV 1431. Rossiya-Russian Airlines 688 € Filty!
Novosibirsk (OVB) Pavlodar (PWQ) 2 Stops. KC 218. Air Astana. 693 € Filty!
Novosibirsk (OVB) Pavlodar (PWQ) 1 Stop. KC 218. Air Astana. 694 € Filty!
Barnaul (Bax) Novosibirsk (OVB) 1 Stop. S7 218. S7 Airlines. 706 € Filty!
Barnaul (Bax) create-Bank settlement (OMS) 1 Stop. SU 5807. Aeroflot Russian Airlines. 722 € Filty!
Novosibirsk (OVB) create-Bank settlement (OMS) 2 Stops. U6 334. Ural Airlines. 728 € Filty!
Kemerovo (KEJ) Novosibirsk (OVB) 2 Stops. SU 1451. Aeroflot Russian Airlines. 734 € Filty!
Barnaul (Bax) Novosibirsk (OVB) 2 Stops. SU 5807. Aeroflot Russian Airlines. 751 € Filty!
Tomsk (TOF) Novosibirsk (OVB) 2 Stops. S7 812. S7 Airlines. 814 € Filty!

Question and Answers about the route Novosibirsk - Village Okunevo

When traveling according to your chosen route approximate (from the calculation of the fuel consumption of 10 liters per 100 km.).

Approximate (from the calculation of 35 rubles per liter of gasoline).

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Do you know many of these points on the map in Russia?

There are a lot of places with a strange, but we will tell you in detail about one of them. This, at first glance, the usual village called Okunevo. Covered by the territory of the halo of mystery. But first things first.

Anomalous terrain is located in the northern part of the Omsk region, if more precisely, 25 kilometers from the village of Muromsevo. At first glance, this is the usual Siberian village, nothing more than an unsuccessful corner. There are only five streets here, on which wooden houses are. In some of them, the wizards were glad, near the wickets are a dead cargo there are broken carts. The local population runs the barefoot in the summer, and in the winter it puts on warm boots. Most residents of the village are grandmothers and grandfathers, that is, predominantly people of old age.

Near Okunevo flows the river packaging, there are Lakes Laneneovo, Shaitan, and also Shchuchye and Danilovo. Clairvoying from Siberia assure that dirt and water in them are medicament.

Also the terrain is rich in the forest. It is noteworthy that most trees in them as it would be shot down by the macushkin. There is a feeling that they were killed something large, flying across the sky. A lot of twisted branches with incomprehensible bends. It is both bizarre and scary.

Local struck, for more than one year they live near the babajist community. They made themselves some sect in one of the houses seven years ago. Strange people outlined the circle near the village, the diameter of which is three meters. According to Baabigists, some, cosmic energy goes to Earth. The circle itself is located in the area of \u200b\u200btwo kilometers from Okunevo.

The mystical village causes fear not only from local residents, but also at visitors. Scientists cannot give a clear explanation of the events that occur in Okunevo and its surroundings. Residents are trying to leave these places if possible and never remember them. The strange village has already been named lepers.

Lake Shaitan

About the strange, the mysterious village of Okunevo became aware of the general public in 1993. When an expedition from Moscow visited here. It was its participants that were interested in the "mysterious" water lakes located near the settlement. Someone even told that she helped get rid of such ailment like tuberculosis.

Scientists tried to explore Lake Shaitan. In it, if you believe in local residents, there is a crystal with supernatural power of healing. But getting to the lake is difficult, almost impossible. Let it only be chosen.

The place is a glible, because it has a double bottom. The water in the lake is transparent, but the bottom is not visible. Only an abnormal person will decide to swim in it.

By a strange coincidence, no participant in the expedition could get to the Shaitan. All days were pouring rain, dark clouds walked across the sky. As soon as it was decided to leave the reservoir with a visit to the reservoir - the weather returned to normal.

Incredible facts and myths about the village of Okunevo

  1. From reliable sources it is known that in the territory of the settlement were noticed in the snow inhuman traces. Their sizes reached 90 centimeters in length. The animal they could also not belong. To see someone who put these incredible marks was not possible.
  2. In the distant forties, the boys running near the village were noticed by the river beautiful, young girls who took out. Beauties drove rounds, were dressed in red sundresses. Some weather, huge figures began to grow inside the dance, their height reached several meters. When the guys decided to get closer, everything suddenly disappeared.
  3. In these parts, people began to disappear. In the 60s, the military group went to visit the ill-fated place. All people went to the lake, no one else saw them.

Local inhabitants know about the events of past years and advise visit to be careful and do not go without need to be in wild, mysterious places.

Omsk region is very rich in monuments of cultural and historical and natural significance. It is enough to name only some of them: five lakes, the National Archaeological Park in Batakovo, the trafficking of the deravert, the miracle mountain, and, of course, village Okunevo In the Muromets district of the Omsk region on the banks of the Torah River. It is said that the village has such a favorable energy that can cure all bodily and mental illness. It is different from the provincial depths in another plan: there is even its own website on the Internet, and it is distinguished by enviable attendance.

Some even joke that Okunevo is the Earth PUPIt is very important to prove abnormal phenomena that constantly occur in this zone. Pilgrims try to maximize their benefits. The village itself is no particularly different: simple chopped houses surrounded by the forest. But for many trees for some reason, the tops are shot down. Some trees very bizarrely bent. Next to the village there is a community, members who outlined the circle through which is alleged from the space a very strong energy. Behind which people rushed here. But, since they get her here, and orthodox Church It does not remain aside: there is a Christian cross and chapel for Orthodox.

In 2003, serious research okunevo villages and its surroundings Specialists of the regional branch of geographical and Russian geological societies were engaged. Then scientists began to regularly study the mysterious terrain and came to some conclusions. For example, in the waters of the famous villages in the vicinity of the village, silver was not discovered. Although before that, everyone was confident that it was the main heritage of living lake water. But they found a large amount of free oxygen, which, apparently, and makes this fluid healing and even miraculous. It seems to be a common hypothesis about the meteorite origin of lakes in the village. And the unusual glow over the village in the fog lakes, the rays piercing the sky, and the flying plates are associated with the increase in the activity of the fear of the earth's crust.

Academician Mai Tamara Ermakova talks about Okunevo in his book " Natural riddles of Siberia", And, honestly, in places these stories look like fairy tales. For example, about mermaids sitting on trees. Meanwhile, their more than once seemed to see not only scientists, but also local residents. As well as a white dome in the sky with a bright rainbow, covered with greenish or a bugger. They say that this fog is very dangerous. You can not get out.

By the way, mysterious phenomena They relate not only to the phenomena of nature, but also the behavior of birds. Let's say there have been cases when a whole pack of Korshunov begins to circle over the terrain, and what it means, no one else knows. Highway, many tourists, having been in the village of Okunevo, Begin to believe the most incredible hypothesis. Nine parallel worlds come into contact in the Okunevo area. But the fact that there is something special here, the numerous photos are evidenced. They are captured by the fact that he could not see the human eye. By adding mysteriousness of the already unusual village in the country.

In other words, village Okunevo It is considered a powerful energy center, possibly gates to other worlds, not only in the higher, but also the lowest. By the way, translated from Sanskrit River Torah, on which the village stands, is referred to as a savior. Apparently, not unfounded. Although there are other in the Muromets district mysterious stories. For example, about the missing gold rush, or fallen in 1992 by an aliens ship. Anyway, people who visited here are created a special mental attitude.

Village Okunevo (photo)