Mythical sirens. Sirens in Greek mythology

  • 02.05.2020

When was the last time you heard a civil defense siren?

In Austria, the answer to this question at any time of the year: "Not further than last week."

After the Second World Austria, it was so raised that they covered the whole country with a network of Siren and since then test it every week exactly at 12:00 on Saturday. Every Saturday, now half a century. Throughout the country up to the most fargings. Farmers in the mountain villages have long challenged the clock on these signals.

And how do you then distinguish the real alarm from an extraordinary dough? - I ask a colleague.
- So the signal will be different.
- And what do you know the types of signals?
- Well, yes, everyone in school is obliged to chase them - and he listed all five species. Here are well-knownI thought and immediately forgot these signals.
- And what, at least once included on your memory?
- They say that they included during the Chernobyl catastrophe. And once again in 2000, when in Austria there was a threat of a strong wind.

Clear. Gradually, I got used to the signals and I myself began to check time.

Today, as usual, a standard test signal sounded on Saturday: "15 seconds of a monophonic sound". However, after him, ten minutes later, he seeded again, only no longer for 15 seconds, but much longer. A minute-two ... Sirena still sounds the same tone. I look out the window. In the window, people continue to go through their affairs, no one panic. What kind of? .. I connect FM radio, I start to turn the station - nothing else. At this time, the siren finally ships. "Bag some kind" - I thought.

Five minutes later - again begins to work and again a non-standard signal. What ... I climb on the Internet, I am looking for what the types of signals mean and finally stumble upon a paragraph in Wikipedia: "Every year the entire spectrum of signals is launched in the first Saturday of October - both for the test and to introduce the population with them." Yeah, today on October 4, Saturday, Fuh.

Types of Siren from Wikipedia:

1: Test: 15 seconds (Usually after it is half a minute pause, and the test is repeated)

2: Fire. 15 seconds of the signal with very short intervals (7 seconds). At the signal, all fire brigades and volunteers (volunteer brigades are doofing here) must arrive in the part. I have never heard him so much, because there are many other ways to notify firefighters.

3: DANGER! Three-minute signal (walked today after the test) - means the gap of an imminent pizder. It is recommended to turn on television and radio to find out how you will die soon.

4: Siren with a constantly changing tone without a pause (like an ambulance or police) - means that the nuclear missile is already at the pickle and would not hurt to begin to move towards the nearest asylum. Well, or in the extreme cases to defrost

Siren They called in the ancient Greek mythology of mysterious and mysterious maritime creatures of the female floor, they were attributed to the deceptive and cruel temper. His songs and seductive appearance, sirens lured sailors for death. The mention of these fish girls or girl girls is often found, legends and attdations associated with them are also very much, unites them that everyone who met with sirens, we are, of course, are about men, first of all, they certainly died.

Deadly charm of ancient legend

Different sources describe different versions of the origin of these creatures. According to one of the legends, these creations are the production of the Marine God of Forky or Aheloy, and the mother considered one of the music (Calliopu, Terraticor or Mellenu), and the mother was sometimes considered Sterno. This explains their demonic essence and a melodious voice. The number of these creatures ranged from two or three and reached a whole set. According to legend, they lived on the rocks of the island, destroyed bones and dried skin of the unfortunate wanders who fell into the trap of their insidious nature.

With their origin, another legend is associated with their origin that the sirens were previously very beautiful and arrogant girls who were angry with their chalkish temper Aphrodite, and she punished them, turning into birds. Other, not less beautiful legend It says that the sirens were nymphs that were addressed to the birds with muses. For having unusual voices, they have been ingenected with this so much that they died to call Muses on the competition, and lost. In the punishment they were addressed to Siren.

According to another version, the sirens turned to the Demeter, the mother kidnapped by Aid Pershofi. And one more version claims that they themselves wanted to become birds, as they were going to find a young goddess stolen Aid, but since people did not want to help them, they settled on a distant island and began to take revenge on the death of the wanderers and sailors.

Over the years, poets and writers tried to recreate an ancient image, and with each time the legend revived in a new way. Then these are insidious lovely maids, then this is the harbinger of death from the other world. Often, their image was carved on the tombstones, because they were associated with the angels of death, who sang funeral songs under the sounds of the Lyra.

The Middle Ages also left many references and facts that proved an amazing devotion to this image. Very often you can see the image of birds with female heads or a body of fish on herbs and frescoes.

There is a small-spread version of the origin of female birds. She argues that they were the result of the experiments of an alien reason, which in the end and created a person with the help of genetic engineering. But this result was not immediately received. First, intermediate variants of living beings appeared, which combined appearance and animals and people, therefore, sirens can be called one of the side branches of the experiment, such as:, pegasus or satires. Of course, the same theory argues that after receiving a pure result, all these creatures were destroyed. But if so, it remains unknown exactly how much the individuals were created and how much was destroyed, there is a chance that someone managed to survive, and become the object of numerous legends and legends.

Maybe the mysterious nature of Siren was collective and personified the changeable and sometimes, even unpredictable female nature? Maybe they really were part of our world, but subsequently unknown changes disappeared? Or maybe somewhere on the distant island you can hear a wonderful voice, called the Wanderer to rest after a long journey, and the sailor to quit an anchor and enjoy wonderful singing and music.

In ancient times, all the dangerous and incomprehensible perceived as something magical and divine. So, the sea surface attracted their beauty sailors. She scared them with sharp rocks and flames that hid under her. So the myths appeared, the main characters of which were sirens. In the Mythology of Greece, these marine creatures received a divine voice from the mother, and from the father - wild temper.

Characteristics of characters

The most popular characters of ancient Greek tale are sirens. Mythology that has come down to us describes them in the form of birds that have the similarity of women. Sometimes they are presented in the form of a mixture of fish and women.

It is believed that they were heterares. Among themselves they differed in that they played on different musical instruments. They all possessed sweet voices. Characters were often compared with the guards. Sometimes they were perceived as a music from the other world. Therefore, their images were met on the tombstone monuments.

One of the tales, they were companions of Persephone, which was considered the goddess of fertility. In addition, she ruled the kingdom of the dead, after Her kidnapped by AID. The gods turned the marships in halftitz so that they were looking for Persephone. According to another version, the girls themselves turned into birds, mourning Persenefon, which was taken to the kingdom of the dead.

Who created these half-sends?

Pedigree singing beings

The ancient Greek authors believed in different ways to be considered the father of sirens. Mythology of Sofokla, who lived in the fifth century BC, calls Forkis's marine deity. There were other versions on this.

Possible parents Siren:

  • father - River God Ageloy, Mother Muz Melpomena or Terraticor;
  • mother - Sterlop;
  • mother - Gay, Father - Pont;
  • Keto.

Presentations about characters

Sirens in ancient Greek mythology have long appeared. Before us, the first mention of them came from the "Odyssey" of Homer. According to the time frames, this is the eighth century BC. Two sirens are described in the work, which with the help of their charming songs lured the travelers to themselves. Their listeners walked to the island and sitting there along with the ships. No one saw these creatures.

Modern researchers believe that all these charming sounds were heard from the caves, which in the Greek seasons are abused. Maybe, therefore, no one seen singing creatures. But back to mythology.

How did the sirens look like?

The mythology of the staffing era represents them in the form of virgins with bird wings, body and clawed paws. There is an option in the form of maids with a fish tail.

According to the works of Apollodor, it is possible to judge the sirens as an incredibly beautiful virgin possessing a charming voice that I got from Mother Music. One of the three sisters played a kifara, the other - on the flute, and the third sang. Sunny music, the travelers burst with sirens on the part and have come across. Such wild temper was from Father Forkis.

In the works of Apollonia, Rhodes are talking about a set of sirens. How many sirens are described in mythology?

List of mythic beings

In the entire history of the development of ancient Greek culture, several options for mythical devs were described.

Sirens in Greek mythology:

  • Aglaop - her name means the one "sparkling voice." It is considered the daughter of Aheloy with Mellenoi.
  • Pisinoa is the creation of Aheloy and Melpomen.
  • Levkosia was the island, named after her name, it is located at Cape Sirenss. By legend, her body was thrown ashore near Posheidonia.
  • MPA - has a nickname "dance". The daughter of Aheloy with Meldoma is considered.
  • Laiaiya - the body of the Virgin threw around the Terine near the shore.
  • Parfenopa - the grave of this siren was shown in Naples.
  • Felxiop - the name means "adorant gaze". Also is the creation of Aheloy and Melpomen.


There is a legend in which the sirens (the Mythology of Attica) decided to compete with muses in singing. Competitions advised Gera. As a result, the victory won the muses who threw sirens, and from their feathers made wreaths. Since then, such a decoration has become a headdress of the music.

Characters competed near the city of Apter, who was located on the island of Crete. The chief Olympic God allocated an anfhemessu island for the mythical maiden.

Habitat characters:

  • sicilian Cape Pelor;
  • Siren Islands;
  • cape Peloriad;
  • Cape;
  • Sirenuss.

Using the image

About Siren wrote from ancient times. There are separate works about the mythical devs, for example, the comedy of the nicophone "Sirena". Characters are also mentioned in the works of Homer and Apollonia Rhodes.

At all times, marine virgins were portrayed in painting works. It is possible to note such artists as Armitage, Waterhouse, Drope, Krupinsky, Korolkov and others.

In medieval heraldry, these characters are used as shield holders.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, an asteroid was opened, which was called (1009) siren.

Sirens - one of the most famous monsters From Greek mythology. About Siren B. modern world They also know thanks to numerous films, books, comics, games contacting ancient Greek history in the mythological key. Let's look at them through a magnifying glass.

In the article:

Sirens - Origin and Characteristics

These creatures personify the beautiful, volatile and insidious surface of the sea - the navigators often encountered the fact that the depth was reliable, at first glance, the depth turned out to be melted or, worse, taled in himself sharp cliffs. Sirens include K. mixantropic Beings - their bodies are half female, half a bird. In some legends, they have fish tails than remind.

In "Odyssey" Homer wrote that Siren was two, but he did not call them name. Later they became three, as well as. The older was the name of Persian, the middle - Agliaof, and the younger - Telskipia. The first perfectly owned the game on kifare, the other possessed a beautiful voice, and the third fascinated with the play on the flute. In addition, they possessed a fascinating look. According to other myths, Siren was called Parthenop, Laiei and Levkosia.

Who gave rise to the creation of charming singing, it is unknown - it could be Forte, or chonic goddess keto, or deity Aheheo. Sometimes their mother's legends call one of the music - Meldom, Terraticoror Calliopu. In addition, myths indicate that the mother of Sires could be Sterlop, as well as Gay.

Another possible father, Ahel, was the powerful deity of rivers, the descendant of the theth and ocean, or the son of the ocean and gay, or gay and helios. From the Union of Aheloy with Mellenoi or Terratichery appeared sirens. In his wanders, Hercules fought with Aheley. God accepted the appearance of a bull to fight the hero, but Hercules broke him one of the horns and saved Tsarevna to act from an unwanted Uhager.

Frame from the film "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Different appearance took and forctive - thus, the possible fathers of sweet creatures were twisted, hence the duality in the description of their animal parts. Filometer legends on sirens describe them as maids with wings of birds, or women, similar to mermaids, or maids with human heads, but bird bodies and legs. From the Father, they inherited a fierce, spontaneous, unbridled temper, and Musa's Music presented his charming voice.

In some legends it is indicated that the sirens found a semi-free appearance as a result of curses. If you believe the legends, they constituted Persephone Sweets, and after her abduction, Aid was aimlessly walked over the ground. In the end, they joined Apollon. The angry loss of the daughter of Demeter cursed Siren, why did they have rose bird wings.

There is a different version of this legend - the gods turned the sirens in birds for the desperate search for the missing goddess, because Zeus himself allowed his brother to kidnap her. Or cursed focused, as they rejected marriage. According to the third version, the new appearance was the desire of the Siren themselves, which was fulfilled by the gods.

Sirens in legends

"Orphea and Siren", Herbert Draper, 1909

One of the legends describes the competition Siren and Muses in the art of singing in the city of Apter. Gera advised the sea virgin to call Muses to fight - the purpose of her is unknown, but perhaps someone from Siren liked Zeus, and the goddess of marriage accepted. One way or another, the victory remained for muses. They threw out rivals by making victory wreaths from feathers. The humiliated Siren Zeus presented an anfhemessu island.

Filometer legends described them as owner of incredibly beautiful voices. They were singing the sailors, and when their ship crashed about sharp coastal rocks, they were looking for people thrown ashore to break into pieces and eat. Argonauts managed to escape - along with them the Orpheus sailed, capable of drowning the Siren song with her music. All the time, while the ship sailed past the disastrous island, Orpheus played on the forming (Lira) and sang. One of the crew members, but still happened to hear Siren's voices - he rushed from the ship in sea \u200b\u200bwavesI seek to get to the island, but I was saved Aphrodite. The rest of his days Boot spent in Lilibee.

The most ancient source with mentions about these creatures is Homerovskaya "Odyssey". Homer described the location of the island of Siren - it was between the possessions of the circces and the inhabitation of the Szill. The island is littered with withered skin and the whims of the victims of the victims. The team of Odyssey managed to escape thanks to the warning of the circces and tricks - they got ears with bees wax, therefore they did not hear songs. Odyssey himself, wanting to understand the destructive secret of magical songs, ordered him to tie him to the mast. No matter how taking it, wanting to go to the source of sound, the sailors did not untie him, and the ship was safely passed by the deadly island.

Long before these events, sirens were predicted that death would come to them with the ship passed by their island without sacrifices. When the odyssey ship was unharmed passed by, they were distraught. Most of Of them rushed into the sea and turned into a cliff, and the remaining snatched their feathers and drowned. But often as a deadly ship called the ship Jason and Argonautov.

Sophokl argued that he met the surviving Siren, which was discovered by the law of Aida. A fan of classical antiquity, Sophokl represented them with good umudded virgin devices who live each in his heavenly sphere on the world spoken by the Goddess Issue Anan. With their singing, they give rise to majestic space harmony. Rest of classic Siren - Aid. Late legends associate them with a Delphian oracle and world harmony.

Over time, these creatures have become close to and. Siren images can be found on the episches of the late mere period. Nikikomon and Feopomp created the comedies of the same name about these creatures. Southital city Surrente once possessed a magnificent temple in honor of Siren, and next to Naples there is a tomb of the senior siren.

Sirens in the Middle Ages

With the beginning of the Middle Ages in the Antique Vision of the Universe and his monsters intervened the Christian vision. Homer's myths began to be perceived from the point of view of Catholics who have seen in all biblical canons and interpretations. Changed perception and canonical myth about Odyssey.

IN "Physiologist"The very first work from which after writing later bastiary was written, an episode with sirens was borrowed from Gomeov's text. The author rewrote it in his own way:

The philanthropist says that sirens carry death. The abdicate of them is the sea, and they fascinate them. Separal sailors are deprived of consciousness, fall into sea waves and die there. They have female navels, and from the navel - birds.

Thus, the author concluded that the dual-sized people are covered in everything. And those that came to the church, but did not remove from their sins, like sirens. Affectionate words, sinners are deceiving the lungs and lead them to death.

Odyssey The medieval authors compared with Christ, and the mast to which he was tied with a cross. The ship was the allegory of the church, sirens - carnal desires. Their sweet songs expressed worldly benefits, destroying for the soul. Only ropes, symbolizing faith, were able to keep Odyssey from imposing in sin and eternal torment in Posmerty. Three sisters-sirens became an expression of greed, pride and breakdown. Ignoring the descriptions of Plinia and Ovid, the medieval monks were deprived of Siren wings and bird paws, awarding fish tails. The "heavenly" past of the virgins turned out to be forgotten.

Sirens in modern culture

In the modern world, sirens are common in many works of art. Often the authors are treated directly to antique primary sources to recreate the exact image of the creature. Marine maiden girls are not forgotten today.

Full encyclopedia of mythological creatures. History. Origin. Magic properties of the Conway Dean


Despite the fact that in Greek mythology, the sirens were associated with the ocean and water, originally they were birds with human features. Their name has happened from the Greek root word, meaning "linking or tied". In Latin, this word came as Sirena, and in French was transformed into Sereine; Therefore, these marine nymph birds women were sometimes called the saremen. Their temple was in Sorrento.

Different sources argue that Sirena was two, three, four and even eight. These sea nymph with bird features had a bird body size with human, as well as heads, hands and breasts of women. With its beautiful, seductive voices, they attracted sailors to their death on huge coastal rocks. Their favorite musical instrument was a lira or double flute. Sitting on the cliffs, sirens sang love songs, and anyone who heard their singing was instantly enchanted by him. He jumped overboard and shattered. Sirens, like the Minotaur, loved human meat.

There are many contradictory legends on the origin of Siren. According to one of them, once they were maritime nymphs, the daughters of the river god Aheeloy and Nymph Kallopa. Ceres turned them into half-semi-sends. In addition, they may have some relevance to Persephone, the government of the underground kingdom.

Most often, they were given by the names of Aglaofon (with a brilliant voice), Felkspey (chasing words), Pancy (convinced) and MPA (song). Other authors also add the names of Parfenopa, Laiah and Levkosia.

The myth tells about the fact that the vanity and pride of Siren because of their votes and musical talents were so great that one day they called music to competition in music.

Muses won and punished Siren, plugging all the feathers from their wings. Hasting his own species, these half-semi-substaine leaves left the sources and valleys where they lived, and hid among the steep coastal rocks southern Italy. They settled on Cape Pelorus, Capri, the island of Antemus and the Siren Islands.

When Ulysses had to sail past the islands, where Sirens lived, he shook his ears of his team with waxed, and then told them to tie him to the mast. So the Greek hero could hear the song Siren, but could not jump over the board and swim to them.

Greek myths narrate only about one hero, who managed to avoid spell Sirena, is Argonaut Yazon. On the ship of the Yazon and Argonauts was Orpheus, a skillful musician who played at the harp. When the Argonaut ship reached the Island Sirena, Orpheus began to play on his harp and sing, and all the argonauts besides one could withstand the temptation of these sea nymph. Only Buto jumped overboard, but Aphrodite saved him.

According to the ancient prophecy, when sirens will not be able to lure sailors to death, they will turn into huge rocks. When they failed to attract the seafarers of Argo, the sirens jumped into the ocean and turned into dangerous pitfalls. The legend states that the body of one of them, Parfenopa, was thrown ashore in the place where Naples were built later.

Many information about the sirens is contained in the writings of Aristotle, Plinia, Ovid and Gigigin, as well as in "Physiologus" (approximately II century. Er) and medieval bestiaries.

Perhaps sirens lived not only in Greece. Columbus during one of his travels made a record that he and his people saw Siren.

Psychological characteristics: The temptation to spend too much time, delving into paranormal and spiritual questions, which leads to an imbalance in the person's personal life.

Magic properties: singing; Love spells.


From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (c) by Brocgauz F. A.

Sirens sirens (seirhnev, sirenes) - in Greek mythology, sea muses who personified a deceptive, but charming sea surface, under which sharp rocks or melons are hidden. The first mentions of S. are available in Odysse. They live in the West, on the island between the Earth

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Sirens sirens personify both danger and irresistible charm. Legends say that at night these wonderful creatures call on sailors to return to the sea. Sorry, the term "siren" is little applicable to the unfortunate creatures, which medicine

From the book of the author

From the book of the author

Sirens despite the fact that in Greek mythology, sirens were associated with the ocean and water, originally they were birds with human features. Their name has happened from the Greek root word, meaning "linking or tied". In Latin, this word came like Sirena,