Agarta - an underground civilization? Seeing Underground: Searching Experience with GPR.

  • 01.10.2019

One of the negative engineering features of Moscow and the Moscow region is the predisposition of the local geological section to the emergence of karst cavities (underground void formations). Therefore, the determination of voids in the ground is one of the most important engineering and geological problems that our company successfully solves.

Why is the definition of voids in the ground necessary?

Within an area covering approximately ten to twenty percent of the total area of ​​the Moscow region, construction is fraught with the risk of ground sinking, which are formed as a result of the appearance of a void under the ground and can lead to the collapse of facilities under construction or already commissioned. This danger is further increased under the influence of additional factors:

    an increase in natural seismic activity, recorded in last years;

    high technogenic vibration load on the ground;

    a large number of leaks from water supply and sewer communications (some of which are difficult to detect in a timely manner);

    raising the level of groundwater.

The company "Geotop Engineering", thanks to many years of exploration experience, accurately identifies karst voids in the soil on the investigated land plots and can give informed recommendations to prevent possible risks for the planned construction.

Using what equipment and how to find a void underground?

Karst processes have long been comprehensively studied by engineering geology. As a result of many years of research, practical recommendations have been developed that facilitate the determination of voids in the ground; for this purpose, various devices have been invented and tested. Our company has devoted a long time to deep study of this issue, and now we can confidently guarantee that the survey methods used by our company "Geotop Engineering" are among the most effective. We search for voids underground during engineering and geological surveys using modern geophysical equipment:

    equipment for vertical electrical sounding and profiling of soil sections;

    devices for radio wave transmission of geological horizons (georadars);

    installations of seismic geological exploration.

Geodetic methods for determining karst voids in the soil, which we use, are based on significant differences between karst zones and the surrounding rocks by a number of physical indicators:

    specific electrical resistance;

    the ability to absorb and reflect radio waves of certain ranges;

    the speed of transmission of elastic vibrations.

Important! The size of the geophysical anomaly above areas of soils affected by karst directly depends on the size of the karst cavities and the depth of their location.

What kind of voids are there under the ground?

The complexity of the problem - how to find a void underground - is determined not only by the size of the karst cavity and the depth of its localization, but also by the conditions of occurrence of rocks in the study area. Underground voids can be represented by three types of karst, each of which has features that determine the form of its external manifestation and search methods during exploration work:

    Open karst. The karst rocks occur directly under the soil layer. In this case, the search for voids underground is the simplest and does not require the use of a set of methods by our specialists. Electrical prospecting alone is quite enough. The voids are easily outlined, it is not difficult to determine the degree of rock fracturing, the saturation of voids with water. Karst formations can be identified by outward signs terrain.

    Karst covered from above with permeable soils. The task - how to find a void underground - is significantly complicated by loose cover deposits (sand, light sandy loam). Knowing the principles of moisture distribution at the boundary of cover soils and karst zones helps us to identify underground voids in such conditions. A good search criterion (for an experienced observer) is a change in the water cut of the upper soil layer, accompanied by a corresponding change in its physical properties.


Consider yourself warned!

Residents of Moscow are too busy with financial problems, the expectation of a global crisis, impending unemployment and the like, and meanwhile Muscovites are in much greater danger than even the Third World War... The federal authorities, naturally those "who are supposed to know," are aware of this danger, but they are criminally hiding it from the residents of the city of Moscow.
Many people know about the existence of the so-called "underground Moscow Sea". Its existence was discovered by academician Gubkin, who carried out geological exploration with the aim of discovering oil directly near Moscow and its suburbs. Instead of oil deposits, Academician Gubkin discovered a huge water reservoir, suggesting that this is part of the sea that once covered the Central Russian Plain. For some reason, part of this sea filled a giant void under the territory in which it is located modern city Moscow. According to the data of geological surveys, it has been established that the main area of ​​the underground sea is mainly located within the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD), slightly going beyond its borders to a more or less significant distance from 5 to 30 km. The depth of the underground sea has not yet been established, it is only known that its upper part consists of fresh water, and only at a depth of about 1300 meters from the sea surface does a layer of real sea ​​water saturated with salts. The underground vault of the sea can be called spherical, convex to the earth's surface, therefore, in different places The thickness of the land cover separating Moscow from the surface of the underground sea is different: closer to the outskirts of Moscow this thickness reaches 900–1000 meters, closer to the center it is only 500 meters, and in some places in the central part of Moscow it is only 300–400 meters. Just imagine that the house in which you live is separated from the underground sea abyss by a layer of earth 500, 600 or even 700 meters thick! All these facts are widely known, set out in both special scientific and popular science literature.

What are the factors that make up this catastrophic danger that the authorities hide and about which we must warn the residents of Moscow?

1. The first factor is that even without, as you might have guessed, a very thin layer of the geological surface separating Moscow and Muscovites from the underground sea abyss is weakened by karst voids that are of natural origin.
2. This thin layer of the earth's surface is disturbed and weakened by numerous deep cavities of artificial origin: subway lines and, more significantly, huge underground multi-tiered shelters, which were built in case of war with the use of atomic weapons.
3. The third factor is that during the intensive development of Moscow more than 5,000 rivers and streams were put into underground collectors. The underground collectors have long been dilapidated, and these thousands of underground rivers washed away huge and numerous voids in the deep layers of the soil near Moscow.

All these factors led to a catastrophic weakening of the earth's surface layer separating Moscow from the surface of the underground sea.
Against the background of this weakening of the thin layer of the earth's surface, a separate factor is the modern intensive and very dense development of the territory of Moscow with huge buildings, only tens of thousands, and often hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of concrete are pumped into their foundation cushion. Thus, a tremendous pressure is created on the already catastrophically weakened layer of the earth's surface, on which Moscow stands, and below it - an underground water abyss.
Some time ago, the media regularly and almost every day talked about sinkholes in different parts of Moscow. Of course, some of these failures were due to the rupture of heating systems or other reasons of a surface-man-made nature, but in most cases these failures occurred due to deep movements of the layers of the earth. Now the media are amicably silent about failures, although they continue.
Now about the most important thing. Even in the period preceding the collapse of the USSR, the Department of Geophysical and Seismic Research of the Naval Intelligence Directorate of the Baltic Fleet was instructed to carry out research related to the geophysical and seismic safety of the city of Moscow, of course, taking into account the presence of an "underground sea" under it.
In the period from 1988 to 1990, the geophysical research department of the naval reconnaissance found that the city of Moscow is located at the intersection of two tectonic faults, that is, at the junction of four tectonic plates, which form a giant tension due to mutual pressure. During the observation period, the dynamics of the voltage increase was established. In addition, it was also found that weakened wave shocks, going along the faults from places where strong enough earthquakes occur, are felt on the Earth's surface in the Moscow region with a force of 1.5 to 3.5 points. But these tremors provoke collapses of the lower part of the dome of the earth, on which the city of Moscow stands, which further weaken it (the surface). In addition, military geophysicists came to the conclusion that an increase in pressure at the junction of four tectonic plates near Moscow will lead to a sufficiently powerful earthquake of magnitude 5 to 6 with an epicenter near the city of Moscow. And if a significant part of the houses in Moscow withstand shocks of 4-6 points, then the layer of the earth's surface, moreover, significantly weakened, on which Moscow itself stands, will not withstand them. That is, this entire layer of earth will collapse together with Moscow into the underground sea.
Investigating the dynamics of the increase in tension between tectonic plates near Moscow, military experts came to the conclusion that such a catastrophic event could occur in the period from 2006 to 2009, possibly a little later (it was not possible to make a more accurate forecast). After several reports on the results of their research, first to the immediate management, and then to higher authorities, they finally achieved that their department was disbanded, and the servicemen were dismissed in connection with the reduction of the Armed Forces.
We draw your attention to the fact that periodically, but quite regularly, the question of transferring the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg and, accordingly, transferring the centers of federal executive and legislative power there is being inspired. It only remains to add that over the past two years, seismologists around the world have noted unprecedented seismic activity, both in terms of the frequency of earthquakes (from 4 to 12 earthquakes are recorded every day) and the inexplicable expansion of the geography of earthquakes. Seismologists cannot explain the reasons for this.
Conclusions of military geophysicists for the period 1988-1990. did not take into account the unprecedented increase in seismic activity over the past two years, as well as the large-scale development of Moscow in subsequent years.
But even without this, their conclusions are unambiguous, and we bring this to the attention of the residents of the city of Moscow.

Consider yourself warned!

We can say that this mystery has been solved, because modern researchers have already made their conclusion - we are not the only inhabitants on planet Earth. The evidence of ancient years, as well as the discoveries of scientists of the 20th - 21st centuries, argue that mysterious civilizations existed on Earth, or rather, underground from ancient times to the present day.

Representatives of these civilizations, for some reason, did not come into contact with people, but nevertheless they made themselves felt, and for a long time, terrestrial humanity has legends and legends about mysterious and strange people who sometimes come out of the caves. In addition, modern people have less and less doubts about the existence of UFOs, which were often observed flying out of the ground or from the depths of the seas.

Research carried out by NASA specialists together with French scientists have discovered underground cities, as well as an underground branched network of tunnels and galleries, stretching for tens and even thousands of kilometers in Altai, the Urals, Perm region, Tien Shan, Sahara and South America... And these are not those ancient land cities that collapsed and over time their ruins were covered with earth and forests. These are precisely underground cities and structures erected in an unknown way right in the underground rocks.

Polish researcher Jan Paenk claims that a whole network of tunnels has been laid underground that lead to any country. These tunnels were created using high technology, not known to people, and pass not only under the surface of the land, but also under the bed of the seas and oceans. The tunnels are not just pierced, but as if burned out in underground rocks, and their walls are a frozen melt of rocks - smooth as glass and have an extraordinary strength. Jan Paenk met with miners who came across such tunnels while driving Shreks. According to the Polish scientist and many other researchers, flying saucers are rushing along these underground communications from one end of the world to the other. (Ufologists have a huge amount of evidence that UFOs fly out of the ground and from the depths of the seas). Such tunnels are also found in Ecuador, South Australia, USA, New Zealand. In addition, in many parts of the world, vertical, absolutely straight (like an arrow) wells with the same melted walls have been found. These wells have different depths from tens to several hundred meters.

Juan Moritz, an Argentine ethnologist, was one of the first to study the many kilometers of tunnels in South America. In June 1965, in Ecuador in the province of Morona-Santiago, he discovered and mapped an unknown system of underground tunnels with a total length of hundreds of kilometers. They stretch deep underground and represent a giant labyrinth of clearly not natural origin. It looks like this: a huge opening has been cut through the rock from it deep into the rock, there is a descent onto successively located horizontal platforms, this descent leads to a depth of 240 m. There are tunnels of rectangular cross-section and varying width. They fold strictly at right angles. The walls are as smooth as polished. The ceilings are perfectly flat and as if varnished. Ventilation shafts with a diameter of about 70 cm are regularly arranged. There are large rooms the size of a theater hall. In one of these rooms, furniture was discovered that resembled a table and seven chairs in the form of a throne. This furniture is made of an unknown material similar to plastic. In the same room, figures of fossil lizards, elephants, and crocodiles were found cast in gold. Here Juan Moritz discovered a huge number of metal plates on which letters are engraved. Some of the plates reflect astronomical concepts and ideas of space travel. All plates are exactly the same, as if they were “cut to measure” from sheets of metal made with the help of high technology.

Without a doubt, the discovery made by Juan Moritz, to some extent, lifts the veil of the person who built the tunnels, their level of knowledge and tentatively - the era when this happened.

In 1976, a joint Anglo-Ecuadorian expedition conducted research on one of the underground tunnels in the Los Tayos area, on the border of Peru and Ecuador. There, in one of the underground rooms, there was also a table surrounded by chairs with backs more than two meters high, made of an unknown material. Another room was a library and was a long hall with a narrow passage in the middle. On the walls were shelves with ancient books - they were thick folios of about 400 pages each. The sheets of these books were made of solid gold and filled with an unknown font.

Since 1997, the Kosmopoisk expedition has thoroughly studied the notorious Medveditskaya ridge in the Volga region. The researchers discovered and mapped an extensive network of tunnels stretching for tens of kilometers. The tunnels have a circular cross-section, sometimes oval, with a diameter of 7 to 20 m, maintaining a constant width and direction along the entire length. The tunnels are located at a depth of 6 to 30 meters from the surface of the earth. As you approach the hill on the Medveditskaya ridge, the diameter of the tunnels increases from 20 to 35 meters, and then up to 80 m, and already at the very hill, the diameter of the cavities reaches 120 m, turning into a huge hall under the mountain. Three seven-meter tunnels go from here at different angles. It seems that the Medveditskaya ridge is a junction, an intersection where tunnels from different regions... Researchers suggest that from here you can get not only to the Caucasus and Crimea, but also to the northern regions of Russia, to New earth and further to the North American continent.

Crimean cavers discovered a huge cavity under the Ai-Petri massif, picturesquely hanging over Alupka and Simeiz. In addition, tunnels were discovered connecting the Crimea and the Caucasus. During one of the expeditions, ufologists of the Caucasus region determined that under the Uvarov ridge, opposite Mount Arus, there are tunnels, one of which leads towards the Crimean Peninsula, and the other through the cities of Krasnodar, Yeisk, Rostov-on-Don stretches to the Volga region.

In the Caucasus, in a gorge near Gelendzhik, a vertical shaft has been known for a long time - straight as an arrow, with a diameter of about one and a half meters, with a depth of 6 more than 100 m. Its feature is smooth, like melted walls. Scientists who studied the surface of the walls of the mine came to the conclusion that the rock was subjected to both thermal and mechanical action, which created an extremely durable layer 1-1.5 mm thick. It is impossible to create such a thing with the help of modern technologies. In addition, an intense radiation background was noted in the mine. It is possible that this is one of the vertical shafts leading to a horizontal tunnel running from this area in the Volga region to the Medveditskaya ridge.

It is not surprising that P. Mironichenko in the book "The Legend of the LSP" believes that our entire country, including Crimea, Altai, Ural, Siberia and Far East, riddled with tunnels. All that remains is to find their location.

As Evgeny Vorobyov, academician of RNAN writes: “It is known that in the post-war years (in 1950) a secret decree of the USSR Council of Ministers on the construction of a tunnel through the Tatar Strait was issued to connect the mainland with the Fr. Sakhalin. Over time, the secrecy was removed, and Doctor of Physical and Technical Sciences L.S. Berman, who worked there at that time, told in 1991 in her memoirs to the Voronezh branch of Memorial that the builders were not so much building as they were restoring the already existing tunnel, laid in deep antiquity, extremely competently, taking into account the geology of the bottom of the strait. They also mentioned strange finds in the tunnel - incomprehensible mechanisms and animal fossils. All this then disappeared into the secret bases of the special services. It is possible that this tunnel leads through about. Sakhalin to Japan, and maybe further.

Now let's move to the area Western Europe, in particular, to the border of Slovenia and Poland, to the Tatra mountain range Beskydy. Here stands Babya Mountain with a height of 1725 m. Since ancient times, the inhabitants of the surrounding area have kept the secret of this mountain. As one of the residents named Vincent said, in the 60s of the XX century, he and his father went to Babya Mountain. At an altitude of about 600 m, they pushed aside one of the protruding boulders, and a large entrance to the tunnel was opened for them. The oval-shaped tunnel was straight, wide, and so high that it could hold an entire train. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and floor seemed to be covered with glass. It was dry inside. A long path along an inclined tunnel led them into a spacious hall, shaped like a huge barrel. Several tunnels began from it, going in different directions. Some of them were triangular, others were round. Vincent's father said that through the tunnels from here you can get to different countries and even to different continents. The tunnel on the left leads to Germany, then to England and further to the American continent. The right tunnel stretches to Russia, the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there to America, where it connects with the left one ”.

In 1963, under the city of Derikuyu in Turkey, a multi-tiered underground city was discovered, stretching tens of kilometers underground. Its numerous rooms and galleries are interconnected by passages. Ancient architects equipped the underground empire with a life support system, the perfection of which is still striking today. Everything here was thought out to the smallest detail: rooms for animals, warehouses for food, rooms for cooking and eating, for sleeping, for meetings ... At the same time, religious temples and schools were not forgotten. A precisely calculated blocking device made it easy to block the entrances to the dungeon with granite doors. And the ventilation system, which supplied the city with fresh air, continues to operate without fail to this day!

Here were found objects of material culture of the Hittites, whose kingdom was formed in the 17th century BC, and in the 7th century BC. it has sunk into obscurity. For what reason the people went into the dungeon, scientists have yet to guess. The developed underground Hittite civilization was able to exist unnoticed by the terrestrial world for more than a thousand years.

In addition, in Turkey, near the village of Kaymakli, in the Ukraine in Tripol and other places of the Earth, archaeologists are excavating ancient underground cities.

According to many scientists and researchers different countries, it is quite obvious that on planet Earth there is a single global system of underground communications located at a depth of several tens of meters to several kilometers from the earth's surface, consisting of many kilometers of tunnels, junction stations, small settlements and huge cities with a perfect life support system. For example, a system of ventilation openings allows you to maintain a constant temperature in rooms that is acceptable for life.

In addition, according to scientists, this information (and only a small part of it is given in this article) suggests that long before mankind existed on earth, and most likely existed, civilizations with a high level of technology. In addition, some researchers believe that the underground tunnels left by those the most ancient people, and are currently used for underground UFO movements and the life of a civilization living on Earth at the same time as us.

The dowsing frame is currently widely used in various spheres of human activity. With its help, they search for underground waters, voids in the ground, unfavorable energy zones (geopathogenic) and much more.

Meanwhile, the first mention of "dowsing", as dowsing was called in the old days (the name is still preserved in English language), refers to 2100 BC. NS. This is the opinion of the researcher of the phenomenon A.O. Krasavin. Later, in different centuries, the concept could be found in Pliny the Elder, Paracelsus, A. Mesmer. In the dictionary of V. Dahl, the phenomenon is described by the word "rhabdomantia", which means "search with the help of a rod for sources, places for digging a well, precious metals, treasures."

Especially widely the effect of dowsing has been applied and is still used in the waterless regions of India to search for sources of moisture. In China, they did not start building a house at all until the dowser was convinced that the building site was free of "deep demons".

According to the UN Special Adviser on Geology, Dutch Professor S. Tromp, people were engaged in biolocation 7 thousand years ago.

From the ancient Egyptians to the present day, some kind of mystery surrounds the movement of the "twig". And now - and the dowsing frame and the pendulum. Science seeks explanations for the unknown force in several directions. One of them proceeds from the assumption of the existence of radiations in addition to electromagnetic and photonic ones, which characterize protein-nucleic forms of life and are captured by the dowser with the help of a locator. Another approach is described by the famous researcher of the psychic sphere, Professor L.P. Grimak. He believes that the phenomenon of biolocation consists in “identifying information that is actualized in human consciousness and extrasensually perceived in the form of ideomotor reactions. They are detected through the movements of dowsing indicators held in the hands - flexible rods, wire frames, pendulums. "

The practical applications of the biolocation effect are essentially limitless. In the north of Russia, the Sami of the Khibiny tundra have since ancient times used a twig to navigate the terrain, without a compass, unmistakably determining the desired direction. Nowadays, operators from the Association for Engineering Dowsing, created by V. Pluzhnikov, have been successfully helping builders, geologists, rescuers and people who simply need help for many years, finding water and minerals, missing people and lost things, underground voids with the help of dowsing frames. in cities.

And of course, with the help of biolocation, deviations in human health, the presence of unfavorable zones in an apartment or house, and extraneous energy-informational influence are determined.

So what is a dowsing indicator? This is a special frame or pendulum. Frames are one-handed or two-handed (interaction of two frames). Made of steel, aluminum, copper or brass wire, the frame can be L-shaped, additionally have a small bottom bar at a right angle at the lower end of the handle, or two equal bars at the top and bottom of the handle. The latter usually has a length of 9 to 12 centimeters, and the strips extending from it at right angles are twice as long.

Usually, one frame is used for work, however, much depends on the conditions of use of the biological locator. So, when working on the ground, when you need to explore an extended section of the surface, they use two frames to get a clearer result.

The operator holds the frame in a loosely clenched palm, while the arm is bent at the elbow. If there are two frames, they are kept parallel to each other at a distance of 25-30 centimeters. As a result of energy-informational interaction with the object under study, an involuntary reaction of the operator's muscular system appears and the frame deviates from its initial position. In this case, three types of movements are observed: rotation (inward or outward), rotation (clockwise or counterclockwise), oscillations, as a result of which the frame takes on an unstable position, different from the initial one. If there are two frames, then they can intersect, diverge to the sides or rotate.

Now - about the most important thing in working with a biological locator. By themselves, the movements of the frame do not say anything. A certain code is needed, using which it would be possible to decrypt the information obtained during the experiment. In other words, a mental contract is made with the frame, according to which each of its movements will mean a certain result. Most often, the "agreement" takes this form: turning the frame, say, inward will mean a positive answer to the question posed, and outward - negative. Unstable balance - lack of an answer to a question. In some cases, the strength of the reaction is also evaluated. The task to the biological locator can be set in another form. For example, if you are looking for water in your summer cottage, the mental installation may sound like this: "Let the frame turn outward when I pass over a place with a good underground source."

The so-called "witnesses" significantly increase the accuracy of the required forecasts. In biolocation, this word is understood as material objects and mental manifestations that are able to better tune both the operator and the indicator for obtaining a result. Material objects include any items belonging to the wanted person, photographs or drawings, which will be used to diagnose a disease, etc. Mental evidence is the operator's mental images associated with the object of research. They are created both as a result of personal communication with a specific person, and in the course of a survey of third parties who were familiar with him.

Another ancient forecasting tool is the pendulum. From time immemorial, it was considered a divine attribute, and those who knew how to use it were considered wise. There was a whole tradition of making pendulums. They were made in compliance with certain magical rituals, individually for accurate astrological indicators of the operator, as well as taking into account his position in society.

The pendulum was brought to Europe from India by a professor at the University of Strasbourg, Herboyne. At the same time, in 1799, the Paris Academy created a special commission to study the phenomenon of the pendulum, with the help of which the Indians were successfully engaged in dowsing in search of underground waters, deposits of precious metals and stones. For some unknown reason, pundits made an unfavorable conclusion about the use of the pendulum, and interest in it resumed only towards the end of the nineteenth century.

The essence of the phenomenon is similar to the effect of using a frame. Only in this case, the operator holds a small weight on the suspension in his fingers. Spontaneous pendulum movements occur when a person concentrates on obtaining certain information. They take the form of a clockwise or counterclockwise rotation of the weight. The body of a pendulum is usually spherical and weighs between 10 and 120 grams. In office conditions, a load of up to 30 grams is used, while a heavier pendulum is needed to work in open areas. The ball must be of the correct shape and well balanced. The cord is made 8-10 centimeters long. It must ensure the free movement of the working body of the pendulum. The use of fleecy material is not allowed. The cord should not be black. It is necessary to know that as the length of the cord increases, the sensitivity of the pendulum decreases. The same happens when the weight is overweight.

The pendulum is usually held by the thumb and forefinger of the right hand. The upper phalanges of the fingers are directed vertically downward and form the pivot point of the suspension.

The rest of the technique is the same as when using the frame. Also, a "communication code" with the pendulum is established and the reactions of movement in one direction or another are monitored.

Now, both in Russia and abroad, a large experience of biolocation has been accumulated in order to detect various objects, orientate on the terrain, and diagnose diseases. Techniques for such work are taught at the Russian School of Survival. famous traveler Vitaly Sundakov. Modern dowsing is no longer a simple wandering around the area with a twig to determine the place of digging a well. Its study concentrates the efforts of the best physicists, psychologists-specialists in the field of the unconscious, highly qualified bioenergy therapists. The scope of the method is limitless, and who knows what new processes will soon be measured using a seemingly simple wire frame.

Is there life underground? There is no single answer to this question. However, the recently found underground map of our planet, which was compiled about five million years ago, has become a confirmation of the version of the existence of a high-tech civilization that lived in the bowels of our planet.

For the first time, a conversation on this topic began in 1946, after the journalist and writer Richard Shaver told the world about his contact with alien underground inhabitants. According to him, he spent several weeks in a dungeon, among mutants, similar to demons, such as those described in legends and myths.

Of course, this story could be attributed to the "sick" imagination of the journalist, but hundreds of readers supported his story, telling that they also communicated with these creatures, saw their miracles of technology. And what is most surprising: this technique not only provided the underground inhabitants of our planet with a comfortable existence, but also allowed us to control our consciousness.

In turn, Jan Paenk, a researcher from Poland, claims that on our planet, in its depths, a whole world is laid - a network of tunnels through which you can get to any country in the world. These tunnels are literally burnt into the ground, and their walls are frozen rock, something like glass. Similar tunnels have been found in South Australia, Ecuador, New Zealand and the United States. According to Paenk, UFOs fly along these underground highways, furrowing the bowels of the Earth. In New Zealand, he even managed to find one miner, who told him that while driving the drifts, local miners stumbled upon two tunnels, but someone from above ordered urgently to concrete the entrances to them.

For the first time, they became interested in underground communications in Nazi Germany, when in 1942, on the orders of Himmler and Goering, an expedition, which included the most advanced minds, went in search of an underground civilization in the Baltic Sea to the island of Rugen. The expedition was headed by Professor Heinz Fischer. Hitler was simply convinced that some areas of the earth consisted of voids, in which representatives of an over-developed civilization live. The Germans thought that if they succeed in the right place install radars, then they will be able to track the exact geographical position enemy.

What the Nazis managed to find is not known for certain, but almost every nationality has myths that the race of the ancients, inhabiting our planet for millions of years, still exists. In these myths, these creatures are represented as infinitely wise, scientifically advanced, and culturally advanced. Terrible disasters drove them into underworld and there they created their own civilization, which has nothing to do with people who are considered dirty, low and wild.

The Hindus in mythology have the kingdom of Asgarty, which is very similar to the described underground civilization. In this kingdom live nagas - supernatural beings. Asgarty is described as a kind of underground paradise. It is believed that the sacred text, the Prajnaparamita sutra, brought to the surface of the earth by the ancient sage Nagarjuna was kept in Asgarty. There, right by the forest, flows the great Ganges, on one of the banks of which one can still see the huge remains of marble steps, with a width intended only for giants. The sandy beach and forest around this place are covered with the remains of columns, carved pedestals, idols and bas-reliefs that have sunk into the ground. The size of the debris, the thread pattern on them and other remnants ancient architecture- this is something that is grandiose and unexpected even for those who have been to Palmyra or Egyptian Memphis.

About this ancient underground city and at its end a legend says: when the king of Asgarty was at war, his rival made a foray into the kingdom. In the absence of men, a maharani stood at the head of the kingdom, who desperately defended the city, but it was taken by storm. Then the queen gathered all the daughters and wives of the subjects and locked herself with them in the underground temple. She ordered to light sacred fires around the temple and burned down on one of them alive along with other women. And when the king of Asgart returned from the campaign, he, having defeated the enemy, built an even richer city in front of the burnt temple with the hands of prisoners.

Other facts also speak about the possible existence of underground inhabitants. So, in 1977, several magazines at once published photographs taken from the ECCA-7 satellite and fixing a dark spot of the correct shape, very similar to a huge hole. She is in the place where she should be North Pole... Similar photographs were taken from the same satellite in 1981.

Or maybe this is the entrance to the underworld and who are they - the inhabitants of the underworld?

The history of the Earth knows several collisions with meteorites, ice ages, and other cataclysms leading to the death of civilization. The periods between cataclysms are quite sufficient for the formation of a highly technical civilization. And maybe, after all, some civilization managed to survive the "end of the world"? Maybe millions of years ago there lived a certain high-tech civilization, during the existence of which a global catastrophe occurred that changed the climate of planet Earth. And what would this civilization have to do? Logically, that, most likely, she should have tried to survive. But how? After all, if the surface of our planet is not suitable for further existence, at the same time, flight to another planet is impossible due to the level of technology, what remains? There is only one thing left - an underground shelter.

And yet, then the question arises, what happened to this civilization, and why the underground inhabitants did not come out to the earth's surface after the climate change. It is likely that they simply could not do this, and the reason for this is their constant stay in conditions of a different gravity and a different climate. After all, underground gravitational pressure is significantly different from normal. In addition, we must not forget that under the ground there is completely no, even weak, sunlight. At the same time, artificial lighting does not contain the full spectrum, and prolonged exposure to such lighting may well become a reason for "weaning" from ground light.

Considering that all this has happened over the millennia, it can be assumed that the surviving underground civilization evolved.

The studies, which were carried out by NASA specialists together with French scientists, confirmed the existence of underground cities, as well as an extensive network of galleries and tunnels that stretches for thousands of kilometers in Altai, the Perm region, the Urals, the Tien Shan, South America and the Sahara. ... Moreover, these are not at all those ancient land cities that were destroyed, but over time were covered with forests and earth. No, these are precisely underground structures and even cities that were erected in a way unknown to us - to mankind - right in the rocks.

Argentine ethnologist Moritz was one of the first to explore tunnels in South America. In Morona Santiago in Ecuador, he mapped the system of tunnels he had discovered and had not yet known, hundreds of kilometers long. These tunnels stretch deep enough underground, creating a giant labyrinth, which is clearly not of natural origin.

A huge hole was cut in the rock, from which a descent into the bowels leads on successive horizontal platforms, to a depth of almost 240 m. There are also rectangular tunnels that turn at an even right angle. In the tunnels, the walls and ceilings are so smooth, polished, perfectly even, as if varnished. There are also rooms, approximately the size of a theater hall, in which furniture was found: a table and seven chairs, made of a material similar to plastic. Here Juan Moritz found a huge number of metal plates with engraved letters, some of them engraved with space travel and astronomical concepts. All these plates are exactly the same, as if "cut out" of metal to measure made with the help of high technologies.

The discovery of Juan Moritz undoubtedly lifts the curtain on the mystery of those who built the tunnels, their level of knowledge and era.

Another expedition - Anglo-Ecuadorian - in 1976 on the border of Ecuador and Peru explored one of the underground tunnels in Los Tayos. And there was also found a table with chairs with backs of more than two meters. But the most interesting turned out to be another room - obviously, the library, which is a long hall with a rather narrow middle aisle. Along the walls were shelves of ancient thick tomes, each with about 400 pages. The sheets of books are made of gold, and filled with a font incomprehensible to a person.

A similar extensive network of tunnels was found in the Volga region in the famous Medveditskaya ridge. There, the tunnels have a circular cross-section and are located at a depth of up to 30 meters from the surface. It is likely that the Medveditskaya ridge is a junction, a crossroads, where tunnels from different parts connect. The researchers concluded that from this crossroads one can get both to the Crimea and the Caucasus, but also to the north of Russia, Novaya Zemlya and even to the vastness of the North American continent.

Crimean cavers recorded a giant cavity under Ai-Petri, in addition, tunnels were found connecting the Caucasus and Crimea. In the Caucasus, near Gelendzhik, in the gorge, there is a vertical shaft more than a hundred meters deep. She has a feature - smooth walls. Scientists came to the conclusion that both thermal and mechanical effects were exerted on the rock of the walls, which is still impossible to implement today, moreover, there is an increased radiation background in the mine. It is likely that this is one of those vertical shafts that lead to a horizontal tunnel that runs from here to the Medveditskaya ridge.

Many scientists and researchers from different countries believe that on our planet Earth it is likely that there is a global unified system of many kilometers of underground communications. It is located at a depth of up to several tens of kilometers from the surface and consists of tunnels, as well as small settlements, hub stations and huge cities with a perfect life support system. For example, the system of holes made for ventilation makes it possible to maintain a constant temperature in underground rooms that is quite acceptable for the life of living beings.

In addition, according to the researchers, these data obtained over the years indicate that on our planet Earth, long before us - humanity, there existed, or maybe there were several civilizations with a very high level of technology. In addition, some of the modern researchers believe that these underground tunnels, which were left by these most ancient people, are still often used for underground movements of unknown flying objects, as well as for the life of the civilization that coexists on planet Earth at the same time as us. Here are just the levels of living we have different: we live on, and they are underground.

It is likely that all this is just mythology, inventions, or maybe this is just some kind of theory, which may not be true ...