Whether the Okhotsk Sea freezes in winter. Okhotsk Sea Passage inland Sea of \u200b\u200bRussia

  • 23.09.2019

Tidal phenomena in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Ridge

The tides are the dominant factor determining the dynamics of water in the straits, and significantly determine changes in the vertical and horizontal structure of water. Riding in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ridge, as in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, are formed mainly by tidal waves propagating from the Pacific Ocean. Own tidal movements Sea OkhotskThe direct influence of fading forces are negligible to the direct strength. Tidal waves in the northwestern part of the Pacific are predominantly progressive and moving in the southwestern direction along the Kuril Ridge. The speed of moving tidal waves in the ocean when approaching the Kuril ridge reaches 25-40 nodes (12-20 m / s). The amplitude of tidal oscillations of the level in the ridge zone does not exceed 1 m, and the speed tidal flows It is about 10-15 cm / s. In the straits, the phase velocity of tidal waves decreases, and the amplitude of tidal oscillations of the level increases to 1.7-2.5 m. Here the rates of tidal flows increase to 5 nodes (2.5 m / s) and more. Due to the repeated reflection of tidal waves from the shores of the Okhotsk Sea in the straits themselves, there are complex progressive waves. Tidal flows in the straits have a pronounced reversing character, which is confirmed by measurements of flows at daily stations in the Straits of Bussol, Fries, Catherine and other straits. Horizontal orbits of tidal flows are usually close in their form to direct lines oriented along the straits.

Wind excitement in the Survei district

In the summer, both from the Okhotorskaya and from the ocean side Kuril Islands Large waves (height 5.0 m or more) are less common in 1% of cases. The repeatability of gradation waves of 3.0-4.5 m is 1-2% from the ocean side and 3-4% with the ocean. For gradation of wave heights 2.0-2.5 m in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, repeatability is 28-31%, and from the side of the Pacific Ocean - 32-33%. For weak excitement of 1.5 m and less from the oxomorsk side, the repeatability is 68-70%, and from the ocean side - 63-65%. The prevailing direction of excitement in the Surveil part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk - from the south-west in the south of the district and the Central Kuril Islands, to the North-West - in the north of the district. From the ocean side of the Kuril Islands in the south, the south-west direction of excitement prevails, and in the north - with equal probability, the North-West and Southeast is observed.

In the fall, the intensity of cyclones increases sharply, respectively, wind speeds are enhanced, which generate larger waves. During this period along the ocean coast of the wave islands with a height of 5.0 m and more than 6-7% of the total number of wave heights, and from the ocean side - 3-4%. The repeatability of the North-West, northeastern and southeastern directions increases. Hazardous excitement is produced by cyclones (typhuses) with a pressure in the center of less than 980 GPa and large gradients of the baric pressure - 10-12 GPa by 1 ° latitude. Typically, in September, Typhoon overlook the southern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotns, moving along the Kuril ridge

In winter, the intensity of passing cyclones increases. The repeatability of waves with a height of 5.0 m and more at this time from the ocean side of 7-8%, and with the ocean - 5-8%. The north-west direction of waves prevails and the excitement of Rumbes neighboring with him.

In the spring, the intensity of cyclones drops sharply, their depth and radius of action will significantly decrease. The repeatability of large waves throughout the water area is 1% or less, and the direction of excitement changes to the south-west and northeast.

Ice Conditions

In the Curil Straits in the autumn-winter period, due to intense tidal mixing and the flow of warmer water from the Pacific, the temperature of the water on the surface does not reach the negative values \u200b\u200bnecessary for the start of the ice formation. However, the constant and strong winds of the Northern Rumbes in the winter are the main cause of the floating ice drift in the area under study. In the harsh winters, floating ice go far beyond their middle position and reach the Kurilian strands. In January, the individual languages \u200b\u200bof floating ice in the harsh in Icelishness years come out of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOcean in the ocean through the Strait of Catherine, spreading to 30 - 40 miles into the open part of the ocean. In February, the Southern Kuril Islands, ice languages \u200b\u200bare sent to the southwest, along the island of Hokkaido, to Cape Erimo and further south. The width of the ice massif at the same time can reach 90 miles. Significant ice arrays can be observed along the island of Onekotan. The width of the ice strip here can reach 60 miles and more. In March, in extremely difficult years, the yield of ice into the open ocean from the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is carried out from the massif in the south-west of the sea through all the sheds, ranging from the cruise-seater and south. Ice languages \u200b\u200bemerging from straits flow into the southwest, along the Kuril Islands, and then - along Hokkaido Island, to Miss Erimo. The width of the ice array in different places can reach 90 miles. W. eastern coast The Kamchatka Peninsula The width of the ice array can reach more than 100 miles, and the array can spread to the island of onjects. In April, floating ice can go through any sheds of the Kuril ridge from the Cruise Strait and south, and the width of the Ice languages \u200b\u200bdoes not exceed 30 miles.

The effect of atmospheric circulation on the dynamics of water

A feature of the atmospheric processes of the Suril district, like the entire Okhotsk Sea, is the monsime nature of the circulation of the atmosphere (Fig. 2.3). This is the predominance of southeastern winds during the summer monsoon and the backward directions of the winds - in winter. The intensity of the development of monsoon is determined by the development of large-scale atmospheric processes associated with the state of the main centers of the atmosphere, regulating the atmospheric circulation over the seas of the Far Eastern region. A fairly close causal relationship between the peculiarities of atmospheric circulation and the variability of the intensity of the development of one or another level of the flow system of the Kuril Islands district, which, in turn, largely determines the formation of the temperature background of the area of \u200b\u200bthe region.

CO - "Cyclones over the ocean"; OA - "Okhotsko-Aleutsky" /

Characteristics of Soy and Kuril's currents in September 1988-1993 (1SV \u003d 10 6 m 3 / s)


Waters transfer during soybean on the traverse strait of Catherine

Soybean flow limit

Strait Catherine

Strait Frieza

Strait Frieza

Island ITUPU.

Island ITUPU.

Island ITUPU.

D T, O C at point

45 O 30 "N, 147 O 30" E

Water transfer in the Kuril current on the traverse of the Strait Bussol

D t, ° C at point

45 ° 00 "N, 153 ° 00" E

These data on the state of the Curl flows in September for the period from 1988 to 1993. Specifies the interannual variability of the characteristics of the system of these flows.

In the spring year of the year, with the predominance of the Okhotsk-Aleutian type of atmospheric circulation, there was a significant penetration of the soybean flow into the Okhotsk Sea in the next summer season and, as a result, the formation of an increased temperature background of the water area in the South Kuril district. When prevailing in the spring period of the north-western type of atmospheric circulation in the subsequent summer season, on the contrary, there was a slight penetration of soybean soybean in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, greater development of the coercion and the formation of a reduced temperature background of the water area.

The main features of the structure and dynamics of the water of the Surigil region

The structural features of the water of the Suril region of the Pacific Ocean are associated with the Kuril course, which is the Western border flow in subogenous circular circulation of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. The flow is traced in the waters of the Western modification of the subarctic structure having the following characteristics water masses :

1. Surface water mass (0-60 m); spring ° C \u003d 2-3 °, S ‰ \u003d 33.0; Summer ° C \u003d 8 °, S ‰ \u003d 33.0.

2. Cold intermediate layer (60-200 m); ° С MIN \u003d 0.3 °, S ‰ \u003d 33.3 ‰ with a kernel at a depth of 75-125 m.

3. Warm intermediate layer (200-800 m); ° C Max \u003d 3.5 °, S ‰ \u003d 34.1 ‰ with a kernel at a depth of 300-500 m.

4. Depth (800-3000 m); ° C \u003d 1.7 °, S ‰ \u003d 34.7.

5. Dinon (more than 3000 m); ° C \u003d 1.5 °, S ‰ \u003d 34.7.

Pacific waters near the northern straits of the Kuril ridge are significantly different from the water of the southern straits. The waters of the Curil flow, forming by very cold and more desalinated waters of the Eastern coast of P-ov Kamchatka and Pacific waters, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sheds of Kuril ridges mixed with transformed ocean waters. Further, the water of the Oyasio flow is formed by a mixture of oxomorsk waters transformed in the straits and the waters of the Curil flow.

General scheme circulation water The Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in general is a large cyclonic circulation, which in the northeastern part of the sea is formed by surface, intermediate and deep Pacific waters coming by water exchange through the northern coarse straits. As a result of a water exchange through the southern and central Kuril Straits, these waters partially penetrate into the Pacific Ocean and replenish the waters of the Curil flow. Characteristic for the Okhotsk Sea as a whole, the cyclonic diagram of flows, due to the prevailing cyclonic atmospheric circulation of the atmosphere over the sea, is adjusted in the southern sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea with a complex bottom relief and local features of the water dynamics of the Curil Strait. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe South Basin, a steady anticyclonic cycle is noted.

The structure of the water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, defined as the ohuntomore variety of subarctic water structure, consists of the following water masses:

1. Surface water mass (0-40 m) with temperature and salinity of about 2.5 ° and 32.5 ‰ in the spring and, accordingly, 10-13 ° and 32.8 ‰ - in summer.

2. Cold Intermediate Water Mass (40-150 m), formed in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in winter, with the characteristics of the kernel: ° C MIN \u003d -1.3 °, S ‰ \u003d 32.9 ‰ at a depth of 100 m.

Along the Kuril Islands in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, there is a sharp "opening" core of the cold intermediate layer with minimal temperature below + 1 ° at a distance of 40-60 miles from the coast of the islands. The "cliff" of the cold intermediate layer indicates the existence of a pronounced frontal section of the actual oothomors of intermediate waters and transformed waters in the straits during tidal vertical stirring. The front-end section limits the spread of stains of colder surface water on the water area along the Kuril Islands. That is, the cold intermediate layer in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is not associated with such in the smoke-kamchatka flow and is determined by the winter temperature conditions of the region.

3. Transitional water mass (150-600 m), which is formed as a result of tidal transformation of the upper layer of Pacific and oxomorsk waters in the zone of the coarse straits (T ° \u003d 1.5 °, S ‰ \u003d 33.7).

4. Deep water mass (600-1300m), manifested in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in the form of a warm intermediate layer: ° C \u003d 2.3 °, S ‰ \u003d 34.3 ‰ at a depth of 750-1000 m.

5. Water Mass South Basin (more than 1300 m) with characteristics: ° C \u003d 1.85, S ‰ \u003d 34.7.

In the southern of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk surface water mass It has three modifications. The first modification - low-salted (s ‰<32,5‰), центральная охотоморская формируется преимущественно при таянии льда и располагается до глубины 30 м в период с апреля по октябрь. Вторая - Восточно-Сахалинского течения, наблюдается в слое 0-50 м и характеризуется низкой температурой (<7°) и низкой соленостью (<32,0‰). Третья - теплых и соленых вод течения Соя, являющегося продолжением ветви Цусимского течения, распространяющегося вдоль охотоморского побережья о.Хоккайдо (в слое 0-70 м) от пролива Лаперуза до южных Курильских островов. С марта по май имеет место “предвестник” течения Соя (Т°=4-6°, S‰ =33,8-34,2‰), а с июня по ноябрь - собственно теплое течение Соя с более высокой температурой (до 14-17°) и более высокой соленостью (до 34,5‰).

Straits of the Kuril Ridge

In the Kuril archipelago, about 1,200 km long there are 28 relatively large islands and a lot of small. These islands form a large Kuril ridge and a small - located along the ocean side of a large Kuril ridge in the 60 km south-west of the latter. The total width of the Kuril straits is about 500 km. Of the total amount of cross sections of the straits, 43.3% falls on the strait of Bususol (the depth of the threshold of 2318 m), 24.4% - to the sheds of the cruise-seater (the depth of the threshold of 1920 m), 9.2% - on the freezing of frieze and 8.1% - On the IV Kuril Strait. However, the depth of even the deepest of the Kuril straits is significantly less than the maximum depth of those adjacent to the Kuril Islands of the Oshansky Sea (about 3000 m) and the Pacific (more than 3000 m). Therefore, the Kuril ridge is a natural threshold, the cooing sea depression from the ocean. At the same time, the Kuril Straits are exactly the zone in which water exchanges occurs between the specified pools. This zone has its own characteristics of the hydrological regime, differing from the mode of adjacent deep-sea areas of the ocean and the sea. Features of the orography and the relief of the bottom of this zone have a corrective effect on the formation of the structure of water and the manifestation of such processes, as tissue, tidal mixing, flow, etc.

Based on the generalization of these perennial observations, it was established that in the zone of the straits, it is more complicated than previously supposed, the hydrological structure of water. At first, the transformation of water in the straits is not manifested unequivocally. Transformed Water Structure, having characteristic signs of a coicilla variety of subarctic water structure (characterized by negative temperature anomalies and positive - salinity on the surface in a warm half-year, a more powerful cold intermediate layer and more smoothed extremes of intermediate aquatic masses, including the positive anomalies of the minimum temperature), is observed Mostly on the shelf of islands, where tidal mixing is more pronounced. In shallow water, tidal transformation leads to the formation of a homogeneous vertical structure of water. In deep-water areas of straits, well-stratified waters are observed. SecondlyThe complexity lies in the fact that for the zone of the coarse straits is characterized by the presence of different-scale inhomogeneities forming in the vortex formation and frontogenesis in the process of contacting the jets of the Curl flows occurring against the background of tidal mixing. At the same time, in the structure of thermohalin fields there is a change in the position of the boundaries and extremes of intermediate layers. In the areas of the vortices, as well as in areas of stringing flows that carry and preserve their characteristics, there is a localization of homogeneous minimum temperature kernels of the cold intermediate layer. Thirdly, the structure of water in the zones of the straits is adjusted by the variability of the water exchange in the straits. In each of the main coarse straits in different years, depending on the development of a particular system of the district flow system, either the prevailing stock of ocean waters is possible, or the predominant nutrition of Pacific waters, or bilateral water circulation.

IV Kuril Prolve

IV Kuril Strait is one of the main northern strands of the Kuril Island ridge. The cross-section of the Strait is 17.38 km 2, which is 8.1% of the total transverse area of \u200b\u200bthe cross sections of all Curil Straits, the depth of it is about 600 m. The topographic feature of the Strait is its openness towards the Okhotsk Sea and the presence of a threshold of a depth of about 400m from Pacific.

Thermohalin Structure of Water IV Curil Strait


Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)



° S.

Saltness, ‰

Depth, M.

° S.

Saltness, ‰








Cold intermediate


core: 50-150




core: 50-150



Warm intermediate


kernel: 350-400



kernel: 350-400



> 1000


> 1000









Cold intermediate


75-100, 200-300




75-100, 200-300












Cold intermediate


kernel: 60-110




kernel: 60-110



Warm intermediate






> 1000


> 1000


Due to the complex relief of the bottom in the strait, the number of water masses is different. In shallow water, vertical stirring leads to homogenization of water. In these cases, only the surface water mass takes place. For the main part of the strait, where the depth is 500-600 m, two aqueous masses are observed - surface and cold intermediate. In deeper stations from the oakomorsk side, there is also a warmer bottom water mass. At some stations, the strait is observed the second minimum temperature. Since in the Strait from the Pacific Ocean, there is a threshold with depths of about 400 m, then the water exchange between the quiet ocean and the Okhotsk Sea is practically carried out to the depths of the threshold. That is, the Pacific and oxomorsk water masses, located at high depths, do not have contact in the Strait zone.

Strait Krusenstern

Solving Cruisesttern is one of the largest and deep strands of the Kuril Island ridge. The cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe Strait is 40.84 km 2. The threshold of the strait, with depths of 200-400 m located from its ocean side. In the Strait there is a gutter with depths from 1200 m to 1990 m, through which water can be carried out by deep waters between the quiet ocean and the Okhotsk Sea. The northeastern part of the Strait occupies a shallow water with depths less than 200 m. Unlike other straits of the Kuril ridge, the system of islands and straits (shedding and head sheds), which are essentially in the sheds of the cruise store, is formed by a group of small islands and rocks limited from the south island Simushir and from the North Island Shiashkoltan.

Thermohalin Water Structure Strait Cruise


Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)



° S.

Saltness, ‰


° S.

Saltness, ‰

Surfaceing Pacific




kernel: 75-100

kernel: 75-100


kernel: 250-350.

kernel: 250-350






the kernel: 75-150

the kernel: 75-150



Surifying to the Strait of the Okhotorsky district




the kernel: 75-150

the kernel: 75-150



Strait Bussolol

Strait Bussol is the deepest and wide strait of the Kuril ridge, located in its central part between the Islands of the Simushir and Mr. Due to the large depths, the cross-sectional area is almost half (43.3%) from the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200ball sheds of the ridge and is 83.83 km 2. The underwater relief of the strait is distinguished by sharp drops of depths. In the central part of the Strait there is a raising of the bottom to a depth of 515 m, which is dismembered by two gutters - Western, depth of 1334 m and Eastern - a depth of 2340 m. The presence of large depths in the strait creates more favorable conditions for the preservation of vertical water stratification and penetration of Pacific waters in the sea Big depths.

Thermohalin Structure of Water Tide Busol


Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)



° S.

Saltness, ‰


° S.

Saltness, ‰

Surfaceing Pacific










core: 50-75




core: 50-75



Warm intermediate






> 1000


> 1000









Cold intermediate


kernel: 100-150




kernel: 200-300.



Warm intermediate






> 1200


> 1200


Surifying to the Strait of the Okhotorsky district








Cold intermediate


kernel: 75-100




kernel: 150-250









> 1200


> 1200


Strait Frieza

Frealing - one of the main straits of the southern part of the Kuril Island ridge. The strait is located between the Islands of the Warpet and ITUP. The cross-section of the Strait is 17.85 km 2, which is 9.2% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe cross sections of all straits. The depth of the Strait is about 600 m. From the Pacific side there is a threshold with depths of about 500 m.

Thermohyline Water Structure Strait Freeza


Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)



° S.

Saltness, ‰



Saltness, ‰

Surfaceing Pacific











core: 50-75




kernel: 125-200.











> 1000


> 1000
















kernel: 100-200.






Surifying to the Strait of the Okhotorsky district











kernel: 75-100




kernel: 100-150









> 1000


> 1000


For a significant part of the strait, where the depth is about 500 m, only two aquatic masses are distinguished - the surface and cold intermediate. On deeper stations where the upper boundary of the top border of the warm intermediate aquatic mass is observed, due to the small depths of the strait (about 600 m), this aqueous mass is donical. The presence of a threshold from the Pacific prevents the penetration of the water well-pronounced in the Pacific Ocean of a warm intermediate layer. In this regard, the warm intermediate layer in the Strait zone has smoothed characteristics - closer to the indices of the warm intermediate layer of oxomoreous waters. Due to the small depths of the strait, the deep octic and Pacific aqueous mass practically do not have contact in the zone of the strait.

Features of water circulation are associated with the interannual variability of the non-periodic flows of this area, in particular, with the variability in the intensity of soybean. As established at present, the current occurs in the southern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in the spring, enhanced and maximizes the summer and weakens in the autumn period. In this case, the border of the spread of the flow depends on its intensity and varies from year to year. In general, the freezing of the frieze is neither purely stock, nor purely feed, although in some years it can be as such.

Strait Catherine

The strait is located between the islands of ITUURUP and Kunashir. The width of the strait in narrowness is 22 km, the threshold depth is 205 m, the cross-sectional area is about 5 km 2. From the north, the head of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea is suitable with a gutter with depths of more than 500 m, the continuation of which is the deep-water central part of the strait with depths of more than 300 m. The western part of the gripping, in the eastern part of the depth of the depth to the center increases more smoothly. On the approaches to the shed side of the ocean, the depth does not exceed 200-250 m.

At the Okhotorsk coast of the island Kunashir, the surface aqueous mass is made from the warmer water of the flow of soybeans and surface oxomores of the appropriate (in this case - summer) modifications. The first kunashir north shores are held, usually occupy a layer from the surface to a depth of 50-100 m. The second is located, usually, the monastery of the northern border of the soybean flow and in the case of the lateness of the latter approaching Catherine from the north. Their spreading in depth rarely exceeds the upper 20-30 m. The above-mentioned surfaces of the water masses are maintained by the cooling waters in the summer-autumn period of the year the cold intermediate layer.

From the ocean side of the Strait of Catherine, the spread of surface and subsurface aquatic masses is entirely determined by the Kuril course, the coast of the island of ITUP and the coast of the Small Kuril Ridge.

Thermohalin indexes and vertical boundaries of water masses

in the Strait of Catherine


Surface water


Cold Intermediate Water Mass

° S.



° S.









Water soy










The flow of water from the Ocean of the Sea to the ocean is expressed in the phase of low tide in the central part of the Strait. The cast flow enhances the adevection of heat with a branch of warm soybean. At the coast, the flow rate sharply decreases and changes the direction, and in some situations, the coast has a tidal counterchange. In the zones of a sharp change in speed and direction of the flow, a longitudinal front is usually visible. Changing the phases of the tidal and refreshing flow occurs simultaneously in connection with which at certain intervals, sufficiently complex divergence zone and convergence convergence arise and suloa bands appear.

For the horizontal distribution of water temperature in the Strait, a spotted structure is characterized, which is likely to be the result of the interaction of non-periodic flows, the relief of the bottom and tidal movements. The "foci of insulated water" is not stable formations and are generated by the action of unbalanced forces.

Seasonal variability of circulation of waters of Kuril Straits

The results of calculations of geostrophic flows for the Kuril Ridge District, based on the data of expeditionary observations, indicate the formation of a bilateral flow chart in the straits. Since the pattern of water and the ocean water and the ocean are significantly affected by the dynamics of the adjacent areas of the sea and the ocean, it is observed a change in the balance of spending in the sheds, the nature of the water exchange is changed through a specific strait - predominantly sewing or vice versa, up to a purely waste or feed. However, these estimates give only a high-quality picture, do not allow to judge the costs through the straits, seasonal and interannual variability of water exchange.

Using a mathematical quasi-beadic model A.S. Vasilyev, a number of numerical experiments were conducted for the zone of the coarse straits, which includes the most active area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Island Arc - the Strait of Frieze and the Strait of Busol with surrounding water areas. Expeditionary research materials for 80-90 GG are used as the source information. In the zone of the coarse straits, as well as the available archival data on temperature, salinity on the surface of the ocean and real fields of atmospheric pressure. Calculations were carried out on a uniform grid in 10 ¢ in latitude and longitude. Numerical calculations in the study area were carried out taking into account the types of atmospheric circulation prevailing for each of the four seasons (Fig. 2.3), for characteristic months, when water circulation maximally takes into account the effect of seasonal atmospheric impact. As a rule, this is the last month of the season.

Winter(December- march). For the winter period with the North-West (SZ) type of atmospheric circulation, the water circulation corresponds to the direction of transfer of air masses (in the zone of southern coarse straits from the northeast). A bilateral circulation with a well-pronounced removal of ohuntomormous waters is observed in the Strait of Bussol. In the freezing of the frieze - the preferential takeaway of the Okhotomorsk waters. At the same time, there is a one-sided movement of streams along the islands on both sides of the strait in the southern direction - and from the sea, and from the ocean side. Evaluation of integral expenditures shows that the shedding of the frieze in the winter season with the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation is a waste stranded with a maximum removal of up to 1.10 s. With a typical atmospheric circulation of cyclones over the ocean (CSC), the water circulation circuit is substantially corrected - two-sided water circulation is formed. . In the zone of the Strait, the Bususol is observed "dense packaging" of multidirectional vortex formations.

Integrated waters in the Kuril Strait (in SV) (Positive values \u200b\u200b- the receipt of Pacific waters,negative - removal of oochomorsk waters)

Winter (March)

SZ Tso

Spring (June)


Summer (September)


Autumn (November)

SZ Tso



0 - Note

Spring(April - june). With the North-Western (SZ), the type of atmospheric circulation in the zone of the Strait of Busus is noticeable to increase the number of multidirectional cycles. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Western gutter of this strait from the Pacific, a cyclonic cycle in contact with anticyclonic formation further in the Pacific Ocean is well traced. In the eastern groove, the conditions of bilateral circulation are created, more explicit than in the winter season. In the freezing of the frieze, with this type of atmospheric circulation, it is maintained and somewhat enhanced (up to 1.80 s) preferential removal of ocean waters in the northwestern part of the strait. Another type of atmospheric circulation, which is also characteristic of this period - the Okhotsk-Aleutian (OA) (transfer of air masses in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Southern Kuril Islands in the direction from the south-east), significantly changes the direction of water flows, especially in the freezing of the frieze. The flows here are mainly sent to the Okhotsk Sea, i.e. There is a prevailing flow through the strait of Pacific waters. The balance of spending through the strait shows an increase in the flow of water (compared with the previous type of atmospheric circulation) - from 0.10 sv to 1.10 s. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Strait, a large number of multidirectional cycles are formed.

Summer (July - september). In the north-western type of atmospheric circulation in the freeze station, a bilateral direction of water movement is formed (unlike previous seasons, when with this type of atmospheric circulation, the preferential stock of oxomoreous waters was observed). In the Strait, Busus is also noted changes in water circulation. A sharp frontal section between the cyclonic circulation from the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk and anticyclonic formation from the Pacific Ocean passes across the east. At the same time, there is a preferential removal of oxomorsk waters through the central part of the strait. The estimates of the costs through the strait show a significant amount of the flow of hunting waters - to 9.70 centuries, and when the Pacific waters are received - only 4.30 sv. Another characteristic for summer season The Okhotsk-Aleutian type of atmospheric circulation, somewhat adjusts the circulation of the water circulation. In the Strait, the Bussol is formed the second frontal section, the orientation of the fronts is changed - along the strait, the circulation scheme is complicated. In the central part of the Strait there is a stream of Pacific Water to the Okhotsk Sea. The removal of oxomore waters is divided into two streams - through the western and eastern shedding gutter and the balance of spending through the strait is balanced (costs are about 8 st in the other direction). In the freezing of the frieze, there is a well-pronounced bilateral scheme of flows.

Fall (October- november). The autumn period, like the Spring - the time of restructuring atmospheric processes over the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. The duration of the North-West type of atmospheric circulation increases, as well as instead of the Okhotsk-Aleutian type, the type of "cyclones over the ocean" is obtained. A significant weakening of water circulation intensity is noticeably. With the north-western type of atmospheric circulation, the flow diagram in the freezing of the frieze maintains a bilateral orientation (as in the summer period with this type of atmospheric circulation). In the Strait, the salary circuit of the water circulation is represented by an elongated across the strait of a two none anticyclonic circulation, which determines the two-sided circulation of water in each of the stratum gutters. When the type of atmospheric circulation "Cyclones over the ocean" for the circulation of water in the Strait, the Bussol is noted the removal of oxomorsk waters in the Western gutter of the strait and double-sided circulation of water in the anticyclonic cycle in the Eastern Gutter of the Strait.

Thus, according to the results of model calculations in the freezing of the frieze, a preferential removal of oxomorsk waters is observed in the winter and spring period with the north-western type of atmospheric circulation, as well as in the winter and autumn period with a typical synoptic situation "Cyclones over the ocean". A bilateral flow diagram takes place with the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation in the summer and autumn periods. The preferential entry of Pacific Waters is observed under the Okhotsk-Aleutian type in the summer. In the Strait, the Bussol is a preferential removal of octomorsk waters in the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation in the summer. A fairly well-pronounced bilateral circuit of circulation of water in the strait is formed with the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation in the winter and spring seasons. With the remaining typical synoptic situations, circulation in the strait is represented by flows of a versatile orientation, due to the "dense packaging" of the vortex formations of various orientation. Seasonal variability of the intensification of water circulation in the straits can be traced. From the cold period of the first half of the year to the warm value of the waters increases by an order.

Hydrological zoning

Research of hydrological conditions zones of Kuril Straitov And the adjacent areas of the Pacific and the Ocean Sea revealed a number of similar features and features of the formation of the thermohalin structure of the waters in each of the districts.

The Sea Okhotsk and part of the Pacific Ocean in the Kuril Islands are filled with the waters of the subarctic structure - more precisely by the Okhotorskaya, Pacific and Kurilic species. Each - in the spring, summer and autumn consists of surface Water mass, cold and warm intermediate layers and deep root water.

In the subarctic structure of all three varieties, the main features are: a minimum temperature cold intermediate layer and maximum temperature of a warm intermediate layer. However, for each of the species is characterized by their own characteristics. The cold intermediate layer is most sharply expressed in the oothomorsk waters. The temperature in the core of the cold intermediate layer of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is maintained negative for most of the water area during the entire warm period of the year. In the zone of the ohuntomorsk coast of the Kuril Islands, there is a sharp "opening" of the cold intermediate layer, contracted by isotherm with + 1 ° associated with a well-pronounced front section of the actual oothomor waters and transformed waters of the Kuril Strait zones. For the coalkual variety of subarctic water structure in the warm half year, lower temperatures are characterized by lower temperatures and higher salinity values \u200b\u200bon the surface relative to the adjacent water and ocean, the expansion of the boundaries of the cold intermediate layer and the smoother temperature extremes of the aqueous mass. In the Pacific Waters, the intermediate layers are quite well expressed. As a result, on the side of the Pacific Ocean, along the islands, the Kuril flow, carrying the water of the Pacific subarctic structure, creates contrasts of thermohalin characteristics. A frontal zone is formed here, well-pronounced in the temperature of the surface and intermediate waters.

Warm intermediate layer The most clearly expressed in the Pacific waters. In the oothomorsk waters and in the zone of the sheds, this layer has more smoothed characteristics. This circumstance makes it possible to identify this aqueous mass as a Pacific or as an oothomorskaya in the study of water exchange through the straits.

Due to the peculiarities of the topography of Kuril Straits depth Okhotomorsk and Pacific Waters have contact only in the straits Bussol and Kruzenchtern. At the same time, the ohuntomore deep waters are colder than Pacific almost 1 ° and have a slightly smaller salinity - by 0.02. The coldest water (bringing the East Sakhalin flow in a cold intermediate layer to the Southern and Central Kuril Straits from the Formation Places on the Shelf of the Okhotsk Sea), as well as the warmer (associated with the penetration in the surface layer in the southern part of the Warm Waters of Soybean Sea), Enters the ocean through the Strait of Catherine and Frieza. In the ocean, these water nourish the Curil Current.

Studies of the thermohalin structure of water by analyzing cuts and cards of thermohalin fields, as well as analyzing T, S-curves, taking into account the conditions that form this structure in the whole area as a whole, allowed to clarify the previously division of the species of the subarctic structure of water in the Kuril Islands area and highlight a number of types (or species) Structures with the corresponding indexes of the considerations of their aquatic masses.

Selected the following varieties of water structure:

  • pacific type subarctic structure - Pacific waters carrying by the Kuril current;
  • okhotomorsky a type - ocean waters, characterized by particularly low minimal temperatures in a cold intermediate layer and a weakly developed warm intermediate layer;
  • a type south of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk - ocean waters, distinguished by the high values \u200b\u200bof thermohalin characteristics in the surface layer associated with the penetration of soybean water in the South Okhotomorsky district;
  • a type zones of Kuril Straitov (Curil type) - Transformed Waters characterized by characterized by thermohalin characteristics in the surface layer (lower temperature and higher salinity, relative to the adjacent water and ocean), more powerful vertically with a cold intermediate layer and more smoothed by the extremums of the aquatic masses;

  • type of shallow zone - Waters that are distinguished by a practically homogeneous vertical distribution of thermohalin characteristics.

Typification of the thermohalin structure of the water of the Kuril Islands

Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)

1. Tyookean type






kernel: 250-350.

kernel: 250-350.



2.Ochotomorskoy type




kernel: 75-100






3. FIP of the southern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk







4. Thip zone of Kuril Straits


(IV Kuril)





(IV Kuril)



kernel: 100-150



(IV Kuril)




(Kruzenshtern) (Bussol)

5. Scale zones of shallow water


Designations: (C *) - on the traverse IV of the Kuril Strait, (Y *) - Strait Busol.

The selected types of water structure are separated by the front zones of various intensity. The following fronts are defined:

  • coastal Front of the Curil Current - zone of the interaction of the 1st and 4th types of water structure (intrastructural Kuril Front);
  • curl Front of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk Intermittent with water exchange between the Okhotsk Sea and the Surveillars area is the area of \u200b\u200binteraction of the 2nd and 4th types of water structure. Here a "opening" of the cold intermediate layer of the ohotomorskoy type of water was found. The front is particularly clearly manifested in intermediate layers. It shares the cold water of the cold intermediate layer of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk and abnormally warm waters cold intermediate layer of the zone of the coarse straits;
  • fRONT of the flow of soy associated with the invasion of the warmer and salt waters of the soybean in the surface layer observed in the southern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in the structure of the 3rd type. The front is the zone of contact of the water of the 2nd and 3rd types of water structure.
  • fronts in the zones of the coarse straits associated with the circulation around the islands, with the ruptures of the 1st or 2nd Surveillant fronts upon the invasion of Pacific, or oxomorsk waters in the zones of the straits and what is happening with the vortex formation;
  • fronts of shallow zones arising from the formation of the 5th type of water structure (separating homogeneous waters of shallow water and stratified waters of the 1st, 2nd or 4th types of structures).

The picture of hydrological zoning of the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Straits with the surrounding zones of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk and the Pacific Ocean, as well as the distribution of the allocated types of water structure and the position of the front sections - quasi-stationary. The complex dynamics of waters in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Islands, due to the variability in the development of the intensity of development and the nature of the interaction of Curl flows, determines the evolution of the front partitions. Fronts become unstable, which is manifested in the form of formation of meanders, vortices and other inhomogeneities.

For the subarctic structure of water in the Pacific Ocean, the vertical distribution of sound speed is monotoned in winter and non-monotonic summer. In the warm period of the year, a thermal type of sound channel is formed with severe asymmetry. The upper part of the channel is due to the presence of seasonal thermocline. The position of the axis is the minimum temperature in the cold intermediate layer. Further increase in the speed of sound with depth is associated with increasing temperature in a warm intermediate layer and an increase in hydrostatic pressure. In this case, the formation of the so-called flat-grained waveguide.

Sound speed field in waters pacific Structures are non-uniform. In the zone of minimum sound speed values \u200b\u200balong the coast of the islands, an area is distinguished, characterized by particularly low values \u200b\u200b(up to 1450 m / s). This area is associated with the flow of a coicilla flow. Analysis of the vertical sections of the sound speed field and temperature shows that the axis of the sound channel corresponding to the position of the core of the cold intermediate layer coincides with the strand of the flow. At the cuts of the sound velocity field crossing the flow flow, lenzo-shaped areas are observed, refurbished out of the minimum sound velocity (also as in temperature - the lens-shaped areas of the minimum temperature in the core of the cold intermediate layer). When crossing the coastal front of the coastal flow, where the magnitude of the temperature changes can reach up to 5 ° at a distance of several hundred meters, the differences of sound velocity values \u200b\u200bare 10 m / s.

AT okhotomorskaya The structure of water characteristic of the cold intermediate layer, the negative values \u200b\u200bof the minimum temperature cause the appearance of a sharply pronounced underwater audio channel. At the same time, as well as for a cold intermediate layer, in the field of sound velocity, there is a "opening" of a flat-grained waveguide when crossing the Surveil Front of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. The spatial distribution of sound speed is extremely inhomogeneously. In the distribution of speed of sound on the surface there is a decrease in its values \u200b\u200btowards the shelf of islands. The spatial pattern of the sound velocity field here is complicated due to the presence of diverse inhomogeneities of thermohalin fields associated with observed constant vortex formation. Here are lenzo-shaped areas with lower values \u200b\u200b(with a difference of up to 5 m / s) compared to the surrounding waters.

In structure south Okhotomorsky Waters, which is formed during the invasion of warm lattern water flow water in the surface layer of water, sound speed profiles are distinguished by both the values \u200b\u200bof sound speed values \u200b\u200band the form of the vertical distribution and the position of the extremums. The form of the vertical sound velocity curve here is determined not only by the temperature profile, but also the non-monotonic vertical distribution of salinity, characterizing the structure of the flow of water flowing into the South-Okomorsk region. The vertical saline distribution in the surface layer has a maximum that prevents a decrease in sound speed values. In this regard, the position of the axis of the audio channel is observed several deeper the position of the core of the cold intermediate layer. Consequently, in this area, the type of sound channel ceases to be purely thermal. For a south-oxomorskoy type of water structure, the maximum range of changes in the speed of sound (from 1490-1500 m / s on the surface, to 1449-1450 m / s per axis of the audio channel).

AT strait zone And on both sides of the Kuril Ridge as a result of tidal mixing, a significant number of frontal sections of various scale are formed. With frontogenesis and vortex formation, the depth of the seasonal thermocline is changed and respectively - tachoklin (sometimes before exiting it to the surface), the position of the kernel of the cold intermediate layer, its boundaries and, accordingly, the axis of the sound channel and its boundaries changes. The most striking features of the structure of the speed field are found in the zones of stripping flows in the area of \u200b\u200bthe straits (as in areas adjacent to the islands). The localization of the homogeneous minimum temperature cores in the cold intermediate layer is observed, which coincides with the zone of maximum flow rates. In the planes of transverse thermohalinous cuts, these zones correspond to areas limited by closed isotherms. A similar picture is observed in the sound velocity field - these zones correspond to the areas limited by closed outflows. Similar, but more pronounced areas were discovered earlier in the study of such mesoscale inhomogeneities, as vortex education, frontal and inter-terror zones in the areas of Kurosio - Oyasio, California. In this regard, the existence of a special type of sound channel in the ocean, which is a three-dimensional acoustic waveguide. In contrast to the known flat-grained waveguide, there are not only elevated vertical, but also horizontal sound speed gradients, limiting the area to the left and right. In the plane of transverse cuts - these are areas limited by closed outflows. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Straits, there is a weakly generated similarity of three-dimensional acoustic waveguides. The expeditionary data of the FEA of the Russian Academy of Sciences show the constant existence of such waveguides in the area under study.

Thus, in the area of \u200b\u200bKuril Islands, the following features of the hydroacoustic structure of water are observed:

  • comparatively low sound speed values \u200b\u200bon the sea surface in the shelf zone of the Kuril ridge;
  • erosion of the axis of the sound channel and the increase in the speed of propagation of sound towards the islands;
  • the destruction of the sound canal in the shallow water of the islands, up to its complete disappearance;
  • along with a flat-grained waveguide, three-dimensional acoustic waveguides are forming.

Thus, the formation of a hydroacoustic structure of water in the area under study is generally determined by the characteristics of the hydrological structure of water. Each area is the zone of the Curil Straits, adjacent areas of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk - are characterized by both certain types of thermohalin structure of water, as well as certain features of the structure of the sound velocity field. In each area, there are types of vertical sound distribution curves with appropriate numerical indexes of extremums and types of audio channels.

Structure of the Speed \u200b\u200bSpeed \u200b\u200bField in the Kuril Islands Area

warm half year

Sound speed, m / s

Depth, M.




axis of the sound canal

okhotomorsky Type of hydrological structure



axis of the sound canal

south Okhotomorsky Type of hydrological structure



axis of the sound canal

Zones of Kuril Straitov



axis of the sound canal

Zone shallow


For pacific Subarctic Water Structure Formation of the Sound Speed \u200b\u200bField is largely due to the Kuril current, where the axis of the sound channel, as studies have shown, coincides with the streamline and the zone of the minimum temperature of the cold intermediate layer. The type of forming sound waveguides is thermal.

AT okhotomorskaya Watery structure The negative values \u200b\u200bof the minimum water temperature in the cold intermediate layer determine the formation of a sharply pronounced underwater audio channel. It was found that in the sound speed field here, as for the core of the cold intermediate layer, there is a "cliff" of a flat-grained waveguide with the intersection of the Curl front of the Okhotsk Sea.

In structure south Okhotomorsky WATER The shape of the vertical sound velocity curve is determined not only by the vertical temperature profile, but also the non-monotonic distribution of salinity profile due to the invasion of the warm, more salted water of the soybean. In this regard, the position of the audio channel axis is observed several deeper the position of the core of the cold intermediate layer. The type of sound channel ceases to be purely thermal. A feature of the structure of the sound speed field in this area is also the maximum range of changes in the speed of sound speed from the surface to the axis of the audio channel, compared with other areas considered here.

For the structure of water zones of Kuril Straitov The relatively small sound velocity values \u200b\u200bare characterized on the surface, smoothed extremmas curve of the vertical sound speed profile and erosion of the axis of the sound channel.

In homogenized waters zones of shallow water There is a destruction of the sound channel up to its disappearance. In the zone of the coarse straits and areas adjacent to them - both from the Pacific Ocean and the Okhotsk Sea - along with flat-grained waveguides there are weakly pronounced three-dimensional acoustic waveguides.

My dream is to visit Kamchatka or Sakhalin off the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. Alas, for me such a trip is distant and costly. I will hope that I will once I see this beauty. And now I can only deepen your knowledge and watch the video about this beautiful place. I believe that my knowledge is enough and therefore I want Describe the Sea Okhotsk.

Geographic characteristics of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk

I remember from school when we were told by a geography teacher that to describe a large geographical object, you need to open atlas and find it on the map. Then you need to make up Plan characteristicsSea Okhotsk:

  • sea \u200b\u200bname;
  • geographical position;
  • islands and Peninsula;
  • dimensions;
  • depth, salinity;
  • economic use.

Okhotsk Sea is the outskirts sea of \u200b\u200bPacific. It is located near the eastern shores of Eurasia, between Kamchatka, Kuril Islands and Mainland. His the area is 1,603,000 km².Maximum depth - 3,916 m, and the average salinity - 32. Fishery is in the sea fishing fish and seafood. Most of the fish are most caught: Salmon, herring, Mintai, Moisa, Navaga. It is Kamchatka that is famous for its red and black caviar. It's also important Transport Path. Permanent is underway Oil development With the sea shelf.

Features of the Okhotsk Sea

If you look at the sea from the height, it can be seen that almost everywhere high shores, rockse.. When you look at the shore from afar, then only black stripes can be seen on the horizon.

Geologists argue that the eastern part of the sea is one of the most "Troubled" regionsworld Ocean. The oscillations of the earth's crust for the territory is the usual phenomenon. Kamchatka-Kuril district is one of the most interesting regions of the world. In the sea, volcanoes are constantly erupted and they call it fruitry. The Kuril Islands have volcanic origin.

Interestingly, in 1910, a hydrographic expedition took place near Magadan. The researchers did not see a small island, which is located three kilometers from the coast and did not bring it to the card. Later it was called island misunderstanding.

Okhotsk Sea

Physico-geographical characteristics and hydrometeorological conditions

The Sea Okhotsk is located in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Asia and is separated from the ocean chain of the Kuril Islands and the peninsula of Kamchatka. From the south and west, it is limited by the coast of Hokkaido Island, eastern shore Sakhalin Islands and Asian Statistics Coast. The sea is significantly stretched from the southwest to the northeast within the spherical trapezium with coordinates of 43043 "-62042" with. sh. and 135010 "-164045" in. d. The largest length of the water area in this direction is 2463 km, and the width reaches 1500 km. The area of \u200b\u200bthe marine surface mirror according to some estimates is 1603 thousand km2, the length of the coastline is 10,460 km, and the total volume of the sea is 1316 thousand km3. In their way geographical position It refers to the outbound seas of a mixed mainland type. The Okhotsk Sea is connected to the quiet ocean with numerous sheds of the Kuril Island ridge, and with the Japanese sea - through the strait of the lapere and through the Amur Liman - the straits of Nevelsky and Tatar. The average value of the depth of the sea is 821 m, and the largest - 3374 m (in the Kuril Bowl). Some sources give the distinguished maximum depths - 3475 and even 3521 m.

The main morphological zones in the rank of the bottom are: shelf (mainland and island ovens about. Sakhalin), the mainland slope, on which separate underwater hills, depressions and islands are distinguished, and deep-water brass. The shelf zone (0-200 m) has a width of 180-250 km and takes about 20% of the sea area. Wide and gentle, in the central part of the pool, the mainland slope (200-2000 m) takes about 65%, and the deeplement of the bottom of the sea (more than 2500 m), located in the southern sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea - 8% of the sea area. Within the portion of the mainland slope, several elevations and depressions are distinguished, where the depths change dramatically (the hills of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Institute of Oceanology, the depressions of Derdygina and Tingro). The bottom of the deep-water basin is a flat-rescaled plain, and the Kuril ridge is a natural threshold, sealing the sea brand from the ocean.

Straits connecting the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk with neighboring areas of the Japanese Sea and the Pacific Ocean, provide the possibility of water exchange between the pools, which, in turn, have a significant impact on the distribution hydrological characteristics. The sheds of Nevelsky and Laperose relative to narrow and shallow water, which is the cause of relatively weak water exchange with the Japanese sea. The straits of the Kuril Island ridge, stretching about 1200 km, on the contrary, are deepening, and their total width is 500 km. The most deep-water are the straits of Bussol (2318 m) and Cruisesttern (1920 m).

The Okhotsk Sea is located in the monsoon climatic zone of moderate latitudes, however, for the northern part of the sea, which is deeply going to the Asian Mainland, and some features of the climate of the Arctic seas are also peculiar. The monsonic climate caused by the change in the location and the nature of the interaction of the barytic formations, as well as the position of the sea on the border of the Asian mainland and the Pacific, are the main factors for the climate and the hydrological regime of the sea. The main barical formations that determine the conditions for circulating the atmosphere and the nature of the transfer of air masses are Aleutian minimum, the North-Pacific maximum, the Siberian anticyclone (winter), as well as the Far Eastern depression and the Okhotsk anticyclone (summer). The total monsime nature of circulation and wind regimen is often disturbed by deep cyclones, which pass in the direction from the south-west to the northeast. Winter here, especially in the northern part of the sea, continuous and harsh, with frequent storm winds and blizzards. Summer is cool, with plenty of precipitation and thick fogs. Spring and autumn short, cold and cloud. In general, the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is the coldest of the Far Eastern seas. The cold season lasts here from 120-130 days in the south to 210-220 days in the north of the sea. The effect of cooling factors affects more than peeling and resulting heat exchange on the surface is negative. In general, in its climatic conditions, the Sea is the most cold of the Far Eastern seas.

From May to September, weak winds (2-5 m / s) southern quarter are dominated over the sea waters of the sea. Cases of short-term sharp wind gain (up to 20 m / s or more) are associated with access to the sea of \u200b\u200bindividual cyclones and typhoons with a maximum of repeatability in August-September. Typically, 1-2 is noted here, less than 3-4 cases of Typhoon exit per year. In the cold season over the sea, strong winds of the Northern Quarter dominate with the most likely values \u200b\u200bof the speed of 5-10 m / s (in some months 10-15 m / s). The repeatability of the storm winds by the speed of more than 15 m / s average per year is about 10%. Probabilistic characteristics of the speed and direction of the wind differ markedly for individual areas of the sea. Maximum speeds The wind reaches the values \u200b\u200bof 25-30 m / s in the northeast and western parts of the sea, 30-35 m / s - in central and eastern and more than 40 m / s - in the south. Autumn-winter storm winds compared with summer are more powerful and duration. The most troubled are the southern and southeastern areas of the sea. Significant horizontal length of the sea, frequent and strong winds over the water area contribute to the development of strong wind unrest and zybi (wave height from 4-6 to 10-11 m), and the entire totality of hydrometeolation creates prerequisites for the dangerous icing of ships and facilities in the sea.

The values \u200b\u200bof the average annual values \u200b\u200bof the air temperature over the Okhotsk Sea are gradually decreased from the south to the north of 4-50 to -4 ... -50. The range of average monthly fluctuations in temperature in this direction, on the contrary, increases from 15-180 to 30-360. The coldest month is January, and the warmest is August. The minimum actual air temperature values \u200b\u200bfixed on coastal stations are -36 ... -510 in the north and -12 ... -160 in southern regions seas. Maximum values \u200b\u200b(31-360) were observed in the southwestern part of the sea. In the cold period of the year, when changing the synoptic situations, there are sharp fluctuations in the air temperature within the entire water area, the swing of which can exceed 200 [4, 9, 11, 14, 17].

Okhotsk Sea, along with Bering, is a highly productive marine ecosystem and has an exceptionally important commercial importance for Russia.

Hydrological characteristic

The hydrological regime of the sea is determined by the peculiarities of its geographic location, a significant meridional length, severe climatic conditions, character of vertical, horizontal circulation and water exchange with the quiet ocean and the Japanese sea, as well as the bottom terrain. In coordinary, the mainland stock, pensive phenomena, and the coastal configuration are essential. The combination of these factors creates a rather complex pattern of the distribution of hydrological characteristics on the surface and intermediate horizons. This section summarizes the basic information about the spatial distribution and variability of temperature and salinity. sea water, water masses, flows, tides and ice conditions of the Sea, based on published works and analyzing the graphic material of the atlas. All the values \u200b\u200bof air and water temperature are given in degrees Celsius (OC), and salinity - in ppm (1 g / kg \u003d 1).

Horizontal water temperature distribution

The actual characteristics of the field of horizontal distribution of the water temperature of the surface and the deep horizons of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are formulated and continuously vary under the action of physical processes of various scale and intensity flowing on the surface and in the thickness of the sea. The fluctuations of these characteristics, as in other Far Eastern seas, are most distinctly expressed in the surface, active layer of the sea, where their short-period and daily variability, seasonal intra-annual and inter-annual climatic move, non-periodic oscillations of various nature are clearly traced. Physics of these processes and regional peculiarities of the thermal regime of the water area are relatively well studied, and the assimilation of these perennial hydrological observations allows us to construct generalized spatial temperature distribution schemes on various horizons for all months of the year.

The temperature of the water on the surface, with the exception of individual summer months, when there is a more motley picture, in general he drops from the south to the north. In the south, the average annual temperatures are 5-70, and in the north - about 2-30. Introductal fluctuations in the surface temperature of the surface layer are very significant throughout the water area and quickly fade with depth. The magnitude of these oscillations on the sea surface is 10-190. The maximum average values \u200b\u200bof the amplitudes of intraday oscillations are marked in the southernmost sea of \u200b\u200bsea and somewhat smaller - in its entire western part. Minimum - at the central and northern part of the Suril district. In the period from May to November, the average monthly values \u200b\u200bof water temperature are positive everywhere. Due to uneven warm-up and mixing the surface layer, as well as the influence of advective processes at this time of the year, the horizontal temperature distribution is most inhomogeneously. If in May the average temperature values \u200b\u200bon the surface vary from 0 to 50, then in August, the most "warm" month, these values \u200b\u200bincrease to 8-180. The warmest waters are located in the southernmost sea of \u200b\u200bLaperose and about. Hokkaido. It should be noted that the time of the maximum temperature of the surface on the surface in separate areas may differ by 1-2 months and is somewhat late in the subsurface horizons. In October, the water temperature on the surface drops about twice and in November its spatial distribution moves to the winter type. In February-March, when a significant part of the sea water area is covered with ice, the horizontal gradients of the temperature field are smoothed and almost its entire surface is characterized by negative temperature values \u200b\u200breaching -1.0 ... -1.80. In the southeastern part of the sea and north-west of the Kuril Islands, the water temperature is almost never down to negative values.

Seasonal changes in absolute values \u200b\u200band horizontal water temperature distribution cover the entire upper activity layer (up to 100-250 m) with well-developed seasonal thermoclin. The magnitude of the intransigational oscillations of temperature on the horizon 50 m does not exceed 3-40, and at depths of 75-100 m - 2.0-2.50. On the horizon 50 m, the onset of the maximum temperature comes from October-November. At this time, the water temperature is 6-80 in the south and 0-20 in the northwestern part of the sea. In December, at this depth, negative temperature values \u200b\u200bappear. On the horizon 100 m, the negative temperature values \u200b\u200bin the north-western part of the sea are maintained throughout the year, and by 200 m in the averaged fields they almost do not manifest. Here, the temperature within the entire sea pool varies from 0.50 to 1.5-2.00. On the underlying horizons 200-1000 M, the average cooler temperature values \u200b\u200bare everywhere increase (up to 2.3-2.40 on the horizon 1000 m). Below 1000-1200 m is somewhat lower than the temperature at different horizons (1.95-2,000 at a depth of 2000 m).

As for any other sea, the above details reflect the background characteristics of the large-scale distribution and variability of the water temperature, which may vary from year to year (climate fluctuations) and detail as new data accumulate. To solve many practical tasks, along with the general, background characteristics of the marine environment, more detailed information is needed on the actual distribution of its parameters in separate areas approximate to the real time. The research results have shown that the frontal zones, vortex formations, separate circulation cells and the waterproof zones, which are present in the coastal zone, are played in the formation of smaller, mesosculating heterogeneities of the temperature field, which are present in the coastal zone, on the shelf, in the deep-sea Study. The Atlas provides a generalized scheme of surface thermal fronts of the Okhotsk Sea, built according to satellite observations in the warm period of the year.

Vertical temperature distribution

By the nature of the vertical temperature distribution, the stratification of the water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea refers to the subarctic type in which most The year is well expressed cold (HPS) intermediate (subsurface - winter) and the coherent deep layers. With a more detailed consideration, there are three main varieties of this structure: Okhotomorskaya, Pacific and Kuril, having quantitative differences in the characteristics of the aquatic masses. The greatest variability from the area to the district and, especially in the intraday course, is characterized by the structure of the water of the upper active layer of the sea with a thickness of 100-150 m (in the south-east - 200-250 m). At various months, the water temperature on the surface varies from -1.8 to +180. In the warm period of the year, as a result of warm-up and vertical stirring, a thin surface quasi-borne layer (VKS) is formed in its upper part (ST). The PCS thickness is 10-20 m, and st - 15-25 m (more than). Vertical gradients in thermoclines reach values \u200b\u200b5-100 / m. At this time, between the horizons 40-120 meters, the CPS core is distinctly distinguished, the lower boundary of which is at depths of 100-250 m (the thermal mode of this layer is considered above). Advective processes lead to the splitting of CPS and the formation in its structure of individual "cold nuclei". Below this layer, during the entire year, the temperature monotonically increases with a depth, reaching a local maximum (2.2-2.40) in the TPS core at depths of 800-1200 m. It should be noted that in some years, the negative temperature values \u200b\u200bmay be observed at depths to 500 m. In the deep layer below the TPS kernel, the temperature gradually decreases with a depth of 1.7-1.90 at the bottom. The overall view of the features of the spatial distribution of selected elements of stratification and their time dynamics are given vertical zonal and meridional sections of the temperature field given in the atlas.

According to daily and longer rows of continuous observations during the warm period of the year, the profiles of the vertical distribution of temperature on the surface and in the temperature jump layer are significant variations in time. So the magnitude of the inadequate fluctuations in the water temperature on individual horizons in the peripheral areas of the sea can reach 8-120.

Horizontal salinity distribution

The large-scale characteristics of the salinity field are determined by the features of moisture-turn on the surface of the Okhotsk Sea (the ratio of the amount of precipitation and evaporation, the influence of ice-forming and melting processes), the mainland flow in coastal areas, as well as water exchange through the straits and the transfer of water flows from neighboring areas. Due to the cumulative effects of these processes, the spatial distribution scheme of salinity is substantially inhomogeneous and significantly change from the season for the season. During the year, the salinity of the surface layer in the coastal and peripheral areas of the entire north-western part of the sea is changed in quite a wide range of 20-25 to 30-33% 0. In the summer and at the beginning of the fall, the salinity of the waters here is less than in winter. In winter, it increases due to the processes of ice formation and reducing coastal flow. Maximum salinity in these areas is observed in the period from December to March. In the open sea and in its south-western part, the range of these changes is significantly less (31.0-33.5% 0). An important role in the formation of a field of salinity of this area is played by the processes of water exchange through the straits of the lapere and Kuril. Here, periods of occurrence of both the maximum and a minimum of salinity differ for different areas. As a result, the distribution of salinity on the surface of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in some months is characterized by significant intermittedness. In February, in areas free from ice cover, the average one-year-old monthly salinity values \u200b\u200bon the surface vary in the range of 32.6-33.3% 0. In May, salinity in the coastal mainland zone and oh. Sakhalin decreases to 30-32% 0. At this time in the open sea, it is 32.5-33.0% 0, and the Kuril Islands and about. Hokkaido - 33.0-33.5% 0. In August-September, the maximum collapse of the entire surface layer occurs. At the northern tip about. Sakhalin, in the mainland bays and coastal strip bays salinity in the summer decreases to 20-30% 0, and in the open sea - up to 32.0-32.5% 0. In November-December, salinity throughout the water area of \u200b\u200bthe sea revolves again. In the warm season, even on the distribution cards of the averaged salinity values \u200b\u200bfor months in certain sections of the coastal zone (about. Sakhalin, P-in Kamchatka, the Tuy Guba, etc.) are distinctly expressed zones of maximum horizontal gradients of this characteristic-salty.

With the depth of salinity, both in superficial and under the underlying layers, continuously increases within the entire sea water area in all seasons of the year. The range of its spatial and temporal changes is dramatically narrows, and the area of \u200b\u200bmaximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bis shifted. Thus, on the horizon, 50 M, the average values \u200b\u200bof salinity throughout the water area are varied from 32.0 to 33.5% 0, and seasonal oscillations do not exceed 0.5-1.5% 0. On the horizon of 100 m, the magnitude of the intra-breeding oscillations of salinity is reduced to 0.5-1.0% 0 and horizontal gradients of the salinity field are smoothed. On the horizon 200 M, the background values \u200b\u200bof spatial changes of salinity do not exceed 0.2-0.3% 0, and the temporary - 0.10-0.15% 0. On the horizons 500 and 1000 m, the salinity values \u200b\u200bare somewhat increasing in the direction from the southeast to the North-West (from 33.58 to 34.85% 0 and from 34.18 to 34.42% 0, respectively), which is associated with distribution features Pacific waters and vertical circulation. In the underlying layers, the salinity as a whole continues to increase weakly with depth, and the range of spatial changes of salinity is narrowed from 34.37-34.54% 0 (horizon 1500 m) to 34.38-34.52% 0 (2000 m).

As in the case of the temperature field, the above information reflects only large-scale, background characteristics of the horizontal distribution of salinity in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. The available materials of hydrological surveys allow, if necessary, clarify the individual details of this picture and retrospectively trace its dynamics.

Vertical distribution of salinity

Salt profiles are almost identical to all seasons of the year and are generally characterized by a monotonous increase in salinity from the surface to the bottom. As in the temperature field, seasonal changes are manifested mainly within the upper 50-100 meter layer (places up to 150-200 m). In the warm season, the water of the surface layer is designed, the vertical gradients of salinity increase and seasonal gallicle is formed here. Below him to the depths of 600-800 m (in the central part of the pool) and 800-1000 m (in the south of the sea) there is the main galkinine, in the thickness of which there is a gradual decrease in vertical gradients. With the beginning of the development of winter convective mixing, accompanied by ice formation on extensive areas of the water area, vertical salinity gradients in the upper layer are quickly reduced until the inverse values \u200b\u200bappear (change of the gradient sign). The overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe vertical structure of the salinity field gives zonal and meridional cuts. Depending on the local hydrological conditions in individual bays and sheds, both absolute salinity values \u200b\u200band its stratification can differ significantly from similar characteristics. open sea.

Water masses

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe central part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, Kuril, and in the peripheral areas there are several aquatic masses and their modifications with hydrological characteristics inherent in them, sources of formation and distribution arral. These aqueous masses form the main components (individual layers and extremes) of the vertical structure of the thickness of the water. The main mass of the sea has a Pacific origin. For the hunting of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea, the Western type of subarctic structure of water is characterized, the main feature of which is the presence of a cold intermediate (subsurface - winter) layer and the underlying layer with a maximum temperature constituting independent aquatic masses. According to its origin, location and characteristics here four main aquatic masses are distinguished: superficial, cold intermediate (subsurface), deep Pacific and donon. In the peripheral areas of the sea, various local, seasonal varieties and modifications of the aquatic masses, the list and characteristics of which are contained in the tables. Their origin is due to the difference in the geographical position and the peculiarities of hydrological processes occurring on the shelf, in the estate zones, near the straits, etc., the surface water mass exists in the warm season and is characterized by maximum temperatures for all the aqueous thickness (up to 18-190 in the south seas) and minimal in all seasons saline values \u200b\u200b(less than 20% 0 in traastage regions). Its kernel is on the surface and it is characterized by the maximum range of variability of the characteristics in the intra-year progress. Cold intermediate (subsurface) aqueous mass is formed by cooling the surface of the sea and autumn-winter convection. Its upper limit is located under the surface water mass at depths of 25-50 m (in the south of 75-175 m) and in winter it is seduced onto the surface, and the cold kernel is located 40-120 m (in the south of 150-200 m). The lower boundary is plunged from the North-West to the south-east from 200-250 m to 500-600 m. In winter, the water temperature in the layer occupied by the upper part of this aqueous mass is lowered to negative values \u200b\u200bof -1.5 ... -1.80 (in Southwestern + 0.5-1.00), which are preserved in summer. The salinity in the kernel of the layer is 32.5-33.4% 0. The warm core of the deep Pacific aqueous mass is located between the horizons 500 and 1200 m (in the Suril district). The water temperature in the kernel is 1.3-2.50, and the salinity is 33.6-34.4% 0. In the layer of the bottom aqueous mass, the temperature gradually decreases with a depth of 1.7-1.90 at the bottom, where the salinity is 34.6-34.7% 0. The aqueous masses differ from each other not only by the values \u200b\u200bof thermohalin characteristics, but also by hydrochemical and biological indicators. The table shows the characteristics of the aquatic masses of the coastal areas of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk.

Map of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk - the temperature of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk

The water temperature on the sea surface drops from the south to the north. In winter, almost ubiquitous surface layers are cooled to the freezing temperature of -1.5 ...- 1.8 ° C. Only in the southeastern part of the sea, it holds around 0 ° C, and near the northern coarse straits under the influence of Pacific water temperature reaches 1-2 ° C.
Spring heating at the beginning of the season mainly goes on melting of ice, only by the end of it begins to increase the water temperature.

In summer, the distribution of water temperature on the surface of the sea is quite varied. In August, the most lactions (up to 18-19 ° C) of water adjacent to the island of Hokkaido. In the central areas of the sea, the water temperature is 11-12 ° C. The coldest surface waters are observed at the island of ions, at Cape Pyagina and near the Cruise Strait. In these areas, the water temperature is held within 6-7 ° C. The formation of local foci of increased and reduced water temperature on the surface is mainly due to the redistribution of heat flow.

The vertical distribution of water temperature is different from the season for the season and from the place to the place. In the cold season, the temperature change with a depth is less difficult and varied than in warm seasons.

In winter, in the northern and central areas of the sea, the cooling of water spreads to the horizons 500-600 m. The water temperature is relatively homogeneous and varies from -1.5 ...- 1.7 ° C on the surface to -0.25 ° C on the horizons 500- 600 m, deeper it rises to 1-0 ° C, in the southern part of the sea and near the coarse straits, the water temperature from 2.5-3 ° C on the surface drops to 1-1,4 ° C on the horizons 300-400 m and further Smoothly rises to 1.9-2.4 ° C in the bottom layer.

In summer, surface waters are processed to a temperature of 10-12 ° C. In the subsurface layers, the water temperature is somewhat lower than on the surface. A sharp decrease in temperature to -1 ...- 1.2 ° C is observed between the horizons 50-75 m, deeper, to the horizons 150-200 m, the temperature quickly rises to 0.5-1 ° C, and then it rises more smoothly and on the horizons 200-250 m is 1.5-2 ° C. Next, the water temperature almost does not change to the bottom. In the southern and southeastern parts of the sea, along the Kuril Islands, the water temperature from 10-14 ° C on the surface drops to 3-8 ° C on the horizon 25 m, then up to 1.6-2.4 ° C on the horizon 100 m and up to 1.4-2 ° C at the bottom. For vertical temperature distribution in summer, a cold intermediate layer is characterized. In the northern and central regions

the sea is negative in it, and only near the coarse straits it has positive values. In different parts of the sea, the depth of the cold intermediate layer is different and varies from year to year.

The Sea Okhotsk is located in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Asia and is separated from the ocean chain of the Kuril Islands and the peninsula of Kamchatka. From the south and west, it is limited to the coast of the island of Hokkaido, the eastern coast of Sakhalin Island and the Asian mainland. The sea is significantly stretched from the southwest to the northeast within a spherical trapezium with coordinates 43 ° 43'- 62 ° 42 's. sh. and 135 ° 10'-164 ° 45 'in. D. The largest water area length in this direction is 2463 km, and the width reaches 1,500 km. The area of \u200b\u200bthe sea surface mirror is 1603 thousand km2, the length of the coastline - 10,460 km, and the total volume of the sea is 1316 thousand km3. According to its geographical position, it refers to the outbound seas of a mixed mainland-type. The Okhotsk Sea is connected to the quiet ocean with numerous sheds of the Kuril Island ridge, and with the Japanese Sea - through the strait of the lapere and through the Amur Liman - the straits of Nevelsky and Tatar. The average value of the depth of the sea is 821 m, and the largest - 3521 m (in the Kuril Basin).

The main morphological zones in the design of the bottom are: shelf (mainland and island shallow Sakhalin Island), the mainland slope, on which separate underwater hills, depressions and islands are distinguished, and deep-water brass. The shelf zone (0-200 m) has a width of 180-250 km and takes about 20% of the sea area. Wide and gentle, in the central part of the pool, the mainland slope (200-2000 m) takes about 65%, and the deeplement of the bottom of the sea (more than 2500 m), located in the southern sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea - 8% of the sea area. Within the portion of the mainland slope, several elevations and depressions are distinguished, where the depths change dramatically (raising the Academy of Sciences, raising the Institute of Oceanology and the Basin of Derjugin). The bottom of the deep-water Kuril brand is a flat-resistant plain, and the Kuril ridge is a natural threshold that is cutting into the sea brand from the ocean.

The straits of Amur Liman, Nevelsky in the north and lapere in the south of the Okhotsk Sea connect with the Japanese sea, and numerous coarse straits with the quiet ocean. The chain of the Kuril Islands is separated from the Island of Hokkaido Strait Treason, and from the Kamchatka Peninsula - the first Kuril Strait. Straits connecting the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk with neighboring areas of the Japanese Sea and the Pacific Ocean, provide the possibility of water exchange between the pools, which, in turn, have a significant impact on the distribution of hydrological characteristics. The sheds of Nevelsky and Laperose relative to narrow and shallow water, which is the cause of relatively weak water exchange with the Japanese sea. The straits of the Kuril Island ridge, stretching about 1200 km, on the contrary, are deepening, and their total width is 500 km. The most deep-water are the straits of Bussol (2318 m) and Cruisesttern (1920 m).

The north-west coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is practically devoid of large bays, and the North is significantly cut. There is a Tuyan lip in it, the shores of which is cut by bays and bays. From the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, the Huba is separated by the Koni Peninsula.

The largest bay of the Okhotsk Sea lies in its northeastern part, going to 315 km in mainland. This is Shalikhov Bay with Gizhihin and Penzhinsky lips. Gizhuginskaya and Pryzhinsky lips are separated by the sublime peninsula Tiagonos. In the southwestern part of the Gulf of Shelikhov, the north of the Pygina Peninsula, there is a small Jam Luba.
The west coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula is aligned and practically devoid of bays.

Complex in their outlines and form small bays of the coast of the Kuril Islands. From the Okhotorsk side, the largest bays are at the island of ITUURUP, which are deep-water and have a very difficult dismembered bottom.

In the Okhotsk Sea, quite a lot of predominantly small rivers falls, so with a significant amount of its water, the mainland stock is relatively small. It is approximately 600 km3 per year, while about 65% of the flow gives the Amur River. Other comparatives large rivers - Penzhina, Hunting, Uda, Big (in Kamchatka) - bring significantly less in the sea fresh water. The drain is mainly in the spring and early summer. At this time, its influence is mostly felt, mainly in the coastal zone, near the mouth areas of large rivers.

The coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in different areas belong to various geomorphological types. There are a lot of abrasive, modified by the sea of \u200b\u200bthe shore, and only in the peninsula of Kamchatka and the island of Sakhalin are accumulative shores. Mostly the sea is surrounded by high and climby shores. In the north and northwest, rocky ledges go down straight to the sea. Along the Sakhalin bay of the shore low. The southeast coast of Sakhalin is low, and the northeast is the lowered. The coast of the Kuril Islands is very obversists. The North-East Hokkaido Island is predominantly lowered. The same character carries the coast of the southern part of Western Kamchatka, but the coast of its northern part is somewhat towers.

According to the features of the composition and distribution bottom oypalov Three main zones can be distinguished: the central, which is comprehensive mainly by diatomaceous aeuritis, aleurite-clay and partially clay yals; zone of propagation of hemiplagic and pelagic clays in the western, eastern and northern parts of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk; As well as the zone of distribution of booming sands, sandstones, gravel and aleurites - in the northeast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. A threshing material is common, which is the result of ice spreading.

The Sea Okhotsk is located in the monsoon climate of moderate latitudes. A significant part of the sea in the West is deeply going to the mainland and lies relatively close to the Pole of the Cold of Asian Sushi, so the main source of the cold source for the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is west. Comparatively high ridges of Kamchatka make it difficult to penetrate warm Pacific air. Only in the south-east and in the south of the sea open to the Pacific Ocean and Japanese sea.Where it comes from a significant amount of heat. However, the effect of cooling factors affects more than peculiar, so the Sea Okhotsk is generally cold.

In the cold part of the year (from October to April), the Siberian Anticyclone and Aleutian minimum affect the sea. The effect of the latter applies mainly to the southeast of the sea. Such a distribution of large-scale baric systems causes strong sustainable northwestern and northern winds, often reaching storm power. In winter, the wind speed is usually 10-11 m / s.

In the cold month - January - the average air temperature in the north-west of the sea is -20 ... -25 ° C, in the central regions - -10 ... -15 ° C, and in the southeastern part of the sea - -5 ... -6 ° WITH.

In the autumn-winter time, cyclones are mainly continental origin. They bring with them the amplification of the wind, sometimes lowering the air temperature, but the weather remains clear and dry, as the continental air from the cooled mainland comes. In March - April, there is a restructuring of large-scale baric fields, the Siberian anticyclone is destroyed, and the Hawaiian maximum is enhanced. As a result, the Warm Season (from May to October), the Okhotsk Sea is under the influence of the Hawaiian maximum and the area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure located above Eastern Siberia. At the same time, weak southeastern winds prevail over the sea. Their speed usually does not exceed 6-7 m / s. Most often, these winds are observed in June and in July, although these months are sometimes marked by stronger northwestern and northern winds. In general, the Pacific (summer) monsoon is weaker than Asian (winter), since in the warm season, horizontal pressure gradients are smoothed.

In the summer, the average monthly air temperature in August decreases from the south-west to the northeast (from 18 ° C to 10-10.5 ° C).

In the warm season over the southern part of the sea, tropical cyclones are often trained -. With them, the amplification of wind is connected to the storm, which can last up to 5-8 days. The predominance in the spring-summer season of southeastern winds leads to significant cloudiness, precipitation, fog.

Monsoon winds and stronger winter entry western Sea Okhotsk compared to the Eastern - important climatic features of this sea.

Geographical location, high length of meridian, monsoon wind shift and good sea connection with the quiet ocean through the Kuril Straits - the main natural factors that significantly affect the formation of the hydrological conditions of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk.

The flow of surface Pacific waters in the Okhotsk Sea occurs mainly through the northern straits, in particular through the first Kuril Strait.

In the upper layers of the southern part of the Kuril ridge, the flow of oxomorsk waters prevails, and in the upper layers of the northern part of the ridge there is a flow of Pacific. In the deep layers, the receipt of Pacific waters.

The influx of Pacific waters significantly affects the temperature distribution, salinity, on the formation of the structure and general circulation of the water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk.

The following aquatic masses are distinguished in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk:

  • surface aqueous mass having spring, summer and autumn modifications. It is a thin heated layer with a thickness of 15-30 m, which limits the upper maximum resistance due to the main temperature;
  • the ohotomorsk aqueous mass is formed in winter from surface water and in spring, in summer and in the fall, it is manifested in the form of a cold intermediate layer that occurs between the horizons 40-150 m. This aqueous mass is characterized by quite homogeneous salinity (31-32) and different temperatures;
  • the intermediate aqueous mass is formed, mainly due to lowering waters through the underwater slopes, within the sea, located from 100-150 to 400-700 m, and is characterized by a temperature of 1.5 ° C and salinity of 33.7 ‰. This aqueous mass is distributed almost everywhere;
  • the deep Pacific aqueous water is the water of the lower part of the warm ocean layer, entering the Okhotsk Sea on the horizons below 800-1000 m. This aqueous mass is located on the horizons 600-1350 m, has a temperature of 2.3 ° C and salinity 34.3 ‰ .

The aqueous mass of the South Basin has a Pacific origin and is the deep water of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean near the horizon of 2300 m. This aqueous mass fills the hill from the horizon of 1350 m to the bottom and is characterized by a temperature of 1.85 ° C and salinity 34.7 ‰, which Only slightly change with depth.

The water temperature on the sea surface drops from the south to the north. In winter, almost ubiquitous surface layers are cooled to the freezing temperature of -1.5 ... -1.8 ° C. Only in the southeastern part of the sea, it holds around 0 ° C, and near the northern coarse straits under the influence of Pacific water temperature reaches 1-2 ° C.
Spring heating at the beginning of the season mainly goes on melting of ice, only by the end of it begins to increase the water temperature.

In summer, the distribution of water temperature on the surface of the sea is quite varied. In August, the most lactions (up to 18-19 ° C) of water adjacent to the island of Hokkaido. In the central areas of the sea, the water temperature is 11-12 ° C. The coldest surface waters are observed at the island of ions, at Cape Pyagina and near the Cruise Strait. In these areas, the water temperature is held within 6-7 ° C. The formation of local foci of increased and reduced water temperature on the surface is mainly due to the redistribution of heat flow.

The vertical distribution of water temperature is different from the season for the season and from the place to the place. In the cold season, the temperature change with a depth is less difficult and varied than in warm seasons.

In winter, in the northern and central areas of the sea, the cooling of water spreads to the horizons 500-600 m. The water temperature is relatively homogeneous and varies from -1.5 ... -1.7 ° C on the surface to -0.25 ° C on the horizons 500-600 m , deeper it increases to 1-0 ° C, in the southern sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea and near the coarse straits, the water temperature from 2.5-3 ° C on the surface drops to 1-1.4 ° C on the horizons 300-400 m and then smoothly rises up to 1.9-2.4 ° C in the bottom layer.

In summer, surface waters are processed to a temperature of 10-12 ° C. In the subsurface layers, the water temperature is somewhat lower than on the surface. A sharp decrease in temperature to -1 ... -1.2 ° C is observed between the horizons 50-75 m, deeper, to the horizons 150-200 m, the temperature quickly rises to 0.5-1 ° C, and then it rises more smoothly, and On the horizons 200-250 m is equal to 1.5-2 ° C. Next, the water temperature almost does not change to the bottom. In the southern and southeastern parts of the sea, along the Kuril Islands, the water temperature from 10-14 ° C on the surface drops to 3-8 ° C on the horizon 25 m, then up to 1.6-2.4 ° C on the horizon 100 m and up to 1.4-2 ° C at the bottom. For vertical temperature distribution in summer, a cold intermediate layer is characterized. In the northern and central areas of the sea, the temperature in it is negative, and only near the Kuril Straits it has positive values. In different parts of the sea, the depth of the cold intermediate layer is different and varies from year to year.

The distribution of salinity in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk relatively little varies on the seasons. The salinity rises in the eastern part under the influence of Pacific waters, and decreases in the western part, designed by the mainland stock. In the western part of the salinity on the surface 28-31, and in Eastern - 31-32 ‰ and more (up to 33 ‰ near the Kuril ridge).

In the northwestern part of the sea, due to desalination, the salinity on the surface is 25 and less, and the thickness of the desalination layer is about 30-40 m.

With a depth in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk there is an increase in salinity. On the horizons 300-400 m in the western part of the sea salinity is 33.5, and in Eastern - about 33.8 ‰. On the horizon, 100 m salinity is 34 and further to the bottom increases slightly, only 0.5-0.6.

In individual bays and sheds, the magnitude of salinity, its stratification can differ significantly from the water of the open sea depending on local conditions.

In accordance with the temperature and salinity, denser waters are observed in winter in the northern and central areas of the sea covered with ice. Somewhat less density in a relatively warm boncuril area. In summer, water density decreases, its smallest values \u200b\u200bare confined to the zones of the influence of coastal drain, and the greatest are marked in areas of spread of Pacific waters. In winter, it rises slightly from the surface to the bottom. In summer, its distribution depends on the upper layers on temperature, and on the middle and lower horizons - from salinity. In the summer, a noticeable density stratification of water vertically is created, a particularly noticeable density increases on horizons 25-50 m, which is associated with waters in open areas and desalination off the coast.

Intensive gland formation for most of the sea excites the enhanced thermohalin winter vertical circulation. At depths up to 250-300 m, it spreads to the bottom, and below it prevents the maximum sustainability existing here. In areas with crossed terrain, the distribution of density mixing in the lower horizons contributes to the location of the water in the slopes.

Under the influence of winds and the flow of water through the Kuril Straits, the characteristic features of the system of non-periodic currents of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. The main one is a cyclonic flow system covering almost all the sea. It is due to the predominance of the cyclonic circulation of the atmosphere over the sea and the adjacent part of the Pacific Ocean. In addition, steady anticyclonic cycles are traced in the sea.

Strong flows bypassing the sea along the coastline counterclockwise: the warm Kamchatka flow, the steady East Sakhalin course and is quite a strong soybean.

Finally, another feature of the circulation of the Water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk - bilateral sustainable flows in most Kuril Straits.

The flows on the surface of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk are most intense at the western banks of Kamchatka (11-20 cm / s), in the Sakhalin Gulf (30-45 cm / s), in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Straits (15-40 cm / s), above the Kuril's hollow (11 -20 cm / s) and for soy (up to 50-90 cm / s).

In the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, various types of periodic tidal flows are well expressed: semi-sufficient, daily and mixed with a predominance of semi-diversity or daily components. The speed of tidal flows from several centimeters to 4 m / s. Divided from the shores of the speed of the flows is small - 5-10 cm / s. In the straits, the bays and the coast of their speed increase significantly. For example, in the Curil Straits of the flow rate reach up to 2-4 m / s.

In general, tidal level fluctuations in the Okhotsk Sea are very significant and have a significant impact on its hydrological regime, especially in the coastal zone.
In addition to tidal, well-riding levels are well developed here. They arise mainly when passing deep cyclones over the sea. Non-level raises reach 1.5-2 m. The greatest arrings are marked on the coast of Kamchatka and in the Bay of Patience.

Significant sizes and large depths of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, frequent and strong winds over it determine the development of large waves. Especially stormy sea is in the fall, and in some areas and winter. These seasons account for 55-70% storm excitement, including with wave heights 4-6 m, and the greatest heights The waves reach 10-11 m. The most restricted - the southern and southeastern areas of the sea, where the average repeatability of the storm excitement is 35-40%, and in the north-western part it decreases to 25-30%.

During the usual years, the southern boundary of a relatively stable ice cover bends to the north and passes from the strait of the laper to the cape of the blade.
Extreme south part The sea never freezes. However, due to the winds, significant ice masses are taken from the north, often accumulating the Kuril Islands.

Ice cover in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is held for 6-7 months. Floating ice covered more than 75% of the sea surface. The cohesive ice of the northern part of the sea is of serious obstacles to swimming even at icebreakers. The total duration of the ice period in the northern part of the sea reaches 280 days a year. Some of the ice from the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is taken out to the ocean, where they are almost immediately destroyed and melted.

The predictive resources of the hydrocarbons of the Okhotsk Sea are estimated at 6.56 billion tons in the oil equivalent, explored reserves - over 4 billion tons. The largest deposits on the shelves (along the coast of Sakhalin Island, the Kamchatka Peninsula, Khabarovsk Territory and the Magadan region). The most studied deposits of Sakhalin Island. Search works on the shelf of the island began in the 70s. XX century, by the end of the 90s, seven large deposits (6 oil and gas condensate and 1 gas condensate) and a small gas field in the Tatar Strait were opened on the shelf of northeastern Sakhalin. General gas reserves on the Sakhalin shelf are estimated at 3.5 trillion m3.

Vegetation and animal world are distinguished by a large variety. In the reserves of the fishing crab, the sea ranks first in the world. Salmon fish are great value: Keta, Gorbow, Kizhuch, Chang, Nerque - source of red caviar. Intensive workers of herring, pollock, cambal, cod, navaga, washev, and others are inhabited by whales, seals, Syvuchi, sea seals in the sea. Mollusks and fishery and sea hero. On the littorals are widely distributed various algae.
Due to the weak masking of the adjacent territories sea \u200b\u200btransport acquired the basic value. Important seaside tracks lead to Korsakov on Sakhalin Island, Magadan, Okhotsk and other settlements.

The most anthropogenic load are the areas of Tuyan lips in the northern part of the sea and the shelf regions of Sakhalin Island. About 23 tons of petroleum products comes to the northern part of the sea, with 70-80% with a river drain. In Tuyan lip, pollutants come from coastal industrial and utility household objects, and the stocks of Magadan enter the coastal zone almost without purification.

The shelf zone of Sakhalin Island is polluted by coal, oil and gas production enterprises, pulp and paper mills, fishing and processing vessels and enterprises, wastewater of communal household facilities. The annual flow of petroleum products to the south-western part of the sea is estimated at about 1.1 thousand tons, while 75-85% with a river drain.

In the Sakhalin bay, oil carbon chucks fall, mainly with the flow of the Amur River, so the maximum concentrations, as a rule, are noted in the central and western parts of the bay along the axis of the incoming Amur waters.

The eastern part of the sea - the shelf of the Kamchatka Peninsula - is polluted by the river drain, with which the main part of oil carbon comes into the marine environment. In connection with the reduction in work on the fish and repair enterprises of the Peninsula since 1991, there was a decrease in the volume of wastewater discharged into the coastal zone of the sea.

Northern Sea - Gulf of Shelikhov, Tuila and Pryzhinskaya Lips - the most polluted area of \u200b\u200bthe sea with an average content of oil carbon in the water in 1-5 times larger than the limit of permissible concentration. This is determined not only by anthropogenic load on the water area, but also by low average annual water temperatures and, therefore, the low ability of the ecosystem to self-cleaning. The highest pollution of the northern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk was noted in the period from 1989 to 1991.

The southern part of the sea is the strait of the laper and the Bay of Aniva - are subjected to intensive oil pollution in the spring-summer period of trading and fishing fleets. On average, the content of oil carbon in the strait of the laperose does not exceed the limit of the permissible concentration. Aniva bay is polluted slightly more. The largest level of pollution in this area was celebrated by the port of Korsakov, confirming that the port is a source of intensive pollution of the marine environment.

Pollution of the coastal zone of the sea along the northeastern part of the Sakhalin Island is connected mainly with the exploration and production of oil and gas on the shelf of the island and until the end of the 80s of the last century did not exceed the maximum permissible concentration.

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