Dragons in real life. Where dragons live

  • 23.09.2019

On the Small Stern Islands, which Arc crosses the Yavansky Sea, the warnings of medieval cartographers are still relevant: here are dragons.

Features and weapons

These dragons can not breathe fire or fly, but it does not make them less impressive and less dangerous than their mythical conifers. About 3 meters long and 70 kg weighing, these animals can move at a speed of 29 km / h to catch their prey. After the buffaloes or deer fall into their jaws, an anticoagulant containing poison is introduced into the victim's body. The victim dies to the painful death from the loss of blood. Perhaps such an end is even worse than die in the flame of the mythical beast.

These dragons have a combined weapon in their arsenal. The main teeth with which the dragon can easily cut the femoral artery of the victim. If she does not die immediately, then it is waiting for a painful end.

Modern dragons

These modern monsters are Dragons of Komodo (Indonesia). They live only on several islands, including at the Komodo, from where they got their name. It is assumed that these largest lizard lizards are the last of the dinosaurs who managed to survive. They moved to these islands from Australia Millions of years ago. Scientists suggest that animals began to spread to the West and finally assoled in Indonesia about 900 thousand years ago.

These dragons were able to survive the glacial period, raising the sea level, as well as numerous tsunami and earthquakes that constantly annoy the Small Sunda Islands. But even despite such enviable persistence, at the end of the 70s of the last century, scientists began to fear for survival of the species.

Earlier in the same age, poachers hunted on the Dragons of the Komodo to sell in zoos and private collections. Even today, when poachers managed to stop, many people are still hunting for them, trying to get a hunting trophy. Consequently, now in the Red Book, they qualify as "vulnerable", and international trade is prohibited.

National Park

In 1980, the Government of Indonesia created National Park Komodo, dimensions 1810 square kilometers. This park includes three main islands - Komodo, Rinka and Padar, as well as many small. In 1986, this park was declared an object of the World Heritage.

Such measures to preserve dragons were quite successful, and now their population has about 3,000 individuals. Most of them live on Rink Islands and Komodo. They survived decades of hunting, and now it seems that the dragons are not threatened with extinction. However, the number of egg-owned females remains low enough, and in addition, there are other threats. No one can guarantee that dragons will be able to preserve their population, and not to enter into the ranks of their legendary extinct ancestors.

Opening and learning

For the first time, scientists faced dragons of the Komodo in the early 1990s, but rumors about them existed much earlier. In 1912, the Lieutenant of the Dutch Army Stain Van Khasbrenk visited the island of the Komodo in order to find dragons. He was able to kill one and send him to the skin of Naturalist Peter Ouzens, who wrote the world's first job about gigantic lizards. Fourteen years later, American Douglas Berden went to Indonesia to bring a dozen giant lizards for the American Museum of Natural History. His memoirs "Dragons of the Komodo" and gave the name to these lizards, and stories about a collision with a "gray beast" inspired the scenarios of the film about King Kong.

Habitat and habits

Dragons found their home on the Rocky Islands, which come from the sea. Unlike lush rain forest areas, Sumatra and Java, the Small Stern Islands are relatively dry, with the exception of the monsoon periods that last just a few months. Vegetation is a mixture of low forests and savannahs, which mounted the main production of dragons - deer.

Thanks to such vegetation, dragons can well disguise until they expect their prey. After the deer, the boar or even a person (the dragons are not picky in food) falls into their field of view, lizards attack and put their teeth into their move.

The amount of food that the dragon can eat is leveling 80% of its body weight. After the meal, he, as well as the rest of the lizards, loves to bask in the sun. It is known that they can attack the inhabitants of the island. Over the past four decades, there were four deaths. Despite this, local residents respect them, and many even consider dragons sacred.


Currently, the protection of the dragons is engaged not only by scientists, but also state organizations. Researchers are engaged in the search for scientific information. To keep the park and raise public awareness, scientists make visits to schools and villages. For the preservation of dragons as a type, many foreigners are fighting, which is rather unusual, given that the dresser is local. Therefore, it is Indonesians who must be more interested in the study and preservation of this species.

How did the human activity stag

Since many threats to the existence of the species appear precisely because of the islanders, the understanding of the local culture is the key to solving this problem. Before the formation of the park, a fairly serious problem was the hunt for deer, since it is these animals that are food sources for dragons. In 1980, excessive deer hunting on the island of Padar led to the actual disappearance of the population in this region. Since then, the hunt has been minimized.

Efforts to preserve dragons led to the fact that their number on the two main islands is relatively stable - about 1100 dragons on each. But outside the park, on the island of Flores, the situation is not so rainbow. Scientists believe that before the dragons lived throughout this island, but now they can only be found in the North and west coastwhere 80 square kilometers of territory have status natural reserves. The culprit of such a situation was the loss of habitat. Due to the development of agriculture, the number of forests has decreased. Rural residents also arranged fires to clear pastures for livestock.

Many dragons live outside the reserves, and they suffer because of growing settlements. Because they lose their habitat, then you have to fight for deer and boars.

The latter assessment of the dragon population within the reserve indicates that the number remains stable over the past few years. Researchers hope to apply the same approach to dragons who live in the west of the island of Flores. Their successful work indicates that to preserve the population, it is necessary to interact with the authorities and local residents. Only in such conditions this species can live for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Natural threats

But human activity is not the only threat to dragons. Given the fact that they can live only on several islands in the world, their genetic diversity is limited, and the dragons are particularly sensitive to climate change. The rise in sea level can also destroy the restart valleys, which make up most of the habitat of the dragons. Changing the amount of precipitation can also mean that forest arrays will no longer be sufficient protection for the nest, as well as a young. Young dragons are closed on trees in search of protection, otherwise they will be more vulnerable to attack, even from adult individuals.

Dragons are present in the folklore of almost all peoples of the world. The most diverse and good and evil, bringing good luck and such, the meeting with which threatens inevitable misfortunes, winged and endless, living in the forests, in the mountain caves, in the sea, multi-part or one-eyed, not to count all. But if the dragons were present only in folklore - these are still Polbie. In the end, there are few artistic fictions. We are not obliged to believe that the wolf was able to devour a red hat and her grandmother - which sizes should be the animal, so that it is so unobtrusive to eat! We do not believe in Santa Claus, living somewhere in the snow of Lapland. And the dragons would perfectly fit into the overall series of fabulous characters, despite their widespread prevalence. Indeed, in the world there are enough fabulous scenes that wander from the people to the people from the continent to the continent. True, basically such plots are associated with natural phenomena (as the same Santa Claus - the personification of winter), and not with personalities, but it never happens.

But the dragons are different. They are present not only in fairy tales and myths. Their habitat is not only folk folklore. He wrote about the dragons even Herodotus, and he is rightfully considered the father of history. Moreover, in the description of Herodotus there is not a drop of myth-making. The dragon is not attributed to any supernatural properties. He is not immortal, not omnipotent, does not guard the treasures, does not abduct beautiful maids (except that with a utilitarian goal to have breakfast), does not accept many of the evils. The description is clearly and clear as if it was done by a modern observer, a naturalist, who found a new kind of living beings.

Dragon Herodotus dwells in the waters of the Evcinsky Ponta (Black Sea), had a length of 20 m, clawed paws, red eyes, a comb, similar to the mane, a long tail. Color - dark, almost black. The mouth of a clear carnival animal is the teeth, resembling the teeth of sharks in shape, and just like sharks growing in several rows. Perhaps, part of the ships missing in those days that did not enter the destination port are the result of a meeting with a dragon. By the way, the rate of movement described by the Herodotus was rather significant, at least, it was significantly higher than the speed of Greek sailing-rowing courts.

Note - no mysticism. No phantasmagoria. A completely sane animal description. And after all, not only Herodotus wrote about this sea. Certificates of various sailors have been preserved, which argued that they saw the black dragon with their own eyes. Crimean fishermen were strictly convinced that it exists. But it would be okay if it was limited to long-standing times! But other evidence also exist about the Black Sea Dragon. For example, about him during the First World War reported the command of the captain of the German submarine. Maximilian Voloshin, Russian poet and artist wrote about this dragon. Moreover, in his own eyes in his own eyes in 1921, I saw the company of redarmeys, aimed at the Karadag area to destroy the dragon - the animal prevented fishing, destroyed fishermen. True, no one was caught and did not destroy - maybe the dragon, like many predators, felt an ambush, and maybe it was simply not in the mood that day to approach shallow water.

It is argued that Nicholas I sent a research expedition, which was supposed to either refute the existence of the Black Sea Dragon, or to approve it. And this expedition found an egg weighing 12 kg, and the embryo, which was in the egg, fully corresponded to the description of Herodotus - the ridge, etc. Included with the egg, a skeleton of a huge tail was discovered, and even a real scientific dispute arose: whether the dragons can discard the tail, like lizards, and whether they drop, throwing the skin, like snakes. True, as a result of a number of wars, the finds were lost - according to one version, according to another version - still stored in some Museum of Kherson.

In 1990, with researchers from the Karadag Institute, a network was raised from a depth of 50 m, and they found a dead dolphin. Judging by the wounds, they were applied to animals having a teeth at least 4-5 cm long, and the width of the mouth was to be at least 1 m. The attacker simply snapped Dolphin in half, and after all, Dolphin is not some kind of thief!

To this day there are people who argue that they saw the sea dragon, fully corresponding to the description of Herodota. AND most of Of these, it does not know who Herodotus was such and that he described there. Confuses, however, so far no one has managed to fix the dragon on the film, although enthusiasts with film and cameras on black Sea coast Do not read. But this is still not an indicator of the Dragon mythologicalness. It is unlikely that there are so many individuals in the Black Sea, and almost all animals are treated away from people. globe.

And this is only one of the dragon options. In general, there are many different descriptions. It seems that dragons were quite a lot of varieties. Including "canonical" - flying, extinguishing flames.

By the way, exactly what dragons were attributed to the opportunity to spit with fire, was one of the arguments of opponents of the reality of dragons. Well, indeed, how can a living creature produce a flammable liquid in your body, and then still exhaled the flame? And at the same time not to burn either inside, nor even nasopharynx. Unrealistic!

But here he lives a bombarder from an amazing ability to shoot a fuel fluid at the moments of danger. Moreover, the composition of this fluid is close to modern rocket fuel! That is, there is a real chemical laboratory in the body of the insect, and, well-equipped. Indeed, in order for rocket fuels to work, its composition should be strictly defined. The slightest inaccuracy - and either either exploded before, or will not explode at all.

What does the bombarder be the relationship with dragons? The most direct one. Not only is this confirmation that a living being may well "spit" with fire, so after all, in fossil skulls of certain types of dinosaurs, cavities were found similar to those used by the bombarder to produce and use their "chemical weapons" ! That is, it can be argued that animals existed on Earth existed.

Another small nuance - the Knights of the Middle Ages. If a modern man should plant a tree, build a house and grow a son, then the medieval knight was obliged to save the virgin, protect the castle and ... kill the dragon! A peculiar test for professionality. And so what story - on all the dragons enough. It can be said that the dragon was a collective way of the enemy, or that the medieval knights suffered from Baron Münhhausen syndrome, or that their dragons are similar to the giants of Don Quixote ... You can say a lot. But somehow it seems not too likely that so much respected people in their time desperately lied, arguing that the dragon was killed. In addition, how to be with testimonies that the knights brought the chopped dragon heads and paws? Or they made them from Papier Masha?

And how to deal with the description of Leviathan in the Bible ("Flamers go out of grazers, the fiery sparks come out; it comes out of the nostrils smoke, like a boiling pot or boiler. His breath is splitting the coals, and flames come out of the mouth" (Job, 40 ))? By the way, this dragon was also waterfowl, like the Dragon Herodot. Or - classic genre! - George Victorious Killing Dragon. What is the most interesting - both in description, and on the illustrations of a long time, the dragon of St. George Victorious is quite similar to one of the types of dinosaurs. By the way, the dragons killed other saints. And if you can still say that in this case, under the victory over the dragon, I had a victory over the forces of evil, over the devilish temptation, etc., how else to be with the description and illustrations of old books? Surely the artist just inspired a dinosaur image? But then the question is - where did he peep this image?

Somehow too many descriptions of dragons, too many people who claimed (and argue) that they saw creatures like dragons. And the descriptions and evidence and evidence are too widespread, they cover the whole globe. Very uncharacteristic for a fairy tale or myth. And therefore, more and more opinion is distributed - yes, the dragons really existed. Moreover, some varieties have been preserved to this day. For example, Dragon Dresser - not just visible, but described, photographed, caught, prepared. True, dimensions are shallow compared to the ancient samples. But everything flies in this world, clogged by the waste of technical civilization.

And it is even more likely that on Earth there is not only dragon commodo, but also other dragons. That's just people see them rarely. The reasons may be different - ranging from the simplest: the preserved dragons of waterfowl and dwell away from the sea routes of the message, and ending with the possible presence of land dragons in the unstasiated areas of the globe (a small population of animals may well hide to this day). Well, the fact that meetings with dragons are not so frequent, as in the times of medieval knights ... So, maybe it is for the better. The person is too inclined to exterminate living beings (remember at least knights). So let the dragons hold away from people. Then, perhaps, our descendants will be able to meet them. Preferably - not from the sight. Still, dragons are sorry.

"[The idea] of creativity is expressed in the image of the dragon, for he is
what incomprehensible his wonderful transformations.
That is why it as an image expresses the metamorphosis of the creative path,
light reduction and decline of light, performance and retreat ... "
Cheng and-Chuan. Comment to "I-Jing"

Where do dragons live?

Journal "Science and Religion", 1982

A. Thichokhonenko, Y. Mobyovsov, K.I.N.

D Racon ... We are barely hearing this word, as in the imagination there is something wriggling and flying, something multi-headed, fire-drying, mindless ... Dragons from fairy tales and legends of various peoples combine many amazing common features. If you carefully look at, we will see, for example, that a fantastic monster, adorning the Chinese carpet, is akin to our epic snake of Mountain and even the ill-fated symbol of drunkenness - Green Zmia. Where and how were they born, where did these mythical monsters arose and lived? .. We offer the attention of readers an interesting hypothesis - the brainchild of three sciences: ethnography, climatology and geophysics.

Talking about the fight against the monstrous snake are common on Earth very widely and go roots to the deepest antiquity. This is what the Indian legends tell.

... from the sacred intoxicating drink of the Soma and Heavenly Fire was born Giant Dragon Vriter. It is a terrible, beggar and unconscious messenger fell, curling the rings, in the mountains, blocked the path of the rivers and drank all the waters that they carried in the ocean. But the god of thunderstorm Indra wonderful weapons struck Vritra. Dragon water came out from captivity and rushed to the ocean.

Indra broke the body of the defeated enemy into two parts. One ascended to the sky to become a moon, the other turned into a whisper of all creatures living on Earth. That is why when the Indians mention the luzhnikh and wetlands, they say that they bring the Dragon sacrifice.

Some ethnographers identify the image of the dragon with a drought demon, and its destruction by God the Indy is represented as a thunderstorm, liberating heavenly water. Another it seems that the basis of this legend is another, more ancient, which appeared before the ancestors of the Indians came to the Indian Peninsula. The legend said the victory over the spirit of winter, which froze the water of the rivers. Why is the spirit of winter look like a snake? The southern border of the habitat is known to us - this is the coast of the Indian Ocean. But after all, the huge mainland of Eurasia stretches for the polar circle. And there, in the darkness of the polar night, over the snowy mountains and compounded by frost, the rivers are danced, twisting rings, serpentine ribbons of polar shine. They disappear in the spring - as it were to melting in the light of the sun, which comes out for a long time due to the horizon. And then, under the thunder of the first thunderstorms (sturverzitz Indra?) The snow disappear, rivers flow ...

SPOPY No, the similarity of the ritra with polar shine is very problematic. It is difficult to imagine that polar radiances are able to roar in dragones or turn into a womb of all creatures living on Earth. In addition, as we know, Vritra has a lot of "relatives" in the mythology of various peoples. Let us try, however, take a look at all this through the prism of the consciousness of a primitive person with his needs and aspirations, fears and powerlessness before the elements, a person who, not knowing natural phenomena, I could only celebrate their external similarity and communication.

It can be assumed that once in the ideas about the dragon included many features of the outside world, and the Dragon performed, first of all, as a totem beast. Perhaps the image of the dragon was born in those tribal mysteries, where he was talking about the union of people among themselves and with the outside world. Facts collected by ethnographers give grounds for such assumptions.

Later, the image of the dragon, apparently, stopped playing his socially rallying and informative role. But people with him could not break up to him, filling it with new features, making the character of myths and fairy tales. And so, we think that polar shine has played a special role in the development of the external appearance of the Dragon - one of the most beautiful and fantastic phenomena of nature, associated, as it became known in the 20th century, with the impulses of "solar wind" and its impact on electrons and protons Magnetic poles [more about the mechanism of polar radiance and associated myths, see: "Science and. Religion, 1981. № 11.].

Who saw these magnificent light, multicolored spooles, often taking the shape of a snake-shaped tapes, can confirm: they really resemble a variety of creatures - and fabulous birds with burning feathers and claws, and fish with shiny scales, and mollusks with cast pearl sinks, and , of course, snakes. In winter, with a cloudless sky, when the radiance is best visible, there are severe frosts, mating water. Often, radiances are concentrated over the shores of large water bodies - the so-called "coastal effect".

Darkness of a long polar night, in many persons belief - the darkens of the dragons, reminds of darkness underground caves. Near the sun and the moon of radiance dummy, but during eclipses become visible on suddenly darkened sky. Well, how not to think about the voracious dragon, swallowing the sun or the moon! The ability of dragons becomes invisible (and they attributed such ability) can find an explanation in a beautiful and complex game of all right, which, Merzia and overflowing, then goes out, they turn off again.

Green color prevails in polar shines. The bright rays are "feathers", going into long ribbons and clusters, resemble young green shoots of plants or an ochapny elongated leaves. This is quite consistent with the unusual fate of the dissected Body of Vritters. After all, the appearing in the spring, after the death of dragon-shine, the young greens will give food to all living beings. At the same time, "the upper parts of the Dragon body", scattered across the sky, melting among the moon and constellations that begin to seem brighter. Spolih, as it were, give their light to the stars and the moon, turning into them.

In many fairy tales, dragons make a terrifying roar. Here we have to remember the "relative" of the dragon - a fabulous bird of thunder. Rodation is very close. Many dragons have bird wings, feathers and claws. In the legends of the Indians of the North-West Coast of America, for example, a bird-born-born, similar to a giant eagle. Some of the Indian tribes believed that the thunderstorm is the result of the rivalry of the poultry-boring and giant rosy snake or sea monster. Here they are where they meet - a fantastic bird and a snake!

In these Indian legends, among other things, as a giant thunder bird elected one of the lakes in the place of its winter stay. Once the eyes of the two-screwed hunters appeared on his shore, an ominous picture appeared: a huge bird was raised from the water, like an eagle. The ice, which was joining the lake, was cracked with a terrible rumble. Under this sound, the poultry of thunder, surrounded by flares of lightning, rose to the exclusive coming and flew to the sea.

As already mentioned, the polar beams are more often observed during strong frosts when the ice and even the bark of the trees are bursting. During this period, ice congestions that cause floods are formed on the rivers. The frozen earth is exhausted and destroys the dwellings. And swelling ice lenses spread the layers of the Earth and form failures, depressions. All similar phenomena ancient people could be compared with polar shines, and not with cold weather. After all, heavenly phenomenon more struck their imagination. And of course, it was very convenient to dump on this dragon-shine all natural phenomena.

And what have the green sniped?

When the ancient Indian God-Creator Creator, the snipe-like father already known to us the Dragon Vritra, arranged another feast, god thunderstorm indra invitations bypass. However, he was uninvited and drank everything remaining the potion. After that, angry tweashtar and created his weapon to Vritra. As you know, the ancestors of Indians had a great use of a sacred intoxicating drink - catfish. They received it from the medicinal plant, which was also called soma.

Easy to imagine such a picture. In the fall of the tribe of hunters and collectors, gaining meager food reserves, detached several people to collect a sacred plant. Nights have already become long, freezing began, snake-shaped radiance tapes appear in the sky. And the juicy plants freeze - wither, drown to the root. Belated autumn thunderstorm with hail borrowed the case. GMURE TRAVELENMENTS The collectors explain: the sacred moisture drank the heavenly snake, yes, besides, God of thunderstorms appeared unexpectedly and had to deal with the remnants.

So it was in the north. And in the south, closer to Indian Ocean., in Malaya Asia, in the Middle East?

The mythical hero of the Suchmers, the ancient inhabitants of the interfold of the Tiger and Euphrates, Gilgamesh goes with his friend Enkid to the cedar forest to fight the monstrous giant Humbabu. This forest guard had seven "cervical robes", seven "horrors" or "radiant radiars". Each of them was an independent female creature. Approaching, the monster makes a terrible roar.

Maybe Sumerians were known natural conditions north? This very funny look like a polar radiance, and Suddenly, Enkid's numb hands remind us of frosts. And roars the monster like the dragon. Sumerian epic also narrates about other "relatives" of the dragon - the scorpion people, the energific mountains on the edge of the vast area of \u200b\u200bthe darkness:

People-scorpions will fly their gates:

Greamed their appearance, their eyes - death,

Their shimmer shine plunges the mountain ...

Rays, of which arcs of the Northern Light, are very similar to the segments of the scorpion of the tail. No reason, perhaps, legendary scorpions, like dragons, have a destructive gaze?

But theother ancient myth - About Medusa Gorgon. This monster had mechanical snakes instead of hair. And when the terrible jellyfish rushed across the sky, all poinamen under her murderous look. We have already said that the serpentic stripes of polar radiance along with blonde-luminous clouds, "meduzami" are observed during severe frosts when everything freezes, "turning into a stone".

But can polar shining and the northern cold be relevant to the myths and customs of peoples living in warm and hot countries? ..

Let us turn to the initiations - the rites of the initiation of the young people in full members of the tribe, and now and now there are still among the indigenous people of Australia and New Guinea.

As a rule, the novice was to "swallow" the monster, eating a terrible roar. The roar was imitated by a special tool. At the mysterious creature, according to the representations of the aborigines, there was an extended body. Papuats even built a layout of such a giant in the form of a slag to 30 meters long, and his vertebral pillar portrayed the palm tree dug, and the wool served as the fibers growing on the palm trunk. The monster's monster, some tribes built in the shape of a crocodile jaws or Kazura Bird - birds with a bright colorful plumage.

The bodies of boys were smeared with white or yellow paint. Monster (or the evil spirit) as " business card"Hand held a participant in the rite of a stick, on both ends, decorated with feathers of Casaire or a rooster, and some of the tribes of Australia in memory of the meeting of the young man were knocked out. Having passed a number of difficult tests and returning to the village dedicated to the wrong gait, made the view that they could not eat and say, do not remember anything and do not understand. This, as it were, showed that the monsters are still in power.

Sometimes the dedication rituals ended with cuts and punctures on the body, in the language or common circumcision in many nations - the operation of unsafe, which brought in some cases to death. An incision on the body is considered as a bite of the monster or as a victim of the "Grand Snake Father".

In such rites, two parts are highly distinguished. The first, so to speak, practical is the test of endurance, dexterity, patience, and the second, symbolic - "meeting" with mythical creatures and painful operations. The appointment of the first part is clear: the young man must prove that he is ready to be a full member of the tribe. But, the meaning of the second researchers is not entirely clear. But it can be assumed that once for a long time and in a different natural setting, she pursued the same goal as the first.

All these mysterious operations contacted mythical monsters. The Papuas Pasum Pasum the rite of initiation was even called "Kon Pagab" - "Great View of Spirits." In such rituals, a certain system is traced - the choice of "pain points" is not accidental. Cuts and punctures are applied to the tips of the fingers, on the skin, on the ush, that is, on those parts of the body that the northern peoples are most susceptible ... frostbite. The rite includes a peculiar imitation of first aid - of course, at the level of the Medicine of the Stone Age. However, today doctors recommend to calculate and remove bubbles that appear on the skin after severe frostbite. And the only possible operational intervention with a cold flux in primitive northern hunters could be knocking out tooth. Changing the color of the skin, dizziness, temporary memory loss, the disorder of movements up to the impossibility of independently eat and walk - all this complications caused by the supercooling of the body. And it is these signs that simulated participants in the rite, returning to the village after meeting with the "spirits".

How, after all, the "memories" about the frost and the northern radiance got into the tropics?

Well, first of all, such ideas could well be formed and "on the spot." After all, the last ice age, during which Southeast Australia was covered with an ice shield, ended 10- 12 thousand years ago. And by this time the southern continent was already falling by people. Yes, and in our time in the Australian deserts and in the mountains of New Guinea at night it is quite cold, and the person in the "robe" of Papuas can easily frost at a temperature close to zero. As for polar radiances, they, it happens, visible in astralia. Aborigines consider their fires that burned perfume in the sky. And it is not necessary northern Lights: In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Southern Magnetic Pole, they are too (here, by the way, why scientists, having learned about them, began to call them not northern, but more accurately - polar).

Whether to be surprised that the cult of the "Heavenly Fire Snake", which can be compared with the rainbow ribbon of polar shine, in this part of the globe is spread very widely - from Sakhalin to Australia. In addition, traditions, similar to those we talked, for example, knocking out tooth as a measure of precaution against the goose legendary snake - not uncommon and in South-East Asia. Namely, people from this area settled once a new Guinea.

I look more attentively and to the African legends about the monster with a snake neck, which makes a roar and produces strong destruction, as well as an amazing mbelu-mbel - aquatic animal, similar to "somewhat knitting twigs." Descriptions are forced to recall the legendary dragons that combine the features of snakes and plants. Until now, in Congo, you can find people who swear that they met with these monsters. Well, why would the descendants of dinosaurs do not continue in the African jungle?

Indeed, it is paradoxical, but to explain the presence of a meadow-related legends in the residents of the South is easier than the residents of the North. Why did the inhabitants of the North have not compared the mythical images with heavenly spios? For example, the Northern Slavs, watching the polar radiance, did not touch it with any fire-bird, nor with the fire-hazing snake Gorynych. Most likely because, accustomed to more southerners to these phenomena, they did not see anything in them or, or rather, almost nothing supernatural (although in some peoples of the North in the polar shines "reflected" the battles of gods and heroes).

Images of dragons and snakes were formed in the distant past, apparently, in the south, and north came to the north. It can be assumed that information about the Northern Lights, about its mysterious colored spools often reached South and gradually became the element of rites and myth-making. After all, the relations of the peoples of the North and the South existed ancient times. Here, for example, one of the ways known to us today, for which such communication has already happened in the very distant past. In the IV-V Millenniums, tribes who made ceramics were inhabited in Trans-Urals, which were very similar to the ceramics of the so-called Kelteminarian culture Central Asia. And she was associated with the highly developed cultures of South and Southwestern Asia and played the role of the "mediator" between the North and South.

Dragons live in the culture of many peoples of the world. But unites, peculiarly summarizes the idea of \u200b\u200bthem, in our opinion, amazing natural phenomenon - Polar Lights. It is it that, in many of their traits, it is very similar to the legendary descriptions of the dragon. It seems his amazing spoils in ancient times gave people a stimulus for the design of this complex image. He originated ancient man Due to the need to somehow explain the various incomprehensible phenomena of the surrounding world in their relationship. The image of the dragon was convenient because it was unimused and heterogeneous, sometimes directly opposite elements - such as fire and water.

In the history of mankind, many stains and secrets, which are of interest from any researcher. We love all the mysterious and inexplicable. Many creatures: Mermaids, vampires, Werewolves, Dragons ...

The first three things still have rumors that they exist. And did the dragons really exist?

Myths or reality?

In his youth, being a student of the Faculty of Philology and in detail studying the mythology of the peoples of the world, I noticed that there are characters and images that Repeated almost all nations.

They can be called differently and differ slightly from each other, but one is alone. It brings me on thinking that in every fairy tale there is a fraction of a fairy tale. And the rest is veiled valid.

For example, dragons. These creatures are described in different cultures and traditions, in different countries, on all continents.

European knights were fought with them, the Chinese emperors were idle, African sorcerers were negotiated with them, Aztec priests were listened to them ...

A little later, I understood a very important thing, which then helped me very much in my life: thinking people mythologically. And this is not just a desire to believe in fairy tales and miracles, it is the echoes of long-year-old times.

Dragons attract the attention of people and now. Especially children. When my son was small, he literally "sick" dragons and asked many questions about them.

We bought dragons in the form of toys, pictures, looked around them cartoons and movies, read books. And at some point I felt that I was also drawn to this information.

Studying the encyclopedia and Internet resources, I am increasingly sympathy penetrated into these magical creatures and felt a connection with them.

Conductors energies

When once during a session of a hollow breath, I saw myself traveling by hyperboret, I discovered there and dragon. At first I saw it in the meadow, among huge trees.

It was enormous, dark, scaly, on four paws, with a long tail. Earth shuddered with his movement. And at the same time I was not scared, I even wanted to touch him.

But the next moment it seemed to me that I was this dragon. And then I saw the huge energy flows from somewhere above and flowing to the kernel of the Earth pass through his body.

Last Life Dragon

When we got at the Institute of Reincarnation before viewing inhuman incarnations, I waited for I will see myself in some animal or even a plant.

Immersed in memories, I first drew attention to a strange visual perception: I saw the reality surrounding me as in the thermal imager.

Everything around was dark, and living creatures glowed with different colors. Vision It was so strange that I involuntarily "hung up" in this process, forgetting that I need to understand who I am.

When I drew attention to the feeling in the body, I felt that this was someone big and heavy, even a little clumsy when driving on the ground.

Decided to look outside and realized that i'm dragon. Black, with webbed wings. Large bone scales like a shell, covered the whole body except wings.

There were huge trees around, I was in the meadow and interacted with people. Only it was not such people as we are now, it was another civilization: very high, a few meters in growth.

It was a feeling that I exchange some kind of information telepathically with them, and this information was in images, pictures, and not in speech form.

I lived not on earth, I only flew here, to these people, not to everyone, but to some particular, like priests.

In the process of research it turned out that dragons lived on another planet, near the ground. Then it thought it was that it may have been a satellite of the Earth - a small planet of the wrong epileptoid form.

Later I read that the Earth, by the assumptions of scientists, was once 3 satellites, which then fell to the ground, causing natural cataclysms, or on the contrary, retired and disappeared in the depths of space.

Mythology of many nations also tells about the presence of three Luna of the Earth. And there are different versions about their origin and disappearance.

In my memoil, this The planet was in parallel dimensionBecause when I switch to there at some point I overcame a certain barrier, as if it was going through the plasma, and after that my physical body became just a dense bunch of energy.

Very strange was a feeling when moving the measurement boundary - the head squeezed, it became hard to breathe, and then sharply occasionally occurred.

And with the reverse transition, when the body is compacted to the physical condition, the electricity is flashing, similar to zipper, and the shell glows and becomes very hot.

It is at this moment that the flame can break back if the trees are located nearby. Apparently, it served as the source of the legends of the fireless dragons burning everything alive on the way.

Life of the Dragon

Dragons were a bit, and they were punishable, multiplied by separating the energy bunch. Communicated telepathically, images.

They lived very long, especially if they were infrequently flew to the ground, since these movements took a lot of energy. On my request for the date of incarnation came the figure of 20 million years BC.

When I looked at the ground from the height of the flight, I saw 3 mainland, and the one I flew was similar to the current Eurasia, only larger and stretched aside North Pole, even captured it.

And there were no ice and snow in this part of the earth. The second mainland was south, also big, and another whole big mainland On the other side of the planet.

In that embodiment, I realized that dragons simply simply ceased to take physical form, arrived on the ground, because the times of persecution on them came.

Dragon perfume

However, the dragons have long helped the earth, the anchors of the cosmic energies, served conductor. I managed to see it in one of my incarnations in hyperbore.

I am a conductor of energy and information between the civilization of hyperboreans, dragons and gods. I have long hair - to the pack.

During his rituals, I put on a white shirt dress in the floor, I blister my hair, I enter the trance and dancing strange dancing. I hear the rhythm, as from huge tambourines, but I do not see the tools.

In this state, I simultaneously feel myself in three spaces and can transmit information in three directions. Dragons broadcast me and land special energy and suggest how keep the balance of the planet.

Where are the dragons?

After my memories of the dragons it became interesting to me that with them now.

Judging by the information that came to my request, they have long left the land and moved to another star system to support and there recently inhabited planet.

And on Earth, whales and elephants are now as keepers of the balance of energy. In addition, in the depths of the ocean there are huge energy stores created by dragons and their followers.


The Dragon! Hug him and cry.
Writing about the Dragon Rip ...

However, if such a dragon is hugging, it will only remain that crying. True, not long.
It is said that his poison is deadly. It is said that he and without poison can cause the victim of irreparable damage.

My acquaintance with the Dragon Dragons occurred a few years ago, when I went to these the most beautiful islands to celebrate your non-compensation birthday in the company of these charming creatures.

Yes, all sorts of terrible things speak about them. Well, they ate several deer, buffaloes and a couple of people ... Well, they have teeth, claws, poison.
Well, yes, and not dragons are at all, but gigantic varana.

But when you look at these cartoon creatures, you forget about all the vile insinuations in their direction.
Therefore, for me, they will always be dragons. Pretty, cartoon, with funny heels.
True, I am hugging with them, perhaps I will not.

Wow. How I followed in ten lines and entry, and the ending, and a photo of the dragon ...
Now it is not very clear what to do with another five dozen photos and a story about how these dragons posed us and as in the end I almost ate our leader.

The main population of the Dragon Dragons is the same Dresser Varana, they are the greatest lizards on Earth - lives on the islands of Komodo and Rinchi.

So that you probably do not miss the dragons, we decided to walk along both islands.

Started from the island of Komodo - after all, the dragons were named after him.
Here they are the Rousseau-tourist, the resulting rested.

The first dragon, casually breathing under the tree. Causes an unprecedented excitement.

Although there is a standing ranger as if all his species hints, they say, business, think the lizard-overgrowth.

Yes, and the dragon, lies like that you, in fact, did not see lizards?

However, at the sight of the second dragon, the enthusiasm of photographers is no less.

Heel! What is his cute heel.

But see. Another one is lying. I climbed into the shades and everything does not need him.

We arrived on the island in the afternoon, when the sleepy kingdom reigns here. Dragons are sleeping fruried by heat.
And only here, the dead-stayed by the Rangers do not find the strength to crawl into the forest and please the tourists.

However, without losing hope to find a truly wild dragon and despite this heat, we go to the trekking on the island.

Randomly dropped on the nest of the Varanov. Rather, the incubator. Dragon's female shops eggs to 20 pieces. After 7-8 months, small dragons will be hatched. If they are of course lucky.
To be lucky, dragon is guarding the nest.

This time lucky to us, and there was no strict guard nearby. However, eggs in the masonry seems too.
Therefore, we go further, turn your heads, look at beautiful palm trees.

And to see, by the way, followed the legs.

With our arrival, the dragon, or rather the dragon, clearly revived.

But no. The heat was stronger. After losing interest in us, she plunged into the nudity again.

At the exit, this is still so stuffed ...

And terrible souvenir sellers who sold small wooden dragons at a price of two living things. And in general were extremely disliked. It can be seen, strongly spoiled by a continuous flow of tourists.

The next island of our program is the island of Rinch. On the area it is less than the commodo, and the dragons there are more. So meet their chances are much larger, given the increased concentration.

To increase the chances even more, we came early in the morning in the morning. At this time, the dragons are most active.

And, by the way, not only dragons.

Of the two reptiloids, we choose dragons.

Imfacts are hanging right away at the entrance directly hinting than a meeting with dragons can turn around.

Well, yes, we are not from the grivy. In addition, there is very optimistic proof that life still breaks. in one form or another.

So do not lose time. We go to search for dragons.

And here it is an elegant for a holiday to us came - it stands, admires the landscape.

Before such a beauty, even Rangers stand on their knees.

And tourists are frozen in amazement.

In fact, we asked her so that she moved a little. I drank a little there, showed us your beautiful gait.

But she stood like sculpture. Not condescending to our requests.

She obviously mocked us.

Yes, what was going there - just openly Rzhala.

And only when we began to leave, she, realizing that the audience leave her, deigned to resemble a little.

Well, how to like. Expand, bow and leave the scene under the outbreak of the camera.

Adult dragons are not too picky in food. Eat everything that moves. Under the hot hand, or rather, the cold paw can and the younger generation is sick.

Therefore, to stay alive, the young has a lot of time spends on trees where adults
dragons can not climb.

Here is such a natural selection who did not guessed to climb into a tree, he will not last long in this cruel world.

If hitting the island of Rinchi, you will not be so lucky as we, and you will not see the wild dragons in wild forests, do not be mistaken.
Dragons you will see in any case.

The most dusovka is in the kitchen. Looks like almost all the dragons of the island crap here.
Well, except for those two we have seen on the road.

Fused dragon - good dragon.

But the painted dragon is evil. So marked animals seen in the cannibal.

True, we were told that the dragons of the attackers on people are taken out on some third island, where they are serving a life sentence.
But probably it is especially evil dragons recidivists. And for the first time the dragons mark paint.