Egyptian pyramids and their riddles. Mystery of Egyptian pyramids

  • 11.05.2020

Moscow Humanitarian College of Economics and Law

According to the subject: culturalology

on the topic: "Riddles egyptian pyramids"

Moscow 2008.


Miracle in the desert

Architectural layout, Labor Organization and work

Puzzles pyramids

Mystery of the ventilation mines of the pyramid of Heops

Book on stones

Secrets of stone dungeons



Almost five thousand years ago, the Egyptian Pharaoh Joser and his brilliant architect Imhotep decided to erect the construction, which still did not see the light - the colossal mountain from the stone, built on a strict mathematical calculation, such a strong to stoke up to the condation of the centuries. The construction of this first pyramid in the world lasted for more than two decades, and the number of employees - prisoners of war, slaves, voluntary assistants were calculated with tens of thousands. For the next two centuries egyptian pharaohs According to the first builders, the pyramids were erected by the tombs. For this relatively short time, the Great Pyramids were built, which Dyname amazed and admire crowds of tourists. But the construction of these grand man-made mountains ceased just as suddenly, as it began. Pharaohs, as before, were content with more modest tips.

The most ancient in the world and massive monuments from stone - Egyptian pyramids - were created to inspire a reverent horror and hit their imagination. Amazing, with what interest people always perceived the most incredible theories that arose on their account. So, for example, one astronomer from Scotland is a progress in the sizes of the Heops pyramid not only the distance encoded in them from the ground to the Sun and the time of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, but also the date of the future end of the world - 1881.

Despite all the visible inviolability of the pyramids, they, ironically, were injured not so much from the forces of nature, as from the hands of a man. The ancient Egyptians were the first vandals: they robbed their funeral chambers and ruthlessly moved a limestone shell with them, using material for other buildings, and. This barbarism continued in later times.

With the growth of tourism grew and the likelihood of certain monuments. The crowds of tireless tremblers rushed with a risk to life to the tops of the pyramids, applying them irreparable damage. Thanks to the law, adopted in 1983 by the Egyptian authorities, four tiny figures, storming the pyramid of Heops in the photo at the top, were one of the latter, who managed to do, although tourists are still allowed to enter the pyramid.

Camel traffickers and street vendors who must have crossed their calls to another Greek historian Herodota, when he looked at the pyramids, today is obliged to hold on them at a decent distance.

The father of history "Herodotus called the Egyptian pyramids" First Miracle of Light ". The past millennia not only confirm this name, but more and more forcing the researchers to consider this" miracle "the greatest and mysterious of all known to humanity.

Miracle in the desert

The deserted, stony plateau Giza, where the Pyramid complex is located, has a flat shape, with a slight inclination from the west to the east for 2 kilometers and from north to south - 1.3 kilometers and now almost absorbed by Cairir. The complex located on it consists of three large pyramids, sphinx, and several small pyramids, temples, tomb of priests and officials. It is noteworthy that all sides of the pyramids are practically definitely oriented towards magnetic poles (the deviation of only 3 degrees). At a distance of about 160 meters from the pyramid of Heops, the pyramid of Hefre (Hafra) is towers, the height of which is 136.6 meters (earlier 143.5), and the length of the parties is 210.5 meters. Visually, the pyramid of Hefren, who retained 22 rows of cladding, seems higher than the pyramid of Heops. The effect is achieved due to the fact that its base is at a higher mark. One of the most magnificent and well-preserved monumental structures of the ancient kingdom is the lower temple of Heffren. This temple, having in terms of the shape of a square with a side of 4.5m, is built of large granite blocks. His walls have an easy tilt, and in this regard, he impresses a huge Mastaba, especially from the facade.

Pyramid Micherina (Mencar), the smallest, is located 200 meters from Hefren's pyramid. Its height is 62 meters, and the length of the parties is 108.4 meters. It was originally 4 meters higher, but retained the length of the parties, because the sand fellows were protected by the lower part of her cladding. This cladding is from the Red Asuan Granite - originally covered the pyramid almost a third of her heights, then it was replaced by white plates from the tourist limestone, and the peak, in all likelihood, was also red, granite. She was still in the 16th century, until she was charged.

South of the third pyramids are three associated with her small pyramids surrounded by a common wall. The base area of \u200b\u200beach of them is equal to 1/3 of the base of the base of the micryine pyramid. It is believed that the wife of Pharaoh was buried in these pyramids. In one of the premises associated with the Pyramid of Micheer, the American archaeologist Raisner opened four sculptural groups from the slate during the excavation, called Micher Triads. Three of them are now in Cairo, one in Boston.

None of the pyramids did not find any dead bodies, only empty sarcophages.

The ventilation mines of Heops Pyramid have already cause a number of questions for a number of years. Earlier it was believed that the mines in the Tsaritsa chamber were illegal, however, Rudolph's studies of Rudolf Gantenbreet, conducted in 1993, were forced to doubt this assumption.

But start first. So-called ventilation mines go north and south from the burial cameras. They have an almost square cross section in section (23 * 22 cm) and the following corners of the deviation from the horizontal (according to the 1993 dimensions):

Northern Mine Camera King - 32 0 28 ", South Mine Camera Tsar - 45 0, Northern Mine Camera Tsaritsa - 37 0 28" ", South Mine Camera Tsaritsa - 39 0 30"

Two mines of the Pharaoh's burial chamber are known from the seventeenth century. John Grivz, Professor of Astronomy in Oxford, reported on the existence of these mines after his famous examination of Pyramids Giza in 1638, mentioning that the northern mine "handled from the flames of torches." In 1693, De Maya, the French Consul General, also reported on his opening of the mines and made an unusual conclusion that they served to descend food and remove garbage. "British adventure craftsman, Colonel Wayz, together with his colleague, J.S. Perringom, discovered that the mines come out; it happened in 1837. At first, both researchers decided that the mines were conducted in some room, even at this passage and were very small sizes (23 by 22 centimeters), but they refused their idea When they felt after clearing the northern mine flow streams. " They suggested that the mine was created for ventilation; It was thanks to them that the expression was fixed - "ventilation shaft".

However, the "such ventilation" system is very little on the ventilation system of the Egyptian houses ... In order to air the burial cameras in the Hueops pyramid, it would be wiser to place the mines horizontally at the ceiling level than to make them inclined, starting in one meter from the floor, At the level of the sarcophagus cover. It can be added that in the construction of an oblique mine, builders have to deal with a mass of problems when laying it through tiers, which would not be if the ventilation mines were horizontal. "

For some reason, the builders left the last 13 cm. Block at the entrance to two ventilation mines in the Tsaritsa chamber, so the fact that they did not serve at all for ventilation, no doubt. Only in 1872, Wainman Dixon, by analogy with the king's camera, discovered them with a climbing method and made his way to the channel height 20 and 23 cm wide. After 2 meters, the channels left at an angle. The Dicksons brothers managed to make three small finds in mines - the only objects found in the pyramid of Heops.

Considering the foregoing, a guess was expressed that the mines were not intended for ventilation at all; And served for purely religious purposes: "It is more likely that they performed some role in the burial, possibly being the way to exit the soul of the king."

Book on stones

Abbot Sea, by the way, believed that the architects of the Great Pyramid knew and much more, which was managed to embody in the stone: the duration of the leap year; The distance that the land passes in its orbit for 24 hours; The density of the substance of the Earth, as well as the average temperature of our planet, since the thermal unit of the Great Pyramid is equal to the value average temperature Earth surfaces, etc.

Even more intriguing results give studies of recent years, from which it follows that dimensions, quantities, weight and mutual distances from each other of three pyramids and the Sphynx reflect the similar relationships of the Sun, Venus, Earth and Mars among themselves. A in-depth analysis of the geometric relations of the elements of Necropolis Giza not only proved that his creators knew such a thing as a "golden cross section", but also miraculously tied the complex of Pyramids Giza with "pyramids" and "face" of Sidonia on Mars!

This concept, for example, subtly justifies the group of authors led by G. Hancock, which also shows that the individual elements of the Giza complex can be much older than 5,000 years, traditionally attributed to him by scientists, and to have more than 12,000 years.

Secrets of stone dungeons

Nevertheless, the puzzles of the external characteristics of the pyramids are nothing compared to what is happening inside. To pay attention to them scientists forced mysterious and almost detective stories. The most sensible case is the detection of Tutankhamon's burial in 1923. The sensation flew around the whole world, but after this, the inexplicable events began, symbolically called the "curse of pharaohs" - a more accurate name for this strange phenomenon in the human language was not found. Most of the members of the expedition - 11 people led by its main sponsor and patron Lord Karnelvone and the supervisor Howard Carter for the next six years died for various reasons and under various circumstances that externally do not interfere with each other and cannot be connected if Guide the usual human logic for us. But in this case it is obviously not enough.

Pyramids only in Egypt?

We say - "Pyramids", immediately pops up - "Egypt". The simplest associative series, however, does not give a full picture: the pyramids look into the sky from all over globe. Egypt maybe central part Epic web, but not the only one. In France, in Brittany, 4 abandoned pyramids were preserved, by age older Egyptian. In China, there is a valley of the pyramids, significantly superior to even the Hoeop pyramid - the size of the highest about 300 meters. America can be proud of stepped pyramids, which more than 3.5 thousand years ago erected Maya Indians; But this is not all - about one of the Bahamas at the bottom of the sea, the ruins of the giant construction of a rectangular form were discovered. Submarine studies have shown that this is ... No, not a pyramid - a destroyed and sunken city. However, it is noteworthy that: the buildings were made of stone blocks weighing from 2 to 25 tons, and the blocks were also perfectly adjusted to each other like blocks of Egyptian pyramids. The form is different - but the technology is the same. According to radiocarbon analysis, an ancient city of about 10 thousand years. At the foot of the extinct volcano, which is near Mexico, under the layer of lava found the remains of the destroyed pyramid. If you remember that last eruption Volcano occurred 8 thousand years ago, the age of the Mexican pyramid is defined as "more than 8 thousand years." So, the world is full of pyramids. It turns out, the ancient Egyptians did not have a "patent" on their building. Pyramids are not dislocation of the capricious imagination of pharaohs, not a consequence of the elementary mania of the magnitude embodied in stone. Pyramids - Something more than the place of restoring the rulers of ancient Egypt. This, by the way, is unequivocally says the following fact: not a single mummy has been found in any of the Egyptian pyramids. All sarcophages discovered in the pyramids are empty. Pharaohs rested in crypts and tips in the valley of the kings, next to the pyramids - but not inside their themselves!


Children love to play cubes, shifting them from place to place, building different figures from them. A long time ago, thousands of years ago, when Baobabs were big, and people are small and in loose dressings, they also played in cubes. Only cubes were huge, and the figure of them was almost always the same - the pyramid.

Many tried to solve the secrets of the pyramids. These construction is an intractable puzzle from numerical combinations. Fantastic ingenuity, skill, time and labor of the architects of the pyramid used by them in the construction of an eternal symbol, according to many researchers, indicate the extreme importance of the message that the ancient Egyptians wanted to transfer to the coming generations.

The globe is ducky, they are everywhere - in Africa, America, Europe and Asia. Pyramids "Run" all civilizations. Is it possible now, hundreds of centuries, to understand - what made humanity play so strange and identical games? And - whether games were there? ...

List of used literature

1. K. Mikhailovsky "Pyramids and Mastaby".

2. N.A. Dmitrieva " Short story Arts.

3. Babanin V.P. Secrets of great pyramids. S-Pb: Lan, 1999. - 510 p.

4. Materials of the site:

Egyptian pyramids are more seventy, but only three of them became the most famous. These are the tomb of the pharaohs located in Giza - Hefren Pyramids (Hafra), Heops (Houfou) and Mekerin (Mencar). It is with them that most mysterious legends and inexplicable incidents are connected.

It is impossible to say confidently that today all the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids are solved, because their priests were very dodewood and inventive. Perhaps our researchers still have to solve the sphinx riddles, and penetrate the very essence of Egyptian architecture, science and magic ...

Secrets of the pyramids of Heffren

The height of this facility is 136.5 meters. Its structure is relatively simple - two inputs located on the north side, and two cameras. The Hefren's Pyramid was erected from stone blocks of different dimensions, and was lined with plates from white limestone. The top of the Tomb of Pharaoh is posted from beautiful limestone yellow color.

Do not safely try to penetrate the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids! Proof of this will serve as an event that occurred with tourists in 1984. The impressive queue stood opposite the entrance to the tunnel, leading to the pyramid of Hefren. All expected the arrival of the group that went to the compact room with the sarcophagus - the tomb of Pharaoh Hefren, in which the Mummy of Lord was once sealed. It is believed that this pharaoh, besides his pyramid, built a mysterious man-lion - large sphinx.

Finally, tourists returned, but what happened to them! People hit the cough, stuck out of weakness and nausea, they have blushed their eyes. Later, tourists said that everyone simultaneously felt irritation in the respiratory tract, threw in their eyes, tested strong tearing. The victims had medical assistance, they were examined, but ... no deviations were detected. People announced that the Tombus of Pharaoh probably was filled with a certain mysterious gas, an unknown way leaked inside the tomb.

The tomb was closed, and urgently was convened by the Commission, which was to resolve this secret of the Egyptian pyramid. Experts put forward several work versions - the appearance of caustic gases from faults in the depths of the earth's crust, the actions of unknown attackers and even interference. But according to the most interesting version, in the tomb of Pharaoh could be located one of the ancient traps equipped with priests against robbers.

Pharaoh Mikherina Tomb

The son and heir to Hafra Greeks called the Micheryin. This ruler belongs the smallest of the famous large pyramids. Initial, the height of the structure was 66 meters, today's 55.5 meters. Side length - 103.4 meters. The entrance is located on the northern wall, a part of the cladding has been preserved. The tomb of Micheryne also contributed to the formation of the legends about the Egyptian pyramids.

In 1837, the Pyramid Micherina discovered English Colonel Howard Vens. In the Golden Chamber of the Tomb, he discovered made from the basalt sarcophagus, as well as a wooden coffin cover, carved in the form of a person's shape. This discovery was dated, as belonging to the era early Christianity. The sarcophagus was never delivered to England - the ship transporting it from Egypt, drowned.

There is a legend that the Egyptians adopted some secrets from the Atlanta who arrived in their country. For example, it is believed that the impact of it on cells of a living organism depends on the mass and shape of the pyramid. The pyramid can both destroy and heal from diseases. It is known that the effect of the field of the Pyramid of Micheryina is so large that tourists are long in its critical zone ,. Some people entering the tomb of the Pharaoh Mikherina, flow into a faint condition, dramatically feel deterioration of well-being. You should not try to solve the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids by the method of trial and errors.

Heops Pyramid (Hufu)

The records of Greek historian Herodotus indicate that the Tomb of Heops's Pharaoh was erected for more than 20 years. During this period, approximately 100,000 people constantly worked at the construction site. The housing of the legendary peyramid of Heops consists of 128 layers of the stone, the external faces of the facility were lined with snow-white limestone. It should be noted that the facing plates are fitted with such an accuracy that in the gap between them it is impossible to insert even the knife blade.

In the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids, many researchers tried to penetrate. Egyptian archaeologist - Mohammed Zakaria Gone discovered ancient Egyptian pyramid With alabastra sarcophagus located inside. When the excavations were approached by an end, one of the stone blocks collapsed, and a few workers behind him. In a raised to the surface of the sarcophage there was nothing.

Englishman Paul Brighton, having heard that many tourists visiting the Tomb of Pharaoh Heops complain of worsening well-being, decided to experience the influence of the pyramid on himself. The tireless researcher penetrated directly into the funeral room of Heops, which for him ended very depressively. After some time, Brighton was discovered and removed from there. The Englishman was in a half-conscious state, later he admitted that he lost consciousness from indescribable horror.

Mystery of the Egyptian Pyramid of Tutankhamon

In the fall of 1922, forever left his mark in the history of the development of archaeological science - the English archaeologist, Tutankhamon, was discovered by the English archaeologist, Movard Carter. On February 16, 1923, Carter and Lord Carnarvon (a patron, financing this enterprise) opened the tomb in the presence of several witnesses.

In the premises of the sarcophagus there was a sign containing the inscription in ancient Egyptian language, which was deciphered later. The inscription read: "Everyone who will break the peace of Pharaoh, death will overtake death." When the archaeologist has deciphered a sign, he hid it not to embarrass his satellites, as well as workers.

Further events developed in a rapid pace. Even before the Pharaoh's tomb was opened, Lord Carnarvon received a letter from the Khaimon graph - English clairvoyant. In this letter, the count warned Karnarvon that if he penetrates the secret of the Egyptian pyramid of Tutankhamon, then his illness would be waiting for his death. This message was very alarmed by Lord, and he decided to apply for advice to the famous fortuneteller named Welma. Clairvoyant practically word in the word repeated the caution of the Khaimon count. Lord Karnarvon decided to stop excavations, but the preparations came to them too far. Injury he had to challenge the mystical forces guarding the Tomb of Pharaoh ...

57 - Summer Lord Carnarvon just six weeks suddenly fell ill. At first, the doctors believed that this disease was a consequence of the bite of mosquitoes. Then it turned out that the Lord was cut during shave. But be that as it may, Lord passed away soon, and the reason for his death remained unexplained.

This incident is not exhausted only by the death of Lord Carnarvon. During the year, another five members of this expedition are dying, which penetrated the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids. Among them were a specialist in conservation of Mais, an English professor of La Fleur's literature, Caterman's secretary Richard Befil and a radiologist Wood. Mais died in the same hotel, where Karnarvon died, and also by an unexplained reason. Before his death, he began to complain about the attacks of weakness, tested longing and apathy. For several years, 22 people died suddenly and would die, in one way or otherwise had a relation to the excavations and studies of the Tomb of Pharaoh.

Strange, but the fact: Lord Centerville transported on the "Titanic" perfectly preserved Mummy Amenophis fourth - Egyptian appearance, who lived in the times of Amenhote the fourth. This mummy was removed from a small tomb, over which the temple was tumped. Her rest was protected, which accompanied the mummy in this journey. Under the mummy's head, there was a sign with the inscription and the image of Osiris. The inscription read: "Finger from the faint, in which you are, and trying over all sorts of goats against you."

What was the pyramids of Giza for?

Such majestic structures could be not only the tombs of the pharaohs. The secrets of the Egyptian pyramids are not solved to this day. And yet there are some assumptions regarding their destination. Pyramids can be:
- encyclopedia of knowledge, a kind of treasures of Egyptian wisdom ();
- astronomical observatory;
- barriers against sands coming from the desert;
- stallons of architecture;
- alien information capsules;
- Border fixes and even the pier for the ark of Noah.

And this is only a small part of the assumptions expressed regarding these architectural structures. As you can see, the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids still failed to solve ...

One of these unsolved mysteries is a fantastic construction rate, which each tomb of Pharaoh was erected. Scientists calculated its on the basis of the life expectancy of the rulers, the time of spill Nile, and other factors. It turned out that 4 block was mounted every minute, and every hour - 240! And this is only with the help of primitive mechanisms - levers, ropes, etc. There is even an incredible assumption that the Egyptian priests owned the secret to overcoming the law of attraction.

Who will master all the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids? What power is hidden in these walls, beyond the time? Perhaps we still have to witness the discoveries of modern researchers. Or maybe the tomb of Pharaoh expects exactly you?

Everyone knows about Egyptian pyramids. And everyone is familiar with the official version of their origin: the pyramids are built by the price of the operation of thousands of slaves. But, there were always skeptics that subjected this version of doubt. In the sense, unlimited slaves could build such ambitious objects. Then who? When there are no convincing hypotheses in the course of fantasy. The authors of the pyramids were considered the inhabitants of Atlantis, then aliens. But many, having heard about these versions, preferred to believe in slaves and pharaohs. But...

First of the priaxide themselves. The following features of the pyramids are known:

Mathematical - In the ratio of their geometric elements, the "golden section" was laid (the relationship between the apople side edge and a half of the base of the pyramid of the cheops), the number "pi" (the perimeter of the base is equal to the length of the circumference, the radius of which is equal to the height of the heels pyramid) and trigonometric features, possibly the following From the used constructions (tangent an angle of inclination of the side face of the peyramid of the cheops is equal to the opposite sinus of this angle (51 degrees of 30 minutes)).

Astronomical - the orientation of the pyramids along the North-South line is performed up to 3 minutes of the arc; There are moves focused on some stars.

Geological - In addition to the local material (limestone, the rocks located in several hundred meters) were used granite (presumably brought from Aswan, located 900 km above Nile) and Basalt (origin unknown).

Technological - During construction, millions of limestone blocks with an average weight of 2.5 tons were used, plates weighing more than 200 tons were repeatedly used, careful finish not only limestone, but also granite and basalt plates; The conical holes and the corresponding cores are drilled in granite and basalt (found at the end of the 19th century) with a groove with a pitch of 2 mm; The moves embodied in the thickness of the pyramids are made on the lines deviating from a direct no more than 5 mm at a distance of about 80 m, the planes of the faces of the pyramids are made with great accuracy.

Questions are as follows:

Being very impressive buildings, they possess all the features that do not meet the ideas about the level of development of civilization of those times.

Neither the purpose of the pyramids themselves nor the appointment of premises and moves (taking into account their location and sizes) existing inside the pyramids is incomprehensible.

Despite the large amount of cultural heritage of the ancient Egypt, neither descriptions, no drawings related to the construction of the pyramids, as well as their images themselves are not found .. everything that is known - the hieroglyph "measures" denoting the pyramid .. Russian researchers believe that ancient The Egyptians did not build a pyramid, but only used the facilities that existed before them.

Miracle used

What is this prattleization?

Plates from the Black Basalt, used in the construction of some Egyptian pyramids and temples, retained the traces of the disk saw, which in the ancient Egyptians with their level of technological development (as it is generally accepted) could not be. And holes in granite? What kind of roller and drills were used during the Pharaoh times? The pyramids themselves, apparently, are standing on the spot of some more ancient semi-flowing structures with incomprehensible functions: whether shelters from natural cataclysms, or shelters in case of wars.

Whether the version is possible that the Egyptian state originated on the basis of some pratvilization. At the beginning of the III century BC. In Egypt, he lived a historian Manphone. In no time, he is known as the only Ancient Egyptian author who has known to us, who has a full historical work on the history of ancient Egypt - the author of the book "History of Egypt"

The Manephone left us the chronological list of the rulers of Egypt, including the first kingdom, when the gods ruled 10-12 thousand years ago. Perhaps we are talking about representatives of an unknown story of ancient civilization (some researchers believe that it is about Atlantis)

sphinx Egypt 1860.

Inventory stele

It is noteworthy that one and a half years ago in egyptian Giza The so-called inventory stele was found, which indicates that Pharaoh Heops commanded to repair the damaged statue of the Sphinx (according to the generally accepted version, it was built about 2.5 thousand years before our era). It preserved traces of rain erosion. But it is known that Egypt exists without torrential rains at least eight thousand years. When the Egyptian authorities were noted at this, they, who, frightened, ordered to remove the inventory stele in the storey of the Cairo Museum, and the surface of the sphinx decided to renovate urgently. Or read from the traces of errozia? What do they hide?

If you still be lucky enough to get to Asuanga quarries, then pay attention to the shurtes, leaving a few meters deep. Diameter they are about half a meter, and there are many there.

Interesting. A man standing on his head, hammered granite a few meters down, polishing the canal walls. And all this for what? According to Egyptologists - in order to see the direction of the crack, which, by the way, is perfectly determined and outside.

The conclusion can be made one - the ancients had a tool that allowed working with granite as a foam.

Two more curious facts. The Pyramid of Cheops. It is based on a rock, about 10 meters high, but the base of this granite surface from horizontally 2 cm, with a side of almost the perfect square in 230 meters. Drafts of the parties is no more than 10 cm. Also, the pyramid is almost perfectly oriented on the sides of the world. Positioning error 0.015%.

I work in the field of construction. Even in our time, in the presence of all these laser devices, it is almost impossible to achieve such accuracy. What devices used the builders of the pyramids?

Another important detail was that the surface of the pyramid was covered with polished limestone, concave in the center. This coating was so brilliant that his reflected light could be seen from the moon. By the way, the radius of the bending of the surfaces repeated the radius of the bend of the earth's surface, and therefore was not visible near. Later, the earthquake loosened, and the Arabs took these stones to restore the mosque of Sultan Khasan, the Cairo palaces and other things. Stones that were lined with a pyramid, docked with a gap of 0.5 mm with perfect straight corners. Moreover, this microcosor was designed to fill with glue, making them waterproof.

Again, in my personal experience in construction, even today, when the facing tile is manufactured in the workshops with the help of machines, perfectly smooth plates with an angle of exactly 90 degrees receive it. We buy slabs in Spain and Italy, as these plates with the smallest error. And the Egyptians are perfect. How?

There is another one, in my opinion, an important moment. Pyramid dating is found out by radiocarbon analysis. And it is able to determine the age of only in organic matter. That is, the age of the pyramids was determined by the remains of the wood left by the ancients.

For example, the Sphinx was built during the Pharaoh Heops, 2500 years BC. But not the fact that they were the builders. 150 years ago, the so-called "inventory stele" was found in Giza, which I wrote above, on which it was written that Heops just ordered to "renovate" the sphinx, and not to build it. Moreover, there is a theory that the Sphinx was so terrible that people could die of fear, just looking into his eyes. And, so his face was redone under the more human.

Also, in the 90s it was proved that the grooves on the body of the Sphinx are traces of rain erosion. But, as I have already noted, there are no rains in Egypt for more than 8 thousand years. And the Sphinx is much later than the pyramids, building.

On the pyramids of the 6th dynasty, the blocks were 500 kg. On the pyramids of the 4th dynasty, the blocks were from 2 to 50 tons.

The limestone density is 2.63 - 2.73 g / cm3, I was on the pyramids and saw blocks with a size of 1.5x1.5x2m. If you calculate, their weight is more than 12 tons.

I will allocate you tools so that you hire as many people to make them without a single support of cars, would raise this block to the height of at least twenty-five meters and installed it there "Shake in the junction" with another same.

Pyramid, according to Herodotus, built 20 years. If you count all the boulders used in the construction, and they are 2.3 million, then by calculations, we get that these workers put 315 blocks on each other, medium weighing 5 tons each. This is about 13 blocks per hour. And this is about 4.5 bould per minute. This is mathematics. What are these workers?

Here is another mystery. How could workers move and handle such massive stones?

If you explore the stones in the perimeter of the Heops pyramid, then you can find stones with cuts, as from the disk saw. Moreover, there is grinding when cutting. This effect can be achieved only by a disk with a diamond spraying rotating at high speed. But the ancient Egyptians worked with copper saws, which simply cannot do anything like that.

Obelisk on which holes are drilled

Also, not far from the place where tourists are driven - Karnak - stands the obelisk, where the holes are drilled. It is possible to attach something. Holes with a diameter of 1 cm, drilled in about 10 cm. And they are made at an angle of 10-20 degrees to the surface. I assure you like a hole, even in a very soft material, even today, to make quite problematic - the drill will simply lead. What was the ancient for technology that the cutting tool in granite was bought as in the oil?

Also traces from cutting with disk saw can be found in the quarries in South Sakkara, however, tourists do not let there. Why not let?

Traces of crucifixed basalt

Note. Footprints cut to basalt clear and parallel. The quality of this work indicates that the propelles were made perfectly stable blade, without any signs of the initial "lying" of the canvas. It seems that the sawing basalt in ancient Egypt was not a very laborious business, because the masters easily allowed themselves to leave extra, "fittingry" tracks on the rock, which, provided manual sawing, will be overpressive time and strength. Such "fitting room" saws are not the only here, several similar traces from a stable and easily cutting tool can be found within a radius of 10 meters from this place. Along with horizontal there are both vertical parallel grooves.

Drilled canals

Another interesting detail is the use of such technology in ancient Egypt as a drilling. The drilled channels in various products of ancient Egypt vary from 0.63 cm to 45 cm in diameter. The smallest hole made in granite is about 5 cm in diameter. The granite product shown in the photograph, drilled by a tubular drill, was exhibited in the Cairo Museum without any accompanying information, and the guys themselves did not possess any information. Circular spiral grooves in open areas of the product are clearly visible in the photo, absolutely identical to each other. The characteristic "rotational" drawing of these channels seems to confirm the observations of the removal method of part of the granite by pre-drill a peculiar "chain" from the holes.

However, if you look closely to the ancient Egyptian artifacts, it becomes clear that the drilling of holes in the stones, even the hardest rocks - was not for the Egyptians any serious problem. In the following photos, you see channels made by presumably using tubular drilling.

In most granite doorways in the temple of the valley located near the sphinx, the channels from the tubular drill are well noticeable. When building the church of the holes was used, apparently, for fastening door loops when hanging doors.

In the following pictures, you can see even more impressive - channel diameter of about 18 cm, obtained in granite using a tubular drill. The thickness of the cutting edge of the tool is amazing. It is incredible that it was copper - with the thickness of the end wall of the tubular drill and the estimated effort coming to its working edge, this must be an incredible strength alloy (the picture shows one of the channels opened when the granite block in the carnac

Probably theoretically, in the rest of the holes of this type there is no something exemptently incredible, which could not be obtained by ancient Egyptians with a huge desire. However, the drilling of holes in granite - the occupation is very complex. The tubular drilling is a fairly specialized method that will not develop without the real need to have a large diameter hole in solid rocks. These holes demonstrate a high level of technology developed by the Egyptians, apparently not for "hanging doors", but already fully established and advanced to the time, demanding at least several centuries for its development and pre-experience.

Several arguments of supporters of the version of "concrete pyramids".

The hypothesis about the concrete used in the construction of the pyramids was first nominated in the late 1970s French (or Swiss, information diverges) scientists. Various experts were tested by their concept. Using X-rays, electronic microscopes and plasma burner, they found traces of a "fast chemical reaction that prevented natural crystallization." For natural stones, such a phenomenon is unexplained, but it confirms the artificial origin of the limestone blocks. The Frenchman, in turn, successfully tried the manufacture of concrete structures from limestone: at the Institute of Geopolymers in Saint-Quentin, he managed to make a large block on the hypothetical Egyptian technology in ten days and dried.

But, the opponents of the theory of the Frenchman, the most experts, argue that for the manufacture of concrete, the ancient Egyptians needed gigantic amounts of chalk and coal. The remains of chalk and coal near the pyramids were not discovered. In addition, there is no evidence of the use of forms for casting blocks.

Concrete slabs are possible, but there are traces in any way. No matter how cool, be it the "granite" concrete or cutter technology, the Egyptians were not so simple, as they describe their official history.

And then, the fact that the Egyptians used concrete - this does not mean that the pyramids are entirely built of it. "It was used (that is, not everywhere) at the upper levels of structures", and on the lower all the same blocks of limestone. Can geologists can't distinguish the limestone from concrete?

Many believe that the Egyptians only restored the pyramids, and they were built before them, then the Limestone Concrete could be applied.

To be given a small result, according to the above arguments:

1. On the Plateau Giza there are two types of pyramids: Some (Heops, Hefren's Pyramids, Hefren, Mikherina, etc.) are made of large granite blocks and limestone (2.5-70 tons) and achieve huge sizes; Others - "small" pyramids in tens of times less than the first and material for them served small blocks of limestone (hardness lower than that of granite), or were made from clay bricks. Moreover, the first were erected (as historians consider) in a very short period, during the fourth dynasty (75% of the volume of all pyramids), while the second were built later and already turned into ruins. Question: For several centuries, the Egyptians have confused all the construction skills?
2. There are several pyramids that have the base and lower rows as the first, but otherwise built as the second.
3. The Cairo Museum stores copper tools of labor, but the technologists denied the possibility of building a pyramid with only these guns, given the volumes, deadlines, complexity and accuracy of work.
4. In some blocks there are traces of machine processing, i.e. Traces of drill and cutters.
5. Sarcophages and blocks of the pyramids are made with jewelry accuracy. Maybe the Egyptians were the swiss obstacles on accuracy and quality? But why is it for the construction of alleged graves?

Based on this data, several assumptions:

1. Egyptian civilization came from outside, when many of the pyramids were already built. The Egyptians only restored the pyramids. "Another people will replace you who will not be on you!" (Koran, 47:38)
2. Up to the fourth Egyptian dynasty did not use existing pyramids. Increasingly understood the definition of "Gate to the Kingdom of the Dead", and the purpose of sarcophagus, Pharaohs ordered them to bury them in the pyramids.
3. Perhaps first, or one of the first, this tradition began the hooth, because His relatives "owned" a small number of large pyramids.
4. In Egyptian texts, it is mentioned about the "construction" of these pyramids, but this word is translated as "restoration".
5. The tradition was continued, Pharaohs were dying, and the "tomb" began to be lacking. First were restored (primitive ways and primitive materials) dilapidated pyramids, and when they were over and they, the last pharaohs had to be buried in primitive pyramids from clay bricks, the Egyptians were not capable at that time.
6. Since subsequently, no mummies are unreserved inside the pyramids were not found, the version with the "grave" disappears. Then why do these structures need?

Questions may arise, say "Where are these tools? Is there anything left of the civilizations except the pyramid? ". A more appropriate question would be "Where to share the devices (machines), which tormented these ingredients. Regarding their absence there are several assumptions:

First, the size, let's say drill, even large, non-performing with the size of the pyramid, and you can search for it as a needle in a haystack. Secondly, under the pyramids, and under all the Plateau Giza there is a network of underground strokes and caves, where the man's leg has not yet come. Thirdly. The age of the pyramids is still accurately known and he can be very significant. Since their construction, a number of cataclysms could happen, including a biblical flood or tsunami, which could simply wash off all the evidence of the existence of someone and destroy some pyramids. In the fourth, it was not necessary to have a drill or cutter, it was possible that other technologies unknown to us were used.

But evidence of the application of these technologies, they are enough, and in the Cairo Museum. Here are just some of them.

The lower part of this granite vase is processed with such an accuracy that the entire vase (approximately 23 cm in diameter, hollow inside and with a narrow throat), being put on the glass surface, accepts an absolutely vertical position along the axial line. At the same time, the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with glass of its surface is no more than the chicken egg. Prerequisite for such accurate

balancing - a hollow stone ball must have a perfectly flat, the same wall thickness (with such a tiny base area - less than 3.8 mm2 - any asymmetry in such a dense material as granite would lead to the deviation of the vase from the vertical axis).

Also in the Cairo Museum is exhibited quite large (60 cm in diameter or more) the original product from the sample slate. It resembles a large vase with a cylindrical center 5-7 cm in diameter, with an external thin rim and three plates that are evenly located around the perimeter and curved to the center. What it is and how it could be used not specified. Guides do not possess information. In the museum itself there is a whole hall, with such incomprehensible products.

Why did the Egyptians degrade?

Anyone who visits the Pyramid District is clear that after the fourth dynasty there was a sharp decline in their construction. Pharaohs of the fifth dynasty erected five relatively small pyramids in Abusira, about nine kilometers from Giza and two small pyramids in Sakkar, not far from the stepped pyramid of Goser. All of them were built pretty pretentiously, and their inner part collapsed, which is not in the pyramids of the fourth dynasty. All the pyramids of the fifth dynasty are currently simply a pioneering of stone blocks. In the days of the sixth dynasty in Sakkar, four small pyramids were erected, all about 53 meters high, but they now have an even more deployed look. On this ended the actual "era".

In the photos it can be seen that the facing blocks aligned after laying. Plus the surface of the raw blocks is not similar to what is mined in a quarry, it is smoothed.
And this is Kern from the Cairo Museum. We cut out such in the construction site in concrete for testing. With the help of German and Japanese machines. How did the Egyptians cut out? Here is another strange instander. Kern in Kern. When building Burj Al Arab, these were used to fasten the iron parts of the frame. Iron from heat expands and gives an error of 5 cm. In order for the design to be damaged, such pins used in the binding places.

Plate or crucible with bent edges from gneis

Plate or crucible with bent edges from GNEs (almost granite). Wall thickness 2 mm. For me, it is unlikely that he was pulled out to this species. More like the fact that the edges are ground. About the destination - most likely it is the crucible for smelting reagents.

Quote from "Vymnika Sastra":
"For melting these types of metals, the crucibles of various classes are used. As stated, there are 40 varieties of the titles of the second group. Of all these crucibles, the crucible number 5 is prescribed for smelting of basic metals, known as Antarmukha (the edges of the opening of which bent inside). "

Something else about the Egyptian pyramids.

Some pyramids of different dynasties are constructed from unreleased bricks and poorly treated stones on the solution, and at the lower levels have high-quality masonry from megalithic blocks. These two completely different technologies applied in one place make it possible to judge that these pyramids were built on the ruins of more ancient structures.

This feature is found in the "cult" facilities of different civilizations around the world. Teotihuacan, Bolivia, Peru, Greece, Ethiopia is a far from a complete list of such places. The structures themselves are built by the aborigines of small stones or bricks laid on the solution and represent a pitiful spectacle. But if you enter inside, we will see quite massive blocks with straight corners and high quality processing.

Usually, massive blocks of 20-100 tons can be found in the lower tiers of the structure, in the foundation and underground part. What is still characteristic of such places - the fragments of Stell are lying around, blocks of the same quality, but the aborigines could not even clean the space from them.

Here is one of these examples - the tomb of Aksum (Ethiopia). The above-ground part is made of small stones, and under the ground granite blocks. Moreover, the technology of their laying is more characteristic for Central Americarather than this region.

Where did the skills of the builders of the pyramids?

Tomb of Network II. Sarcophagus for some reason turn the bottom upside down and put over a small pit, even without closing it completely. With all his parameters, he literally demonstrates the real opportunities of the Egyptian period of the period of even a new kingdom in the processing of solid rock rocks. Although they tried for the pharaoh, they could not jump above the head.

Serapeum (Saccara). The inscriptions on the outer sides of the Sarcophagus contrast contrast the quality of the performance with the most granite box. Granite is thoroughly polished, the plane is perfectly aligned, and the inscriptions simply carelessly scrap. And it is easy to notice the curves of the lines instead of direct, as well as the absence of an elementary parallelism of the scratched patterns of the pattern both among themselves and relative to the edges of the granite box. It is quite obvious that the level of skill of those who caused inscriptions, absolutely does not correspond to the level of skill of manufacturers of the most granite "boxes". But it is precisely on these inscriptions and dates Serapeum!

Pyramids still keep a lot of secrets and secrets. Some of them, of course, were disclosed, but there are issues that are still disturbed by the minds of scientists and historians. How and who were these monuments created? What technologies were applied during construction? How did builders manage to move the stone blocks of a huge weight? Why did the pharaohs needed this kind of grazing? All this and many other interesting facts you will learn from the article and will become a little closer to understanding the secrets of the pyramids and the knowledge of their power and greatness.

Interesting facts about Egyptian pyramids

These ancient building facilities have already occupied their honorable places and glorify the talent of their creators, thanks to which perpetual monuments managed to make. Until now, scientists failed to reliably determine how the pyramids were made and what technologies were applied. Only some data are known, but most of the technologies used remains secret.

Just tombs?

In Egypt, there is about 118 pyramids created in different periods, various sizes and types. There are two varieties of pyramids, older stepped, one of the first preserved copies of the Pyramid of Josrara, about 2650 BC. e.

In fact, these pyramids are graves, and their clusters are a cemetery. In antiquity it was believed that we need to bury themselves to be buried with everything that they might need in the afterlife, so Pharaohs found their last refinement in the luxurious pyramids that they began to build long before their death.

Robbers of Pharaoh's tombstones

There are horrors about Egyptian pyramids are directly related to the robbers, which so love them to visit under the cover of the night and select their last property. However, not the only for jewelry hidden in the tips, visit the monuments of marauders.

Local residents have spoiled the appearance of some pyramids. For example, two pyramids in Dakhshire do not look at all as before, all the limestone they were covered, stolen for the construction of houses in the near city. Stone blocks are often stealing and other material for construction, which leads to incredible destruction.

Secrets and myths

The horrors of the Egyptian pyramids are also in the fact that many legends reign around them. The reason for the occurrence of such a myth was the fictional curse of the most famous tomb in the world - the tomb of Tutankhamon. It was opened in 1922 by a group of researchers, most of whom died over the next seven years. At that time, many believed that this was due to the curse of the tomb or some kind of mysterious poison, although most think so far.

But it all became one huge misconception. Immediately after the tomb was open, it produced a real furyor. In one of the newspapers, in the name of raising ratings, it was stated that before the entrance to the tomb there was a plate with a cavement that everyone who went down here would die. However, it turned out to be just a newspaper duck, but after the researchers began to die one after another, the article found the popularity, and since then there is a similar myth. It is worth noting that most of these scientists were old age. So easily some of the riddles of the Egyptian pyramids are solved.

Pyramid device

The funeral complex of pharaohs consists not only from the pyramid itself, but also from two temples: one next to the pyramid, one must be washed by the waters of the Nile. The pyramids and temples that were not far from each other were connected by alleys. Some partially survived to this day, for example, the alleys between the Luxor and between the pyramids of the Giza of such alleys, unfortunately, was not preserved.

Inside the pyramid

Egyptian pyramids, interesting facts relating to, and ancient myths - all this is directly connected with the inner structure. Inside the pyramid is a chamber with burial, to which moves from different sides. Walls of the passages usually painted with religious texts. The walls of the pyramid in Sakkare, a village near Cairo, were painted with ancient conquerious texts that reached this day. Next to the pyramids, Giza also contains a well-known figure of the sphinx, which according to legend should guard the peace of reached. Unfortunately, until our time did not reach the original name of this structure, it is known only that during the Middle Ages Arabs called the "Father of Horror" monument

Types of pyramids

Many riddles of Egyptian pyramids are directly related to their creation. Until now, no one managed to reliably determine how the ancient Egyptians managed to create such monumental structures that to this day are in preservation.

Scientists believe that the construction was carried out in several stages, for which the sizes of the pyramids could significantly increase compared with the original. Construction began long before the death of Pharaoh and could take several decades. Only for the creation of a suitable site for construction and leveling of the soil was needed about a decade. To create the largest to date, the pyramids needed two decades.

Who built pyramids

It is the opinion that the pyramids were built slaves, who Morious hunger and beat the screamed for poorly done work, but this is not the case. They showed that people who built the pyramids were kept in good conditions, they were nicely fed. Nevertheless, no one still has managed to unravel the old, as the hardest stone blocks rose upstairs, because human strength is incapable.

However, archaeologists believe that with time the construction technique changed, the Egyptian pyramids themselves changed. Interesting Facts In mathematics also concern the construction of the pyramids. So, scientists managed to determine that the pyramids mathematically correct proportions. As the ancient Egyptians managed to do this, remains a mystery.

Egyptian pyramids - miracle of light

  • Hoeop's pyramid is the only surviving miracle of the world.
  • There are several theories about the construction of the pyramids. According to one of them, the construction occurred on the principle of the lever, but when taking this, it would take no less than one and a half century, and the pyramid was erected in two decades. That's what remains a mystery.

  • Some lovers of mystical consider these buildings with powerful energy sources and believe that Pharaohs conducted time in them and in life to get a new vitality.
  • There are also completely incredible theories. For example, some believe that the pyramids were built by aliens, and others that the blocks moved to people who own a magic crystal.
  • There are some other questions regarding the facilities. For example, it has not yet been clarified why the pyramids were built in two stages and why were interruptions needed.
  • The pyramids were built two centuries and were erected several immediately.
  • Now, on research on various scientists, their age is from 4 to 10 thousand years.
  • In addition to accurate mathematical proportions, the pyramids possess another feature in this area. Stone blocks are located in such a way that there are no gaps between them, even the finest blade will not climb there.
  • Each side of the pyramid is located in the direction of one side of the world.
  • Hope's pyramid, the largest in the world, reaches a height of 146 meters, and its weight is more than six million tons.
  • If you want to know how Egyptian pyramids were created, interesting facts about construction can be obtained from the pyramids themselves. On the walls of the passages depicted construction scenes.
  • The edges of the pyramids are arched for one meter so that they can accumulate solar energy. Thanks to this, the pyramids could reach thousands of degrees and make an incomprehensible roe from such a heat.
  • For was made perfectly direct foundation, so the verges differ from each other for only five centimeters.
  • The first built pyramid dated 2670 a year BC. e. In his own way, it resembles several pyramids located next to each other. The architect created a type of masonry that helped achieve such an effect.
  • Hope's pyramid was created from 2.3 million blocks, perfectly even and suitable for each other.
  • Buildings like Egyptian pyramids are also found in Sudan, where they later picked up the tradition.
  • Archaeologists managed to find a village in which the builders of the pyramids lived. The brewery and bakery were discovered there.

  • Many secrets hide the Egyptian pyramids. Interesting facts concern, for example, according to the principle of which the pyramid was made. The walls are at an angle of 52 degrees, which makes the ratio of height and perimeter with equal ratio to the length.

Power and greatness

What was the Egyptian pyramids created for? Interesting facts about construction do not give ideas about what they served. And the pyramids were created to praise the power and the grandeur of their owners. The lush tomb were a considerable part of the entire burial complex. They were filled with things that might need Pharaoh after death. There it was possible to meet literally everything that may be needed to man. Any clothes, jewelry, dishes - all this and many other things went along with the pharaohs in their tombs. These wealth buried with the owners, and are often the reason for the appearance of robbers who want to get jewels. All these riddles and myths that envelop the pyramids, starting from the very creation, already many centuries remain untreated, and no one knows whether they will be disclosed someday.

One hundred years ago, scientists doubted that a stone pyramid was built on Sakkara Plateau near the ancient Phi. The belonging of the pyramids in Giza Pharaohs Heops, Hefren and Mikherin is known since the times of Herodota, and which is the very first six-speed romance, which is 4,650 years old, was a mystery for a long time, and the problem was solved for more than 200 years.

True, they knew who built it from the dashest monoliths - Architect Imhotep, which has a lot of information and legends. Now the pyramid is considered the tomb of Pharaoh Josra, who for Egyptology has long remained with the titles "mysterious" and "mysterious." In the encyclopedias, the date of its reign is given conditional, is called only the XVII century to our era. In many textbooks, he is assigned to the legendary kings of Egypt.

Photo: Eliot elisofon

Miracles and adventures with the first stepped pyramid began with attempts by the German military engineer. Mair to penetrate her subsoil. For a whole year, he could not find the entrance. In 1821, he struck the inclined stroke in the stone mass and immediately stumbled upon a vaulted gallery, and then on a system of complex corridors and transitions. The sarcophag was at the bottom of a deep pit. It was opened, but it was empty. The Germans were discouraged.

In the summary of the report, the "pyramid of shagless and mysterious, because it was completely empty, the hieroglyphs inside are extremely few." However, it was still impossible to read the inscriptions, since their decoding began from the middle of the XIX century after the works of the French Egyptologist Champolon.

Another expedition of the beginning of the XIX century in a pile of garbage inside the underground corridor discovered a gold-plated skull (according to another data gilded mask) and a feet of mummy with gold plates on the nails. Most likely, these were the remains of Pharaoh, but the mystery was aggravated by the fact that the ship with finds from the pyramid sank during a storm in the Mediterranean. He drove more than a ton of cargo, but their list also found himself at the bottom.

If the skull had hit the European Museum, then now it would be possible to restore the features of his face. However, the excavations of the XIX century something clarified. After the death of Pharaoh in the country, something happened is likely to change the dynasty, because with the new rulers of Egypt, its name is not paid out, and the robbery and defeat the tomb were well organized. Simple robber did not make sense to carefully destroy the name of Pharaoh and the list of his acts.

Approximately one hundred years after the failure of the first researchers, the French archaeologist Jean-Philipp Laurov began excavations. They lasted 36 years. So he managed to open and clarify a lot of extremely interesting. First of all, he found that the underground crypt and cameras in his galleries were looted and damaged immediately after the death of Pharaoh.

And they made it not simple workers, but masters with technical knowledge under the control of priests. They did not pierce their moves through the stone, and pulled out a three-tone stopper over the well, took the jewelry, made terrifying destruction, and then put the granite castle in place.

The second time the tomb of Pharaoh devastated 500 years later, but these were grombopers who pierced down the course through the rocky soil. Then, after another 800 years, other robbers, not finding anything valuable, expressed their indignation, smashing everything that could be cleaned - the doors and walls of the cameras, the sarcophages of the Faracon family.

You can still remember that in the XIX century, the French archaeologist S. Mariett discovered half a brine signs read later in Paris as "inexless." But the Egyptologists then did not know the pharaoh with the same name. And only in 1891 it turned out - the German expedition dug out a dilapidated stele at the first thresholds of the Nile.

It was possible to read the name of non-pass and it turned out that this is the title of Goser Pharaoh. Thus, the notes of the historian of the diodeor, who attributed the pyramid, which was standing in the sands in the sands, the ruler to Tospirov was also cleared. It was a distorted name non-pass.

So, the age of Josher's pyramid was defined in 4,650 years. The six-speed romance from megalithic blocks is the first such structure not only in Egypt, but also in the world. As we managed to master such technology at such a long time, while inexplicably.

By the way, the Roman naturalist and the historian of Pliny Senior recognized the pyramid miracle of the world, calling their kind of unforgettable and enchanting, but added that they were evidence of the siete and idle baggage of pharaohs.

Well, and such a point of view is acceptable, as well as the opinions of art historians of the first half of the 20th century: "Joser's pyramid and a complex of clock temples are the masterpieces of ancient architecture on Sakkara Plateau. They protect the secrets of past epochs, but at the same time prove that the country then flourished, had talented builders, and Pharaoh himself was a powerful, rich and outstanding ruler. "

The secrets of this first pyramid, the ideas embedded in her six steps up, and the complexity of the underground labyrinth force archaeologists and historians to analyze everything to the slightest details. The most significant contribution was made by Jean-Philipp Laurer and set many new questions with his assistants before science.

Ruins near the pyramid of Goser were cleared and turned out to be a complex of temples behind a solid wall of 12 meters high. And this fence was a masterpiece of architecture, consisted of coupling columns, protrusions and false doors. Under it was a stone foundation with a length of 540 meters and a width of 227 meters. It was not even enough.

Laurea managed to reconstruct the entire complex in the form of a series of drawings, which today decorate scientific publications on the history of ancient Egypt. Such a temple clock complex, luxury and harmony of all parts with a pyramid in the center - the first in the history of the country. The question arises - was there no other external influence? And who could then borrow all this magnificence and technology execution? There is no response yet.

Surprised by the French archaeologist and thoroughness of the orientation of the pyramid regarding the axis of the north - south. It is more accurate than that of the Observatory of Quiet Brage, completed in 1677. What means is it achieved?

Since 1931, Laur re-launched an underground labyrinth examination. This was small city Complex design with its streets, deadlocks, transitions from one level on another, cameras and pits for boosters, food and water for Pharaoh in his afterlime world. Cameras were decorated with green and blue tiles, some galleries stretched from east to west at a depth of 28 to 32 meters. They crossed at right angles with other galleries and corridors.

The floors were eliminated by rubble remaining after the pogroms. But under him the archaeologist discovered the mummified bones of women and children. Consequently, these corridors were a family crypt. But how many years has it been built? There is no response yet.

The archaeologist opened the inchuro-hidden side gallery, which went parallel to the main, and then bent and dived at an angle down. Investigate her geologists showered, because the ceiling was crushed there, and Paul became a rotten and a swearing swamp.

Lauer was asked journalists many times, whether he found gold during the labyrinth excavation. Yes, some crumbs stayed after many robbery. He discovered a small wooden coffin, covered with leaf gold, nailed gold carnations. That's all. And the precious metal inside at the very beginning was probably a lot of tons.

On the question of the riddles of the Pyramid, Laur replied that the main of them is the most complex underground labyrinth. He had a lot of time to draw up his plan. He is the largest of all famous dungeons. Some ritual meaning was laid in this underground city With streets and alleys, but his secrets eclipse from science.

One detail he told his interviewers. In the ancient Egypt, the scarab was worshiped as the deity of hardworking and the symbol of the sun. So, in all interior premises, the pyramid and the requiem temples, the scarab images are shot down, which is obvious sacrant. Completely incomprehensible, who dared to desecrate them and why? It is clear only one thing - they acted purposefully. In all this there is visibility to the owner of the pyramid, some revenge.

I am struck by the French archaeologist in the pyramid of Goser skill to handle and fold megalithic blocks. The dimensions of them were not known to the epoch in Egypt. This is either an absolute innovation, or a certain prototype. But where is he from? Where the arched arches are borrowed, cladding with colored tiles, overweight polishing of walls in ritual niches?

The main temple for prayers and sacrifices with their pilasters, colonnades, harmonic proportions seem to be transferred from Ancient Greece. But Ellin has such architectural techniques appeared 2,500 years later. In a word, it is legitimate and even the opinion that the great art of the clock complex of Goser appeared as if in an instant.

Laurer rightly believed that the Joser pyramid is more mysterious and complex than the crypt of Heops. And not only because it is the very first and ancient. It was enough to disappear so many inscriptions and ancient manuscripts of that era, to deal next to decades.

The plan of underground corridors is immensely mysterious. There, in the XIX century, archaeologists have discovered the side chamber, a bit of mummy without a single hieroglyph. Is this a servant of Pharaoh or his harem? Mummy went through the European museum, and now it is impossible to determine anything.

But why exactly the pyramid of Heops attracts so much attention? Laurer has repeatedly played lectures on this topic in articles and books. Back in the XIX century, pseudo-native speculation, astrological and mystical theories associated with the geometry of Heops pyramid unfolded in Europe. Constricted manons were amazed by self-confident and charlatanic fabrications, as if in the corners of the pyramid, the whole history of the world was recorded and even his future.

In the proportions of underground corridors and inclined galleries, all biblical history, the basic formulas of the Universe are allegedly laid. There was a lot of such a lot. So it is considered the construction of the great ruster, left to us by the priests of Egypt.