Robinsons involuntarily: the stories of real people who came to uninhabited islands. Modern Robinsons

  • 09.10.2019

After the name of the novel of Daniel defio "Robinson Cruzo", the name from the title of the book quite quickly became nominative. Robinzone began to call anyone who, on their own initiative, or by the will of fate turned out to be away from people.

Sometimes the adventures of the most famous non-wonderful robinsons are even more interesting than the stories about the hermits described in the books.

Alexander Selkirk - Robinson's prototype Cruzo

Daniel Defo When writing Robinzon Kruzo's novel, enjoyed the Scottish Memories Alexander Selkirk. The history of an unsuccessful traveler is really similar to the events described in the novel, however, there are still a number of significant differences.

Being a Bottchman of the Pirate Ship, Selkirk in May 1704 fell into the disfavor of the captain. The consequences of the quarrel became a seafarer disembarking on seal Island Mas-a-Thierra, which is in the Pacific, and where Friday did not even hear about each other. Despite the complex living conditions, Alexander was able to achieve some success during his stay on the island.

For example, tame wild goats. It was in the company that the English ships found it in 1709, and already in the 1712-M Selkirka managed to return home. The editorial board reminds that DEFO has a duration of Robinson's stay on the island was 28 years old.

Traveler Daniel Foss

The skin and meat of the seal were able to save the other hero of "Robinsonads" - the American traveler of Daniel Fossa, whose cruise on the ship "Nenciant" ended with a collision with a huge iceberg. He turned out to be the only passenger of the vessel who managed to escape, going to the rocky island in 1809.

This slouch of sushi was deserted, and there was nothing here, except for the frying of seals. Survive the hero helped the usual wooden paddle, which nailed to the shores of the waves. The hero waved them as a flag, when 5 years later, he saw him from the ship passing by. Moreover, Daniel got to him, because the captain feared to plant a ship on a stony bottom.

Voluntary Robinson - Tom Neil

He knows the story and voluntary robinsons. Coral Island Suvorov sheltered Tom Nile in 1957. Unlike his predecessors, the hero-hermit had everything you need: food, hygiene products, pets and even fuel.

In addition, the island was rich in his tropical gifts. When after 3 years, the stay of Tom in paradise violated the Americans, he even did not want to hear about the world of people. Nevertheless, in the 1966th, Tom took a short breakdown in civilization to publish memoirs and earn money.

With the book "Island for yourself" he returned to the island. His inspiration was enough for another 10 years, after which Tom Neil left the uninhabited bar of Sushi and went to live his age into the native edges of New Zealand.

Magic book defo

It is not known how often the book of Daniel Defo is involved in the shipwreeling of Schunov "Beautiful Bliss" in 1911, but the fact that she helped survive Jeremy Bibsu is reliably. A 14-year-old teenager was able to escape on the shred of sushi in the Pacific Ocean.

He learned his knowledge of the calendar, hunting and primitive architecture from the book about Robinson Cruzo, and health until the oldest helped keep fresh fruits and coconut milk. Only in 1985, at the age of 88, he found himself at the chance passed by the German ship.

The story of the famous hermit from the book of Daniel Defo was reflected in cinema. In 2000, Robert Zadekovis was released on the screens to the screens in the lead role with Tom Hanks.

Alexey Khimkov - Russian "Robinson"

Under the leadership of Kormchego Alexey Khimkova, the merchant vessel went to the fishery in 1743. In search of a walrus near the island of Spitsbergen ship stuck in arctic ice. A team of several hunters led by the captain himself went to the land where they found a hut. They took the supplies as they planned the next day to return to the ship. However, fate ordered otherwise: for one night Ides, along with the wind, attributed the ship to the open sea, where it soon sank.

Khimkov did not have anything else, except to warm the detected building to wintering. Ruge cartridges were enough for a while, but with the help of handy items, the team made homemade bows and spears. That was enough to hunt deer and bears. The island was also rich in small game and fish, and the salt was mined a straight out of sea water.

Unfortunately, they waited for no hunger or cold, but an ordinary qing. In the conditions of a shortage of vital vitamins, one of four years later died. Another year and a half, before in the summer of 1749, the vessel under the leadership of Commander Kornilov was noticed by wild robinsons. Book "Adventures of four Russian sailors, to the island of Spitsbergen Bureu brought"

To lead about the surviving hunters with time reached the Graph Shuvalov, which was listed under the royal yard. It was he who instructed the French submarine Le Roa to write about the Znoklites Khimkova, a book called "Adventures of four Russian sailors, to the island of Svalbergen Bureu brought", published later in several languages \u200b\u200bin different countries World. We invite you to learn the stories of the most famous travelers.
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The prototype of Roman Daniel Defo served Alexander Selkirk. In contrast to many robinsons, which became such a tragic case, the 27-year-old Boatswie of the SNA SNA Selkirk became a victim of his own character.

The very first. Alexander Selkirk

Hot-tempered and wayward, he constantly engaged in conflicts with the captain of the ship by Stradling. After another quarrel, which occurred near the island of Mas-A-Tierra, Selkirk demanded that he was landed. Said, done, Buyan's request was satisfied. Attempts to return to the ship did not lead to anything. Optic boots spent four years on the island. Here he built two shala and the observation post, hunted on wild goats. Upon returning home, he told a lot about his adventures. Selkirka again pulled into the sea, he entered the royal fleet in the rank of Lieutenant and died on board the Royal Ship "Weimut" from the yellow fever.

Today's. José Ivan.

In early 2014, an Ambon atoll, which enters the Marshall Islands in the Pacific, two local residents found a man who, according to him, spent around 16 months in the sea. His boat during this journey crashed and lost the screw. It was possible to find out that José Ivan and his friend sailed from Mexico in the fall of 2012 and headed to Salvador. After the accident, they waved for a long time in the ocean, a few months ago, José died. They fed on fish, birds, drank water and blood turtle. Found marine robinson now looks like: he has long hair and beard.

The youngest. Imaita

In February 1977, at the Indonesian Island of Sumatra, the girl Imait went with girlfriends to fish on the river. During fishing, the boat turned over. The girl did not return home. Everyone believed that Iara was died. She was accidentally met in 1983. A twelve-year-old girl who lived for six years alone, even forgot his native language. Parents, have long been in thoughts that buried her daughter, immediately recognized her.

Recordsman. Jeremy Bibs.

In 1911, during a hurricane in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, the English schooner "Beautiful Bliss" was sank. To get to the shore and escape on the uninhabited island, only the 14-year-old Jung Jeremy Bibsu was convicted. The boy in the literal sense saved the literature - he loved her very much and knew the novel of Daniel Defo. Bibs began to lead a wooden calendar, built a hut, learned to hunt, ate fruit and drank coconut milk. While he lived on the island, two world wars occurred in the world, was created atomic bomb and personal computer. Bibs did not know anything about it. Found it by chance. In 1985, the crew of the German vessel unexpectedly discovered the record holder among Robinsons, who had already reached 88 years old, and delivered him to his homeland.

From brokers to Robinsons. David Gleshin

What does a person do when, as a result of the operation on the exchange loses 6.5 billives of dollars? The answers can be a lot, but David Glashin came up with his version: in 1993, he leased for 43 years a third of the RESERATION ISLAND (Restoration Island), which is near the northeast coast of Australia (Australia). Under the terms of the transaction he must establish here fishing and tourist infrastructure. To fulfill the promised David, as can be seen, and was not going. He pays 13,000 pounds a year and leads hermit life here. Money David earns a game on the exchange through the Internet. He grows vegetables, cooks beer itself. By the court order, he prescribed to leave the island, but Robinson-broker return to big world Does not want. He is quite comfortable living on the island together with his dog Quasi.

Dream Island. Brandon Grimschou

In the early 60s, Brendon went on a business trip to Seychelles. This working trip has changed his life forever - he decided to stay on the Muena island unsuitable for life. Grimschow was an entrepreneur and had enough money to provide a legal basis for his hermit. Brendon bought an island and engaged in search of those who lived here before. The search for him was crowned with success, he found Creola Rene Laforto. He is so imbued with the history of the Grimschow, which threw his wife and children and made the company to Brendon. "Robinson and Friday" do not just live on the island, but they support nature, they landed 16,000 trees, bred turtles and create all the conditions for the comfortable life of birds. For this, Brendon even spent water on his island. Their efforts were assessed by merit: the island in 2008 acquired status national Park. Today, the history of Grimschow is widely known and tourists are constantly visited. As a memory of those days, when Brendon's half began, he wrote a book "History about a man and his island."

In harmony with nature. Masafuni Nagasaki

Once Masafun Nagasaki was a photographer, he worked in the entertainment industry, but the norms installed by the Company were played by his freedom-loving character. Then he decided to leave the world of people. For more than 20 years, Masafuna lives on Sotobanari Island, western coast Islands Irisote, Okinawa Prefecture. It feeds the voluntary robinson rice, drinks rainwater, which collects pots in the all over the island. Masafuni dresses only once a week when he has to go on a boat behind rice in the nearby settlement (in an hour of the Ocean path). The money is sent to him relatives. The purpose of its voluntary sharpening on the island of Nagasaki is extremely simple: "Find a place where you want to die - it is very important, and I decided to find peace here."

Robinson Cruzo on its island, lonely, devoid of help to itself like and any tools producing, however, all necessary for existence and creating even well-known well-being - this is the topic, interesting for every age, and you can make it a fascinating method for kids.

(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

"Life and amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo, a sailor from York, who lived twenty-eight years in full alone on the uninhabited island off the coast of America, near the mouth of the Orinoco River, where he was thrown by a shipwreck, during which the entire carriage crew, besides him, died The presentation of his unexpected liberation with pirates written by him by himself. "

Book under the following long titlewritten by Daniel Defo, appeared in England on April 25, 1719. Since then, more than two hundred and fifty years have passed, but also children and adults in all countries of the globe read this novel.

It is based on a true incident with the Scottish Sailor Alexander Selkirk, who after a quarrel with the captain of the ship was planted on the uninhabited Island Island Islands, one group of the islands in the Pacific, called Juan Fernandez, 560 kilometers from Chile's shores. On this island, Selkirk lived alone four years and four months.

Currently, the island of Mas-A-Tera is called Robinson Cruzo Island. In XVIII I. XIX centuries This island served as a place of reference. The population of all the islands of Juan Fernandez is small - only about 450 people who are engaged in fishing and lobsters.

In the past on Robinson Island, a rainforest with very valuable sandalwood trees grow. Sandalous trees began to cut down. Quickly multiple goats and rabbits brought to the island destroyed all herbs and shrubs. Now strong tropical showers blur the bare ground and form deep ravines. Winds raise dust and sand. High shores fall into the sea. The blooming is once the island of Robinson Cruzo turned into a wasteland.

Life on the uninhabited island is not invented by Daniel Defo, so it is described so believable, and the book about Robinson Cruzo is read with a special interest. No, perhaps, not a single competent boy and girls who would not read the "Robinson Cruzo".

Former student of the Yasnocation School V. S. Morozov in his memoirs about L. N. Tolstoy writes about love for this book: "The second and third class were already dissolved on the houses, and we stayed in the evening, because Lion Nikolaevich loved in the evenings books. Favorite our evening book was "Robinson Cruzo."

Robinzon is called every person who has fallen into places where there are no people, there are no ordinary food products, there are no conditions for the normal life of a civilized person. Let's look from this point of view on Robinson Cruise.

Is Robinson's Cruzo did not have anything and used only what was in the surrounding nature?

The ship on which Cruise sailed was stranded near the uninhabited island.

The entire crew of the ship, trying to escape on the boat, died, and only one robinson Cruzo wave threw ashore. The next day, during the low tide, Robinson got to the ship. From there, he brought three chests to the raft, in which they were: "Rice, crackers, three circles of Dutch cheese, five large pieces of dried kglyatin and residues of grain. In addition, a carpenter box with all working instruments, wine boxes, three barrels with gunpowder, two beautiful hunting rifles and two guns, a variety of dress. " Not satisfied with these things, Robinson went to the second time and brought more "three iron scrap, two barrel with rifle bullets, seven muskets, another hunting rifle and a little powder." In addition to these things, Robinson "took everything a dress from the ship, which I found, yes still grabbed a sail, hammock and several mattresses and pillows." Robinson visited the ship eleven times, dragging ashore all that is able to drag the pair of hands.

As you can see, Robinson was ensured almost with all necessary, even pillows. He had great reserves of edible. Moreover, when all the crackers were eaten, it turned out that the grains, cursed from the bag to the ground, had already gave shoots of barley and rice. He had a gun, and the abundance of game, so he was secured by meat.

Only ten months later, Robinson decided to examine the island and see if there are any animals and plants on it that are not yet known to him. In one "charming valley", he found "many coconut palms, orange and lemon trees" and grapes. As you probably know, he drank water with lemon juice, and dried grapes, received raisins. Other wild-growing trees he did not use: there was no need for this, and most importantly, he did not know them.

Robinson himself admits in his botanical ignorance: "I was looking for Kassavy, from the root of which the Indians of those latitudes make flour, but did not find ... there were other plants, which I have never seen before: it's very possible that, know their properties, I Could you benefit from them for yourself ... "

"During your stay in Brazil, I paid attention to the local Flor, which did not know even the most ordinary field plants ..."

Robinson acutely felt the incompleteness of his vegetable world: "I went home, thinking on the way about how to learn to recognize the properties and benignness of fruits and plants that I find."

But then reflections on this topic, Robinson did not go: they were not discovered and the treasures of the plant world were not opened. He would have to be very bad if the ship crashed at some island in the north, where there are no coconut nuts, no oranges, no grapes.

Followers of Robinzona

What is more beautiful than adventure

Merry discoveries, victories,

Wise wanderings, happy brushes ...

(Sun. Christmas)

Robinson Cruzo turned out to be many followers, fictional - in books and valid - in life. The fascinating book of Daniel Defo caused a lot of imitations: "New Robinson" Camp, "Swiss Robinson" Wiss, etc.

Probably, you are known for five brave brave - Engineer Sires Smith, Correspondent Gideon Spielllet, Sailor Pencrof, Negro Nab and Harbert Boy - Which Aerostat lifted to the Mysterious Island Lincoln (in the Roman Jules Verne " Mysterious Island"). These were almost real robinsons. They have paid an iron from ore and made workers tools, made powder, sugar was cooked from the juice of sugar, brought wild spinach from the forest, salad, horseradish, and put them in their garden from the forest.

"Nabe prepared Aguti soup, wild pig ham, seasoned with fragrant herbs, and boiled tubers of a grassy plant, which grows in a tropical belt in a thick shrub ..."

But still they did not use enough natural resources. So, they could not replace bread. Remember the wonderful find of Harbert?

"On this day there was a torrential rain. Colonists gathered in big Hall Granite Palace. Suddenly Harbert exclaimed:

Look, Mr. Sayres, - bread grain!

And he showed his comrades from the grains, the only grain, which was dropped through the hole in the pocket of the jacket behind the lining.

In Richmond, Harbert had the habit of feeding the pigeons that Penkrof presented him. That is why in his pocket he has preserved grains.

Bread grain? - Engineer asked with liveliness.

Yes, Mr. Sires, but one thing is just one.

Eki importance! - exclaimed Pencrof. - What can we do from one bread grain?

Bread, - Saires Smith replied.

Well, yes, bread, cakes, cakes! - Penkrof picked up.

Bread from this grain will not grab.

Harbert did not give much importance to his find and wanted to throw the grain, but Sizes Smith took him and, making sure that it was in good condition, said intently on Pencrofa:

Do you know how many seeds can give one grain of bread?

One, of course, Penxrof answered in surprise.

No, Pencrof, Ten. And how much grains in each spoole?

Right, I do not know.

On average eighty. It means that if we fall this grain, we will get eight hundred grains at the first crop, at the second - sixty-four thousand, at the third - five hundred twelve million ...

On November 15, the third harvest was removed. This field has grown in eighteen, since the first grain has sown!

Soon on the table in the granite palace, a magnificent loaf was conquered. "

The glorious settlers of Lincoln Island did not cost any other assistance. Good captain Nemo gave them a zinc chest with tools, weapons, devices, clothes, books, dishes ... And the mysteriously delivered the Chinese when Harbert fell ill.

In the Roman Zhul Roman Verne "School of Robinsons" Anger with Tartellet, their cousin Finnished on the island of the chest with tools, clothing, weapons. In addition, it had tea, coffee, ink, feathers and "guide to culinary art."

Vivid robinsons on the chests!

Interestingly told E. Seton-Thompson in the book "Little Dicks" on how two American boys, Yang and himself, decided to imitate natural robinsons - Indians.

They built almost real Wigwam (Slash), made Indian costumes and weapons, well, in Indian, learned how to dry fires, but still did not fully use forest treasures. Behind the edible supplies, I had to do "raids" home.

"There was a pantry near the kitchen. Myself snuck there and found a small bucket with a lid there. He took a bucket and, capturing on the way the cake with meat, lying on the shelf, descended on the same staircase again into the cellar, filled the bucket there with milk, then got out through the window to the courtyard and launched a nurse. Next time he found a note in the cellar written by his mother's hand:

"The enemies of the Indians.

Another time with a raid, bring back the bucket and do not forget to cover the jugs with the lids. "

To live among nature, using only her wealth, Robinsons, as you can see, did not know how.

But the Indians, genuine Robinsons, the whole life of which was held among the forests, only the surrounding nature took everything necessary for existence.

See how the Indian Leader in the song about Guyavate Longfello used for the construction of pies Various trees:

"Give the bark to me, about birch!
Yellow give bark, birch!
You are that snatched in the valley
Slender mill over the river!
I will defeat my cake
Man built a lightweight,
And in the water he will swim,
Like a yellow autumn leaf,
Like a yellow waterway ...
Give, about cedar, branches of green,
Give me flexible, strong boughs,
Help the Pie to do
And reliable and stronger! "
And having quitted bitch cedar,
He connected from the boring frame,
Like two bows, he bent them
Like two onions, he tied them.
- Give your roots, about Tamrak!
"Give me the roots of fibrous:
I will connect my cake
So tie her roots
So that the water penetrates,
Did not fall into the cake!
Give me a fir, a resin of the tight,
Give my resin and juice:
I scratched the seams in the cake,
So that the water penetrates,
Did not pierce in the cake. "
And he collected the tears of ate,
Took the resin of her tight
All in the cake of the seams smeared,
He defended the pie from waves.
So he built a cake
Over the river, the medium of the valley,
In the depths of the forests of dense
And the whole life of the forests was in her,
All their secrets, all their spells:
The flexibility of larch is dark,
Fortress of powerful bumps cedar
And birch slim lightness
And in the waves she swung,
Like a yellow autumn leaf,
Like a yellow waterlily.

Modern Robinsons

All views of the world

Converge on the ice.

On black point

Handful of people

That send on ether -

Lifeless and blue -

Hope of exhausted nights.

(Sun. Christmas)

Is it worth talking about robinsons? They live in books, waving readers imagination; in life, especially modern when the whole earth Researed, robinsons can hardly be.

Still, there are robinsons, and each of you they are known.

Does the four papaninsev not robinsons?

Four voluntary Robinson lived many months on an ice floating island. Life on the ice floe floating in the Arctic Ocean, in a continuous polar night, in a blizzard, in frost ... such a fantastic novel has not yet come up with a single writer. Use natural wealth Polar Robinsons had no opportunity, as they lived on bare ice. But the papaninites used such comfort as not one of the robinsons. They had a tent with a gasket from the Pooh, Radio, Pathereon, Primus, Forty Six different species edible products. These were Robinsons, who provided themselves in advance with everything necessary.

The life of Robinson-Papanin residents is full of selfless heroism. For science, they subjected to death hazard. Their ice floating island melted, gave cracks, and the Arctic Ocean threatened to absorb the four bold heroes of science. No wonder every day, the whole Soviet country and the whole world followed the radio broadcasting about the life of the Soviet researchers floating on the ice among the sullen ocean, near the North Pole.

Now the study of the Ice Ocean is carried out constantly and on several drifting ice floes - North Pole stations.

Another modern Robinson is the flyer Marina Svalo, descended by parachute from the "Motherland" aircraft in uninhabited forests and swamps of the Far East. M. Oblova, P. Osipenko and V. Grizodubova made a non-final flight Moscow - Far East. Before Komsomolsk, there was not enough fuel. It was necessary to land on the swamp, among the taiga. The danger was threatened that the plane was tested on the nose, and in this case M. Rodovoy remain in the rear navigator cabin was dangerous. The commander ordered her to immediately turn off with a parachute from the aircraft ...

Brave protracted jump in taiga ...

"I am surrounded by a thick, impassable forest. Nowhere is there any lumen ... I'm alone, "writes M. Skalov in the diary.

Uninhabited hundreds and thousands of kilometers of Taiga. In the pocket at the river revolver, the box of waterproof matches, two chocolate tiles and seven mint candies. In this position, none of the Robinsons described in novels. Excerpts from the dawn of the rod naval diary show that the life of the bold pilot in the Siberian taiga was full of dangers. "Step from the bump on the hammer. The swamp is covered with thick, high grass almost a belt ... I suddenly fall on the neck into the water. I feel how the legs were alone and, like Giri, pull me down the book. All on me instantly wet. Water is cold, like ice. For the first time for all the time I feel lonely. No one pulls out of the water, it is necessary to save himself ... grab the bump, and she plunges along with you in the water ... I take a stick in both hands, I throw a stick at once a few kokes and thus pull up ...

… Hooray! Mushrooms. Real good mushrooms, big strong raw materials. Of these, there will be a wonderful dinner. I wet birch bark, prepared a box of it, a fairly strong and impermeable for the liquid, and began to plant a fire ... I chirped a match, moved a closer to Cour. Matches put on the grass next to him ... The flame shot so quickly that I barely had time to bounce. While realized, what's the matter, all my box of matches died in the fire. The real taiga fire began ... Goodbye, delicious dinner, goodbye, sleep in a dry place! The unfortunate chapor collects his belongings and surprises in a swamp ...

... Suddenly the whole Kuste Ryabina comes across. I am typing a rowan how much I can: in the handkerchief, pockets. "

In the revolver M. Obokova remained four cartridges, the rest she shot in the hope that her shots would hear on the plane, maybe he survived. And suddenly, I remembers M. Discoval, "In meters fifteen from me, a bear was rising from my shrub, stamped, black. He stands on the hind legs ... I shoot without looking, where it fell. " Fortunately, the bear, frightened by a shot, rushed to run. Only for the eleventh day, by night, Marina Svalova finds his plane, his girlfriends and pilots from Komsomolsk who flew to the rescue.

In 1947, the Norwegian scientist Tour Heyerdal with five satellites committed an unusually brave journey through the ancient path of the Inca from Peru to the Polynesian Islands. For one hundred days they flew over Pacific Ocean. At "Con-Tika", the raft of nine logs associated with ropes, 4300 miles, until they appeared on the reefs at a small uninhabited island.

Six bold researchers were the most real robinsons in our time!

The feeling of complete defenselessness covered me in the Kon-Tika Museum in Oslo, when I saw the raft of all fourteen steps in length and six in width. On it - a small shalashik and a big sail.

Especially terribly becomes in the lower room of the museum, where you see the "Con-Tika" raft from below. The logs were overgrown with algae, seashells, in the water of flocks of mackerels and a huge shark for the entire length of the raft. Only seeing the "Con-Tika" raft, you can not only appreciate, but also to feel all the heroism of those who dared on it to swim across the ocean.

Robinsons of the Shlisselburg Fortress

It was so beautiful ... and so lonely: in front of the eyes - kindergarten, flowers, a wire fence, and a circle - high fortress walls.

(Faith Figner)

There are robinsons and not only among nature: revolutionaries concluded for many years in prison, they also felt like Robinsons, cut off from around the world and devoid of the most necessary.

M. V. Novorussky, who spent twenty-five years in conclusion, in an interesting book "Prison Robinsones" describes how it is in Shlisselburg Fortress I invented the homemade incubator and took the chickens in the chamber, as the valley cried in the winter and how the strawberries spread. Let us give the story of M. V. Novorussky:

Seed in the old book

Forest, or field, strawberries appeared with us not quite ordinary.

There was not any bustle on our island. Yes, we could not look for her outside our fence. It was not on sale.

Ask the gendarme to bring from the neighboring sandy shore at least one bustard of strawberries did not occur us. So we would live without it, if not only a happy chance.

Once in March, my comrade Luka read the old volume of the historical magazine "Russian Archive". Rights, he noticed among the letters a small seed that adherently adhered to the page. He lookedched and, examining seeds, consisted:

Whose could it be?

But whose it was, he did not know.

"Dai," he thought, "I will lay it, maybe something will come out."

No sooner said than done.

The pot with a sown seed remained for quite a long time in the chamber under constant supervision. Luke has already begun to lose hope, as suddenly in one clear morning he noticed that there was a seed on site as if a shoot appears. Three weeks later, under the rays of the sun, we got the fourth sheet of our sprout and, considering it, exclaimed in one voice:

Ba, yes it is strawberries! And moreover forests.

I now took a bush on my care and, when he grown, landed him to freedom to the ground. By autumn, he became a big bush, but did not bloom. For the next summer, I have already received the first fee - a dozen two berries of real scented strawberries, which I have not rail for nine years. But, most importantly, I received half a dozen long weaves, on which there were no less than fifteen young shoots. I roared them in the soil.

They were well overwhelmed, and the next year they turned out more than one hundred sixty pieces, that is, a whole plantation of forest strawberries.

In a day, sometimes in two I regularly collected berries.

For example, M. V. Novorussky and other prisoners-revolutionaries began to breed strawberries. In winter, the valley grown to prevent each other's birthday.

In a deposited city

We know - we fell bitter days,

fantasy troubles threaten

but the homeland is with us, and we are not alone

and our our victory will be.

(O. Bergolts)

During the Great Patriotic War Residents of a whole huge city turned out to be in the position of Robinsons.

At the end of 1941, Leningrad was surrounded by fascist troops and cut off as an island, from Big land, - so called the whole Soviet Union. Food warehouses were destroyed by bombs and fires. Products and fuel have become small. Residents of Leningrad, like Robinsons, Mastered from tinted Sawn, from cans - Schocklink bulbs; Deli lighters replacing matches.

In the spring, the streets between the stones and asphalt began to break through the small herb, people began to look for edible and vitamin plants. On the Nevsky Prospect from the Earth, which covered the windows of large stores, forest plants grew up. On the roofs of houses and on the balconies suddenly the inflorescences of the Ivan-Tea. But not all residents knew which plants were edible and nutritious, which are harmful.

Staff Botanical Garden Academy of Sciences, examining the nutritional properties of plants, read lectures, wrote articles and brochures about which of wild plants can be eaten. On the windows of school corridors in the pots and jars were exhibited digging on the streets of the plants and about them on the sheets of paper is instructed, how to use them. In the canteens and grocery stores stood plants in banks with recipes for eating them into food. Many weed plants turned out to be nutritious and even delicious. This supported the forces of Leningrad at the critical moment of the blockade.

Letter Lieutenanta

While there, in the glade, there was a fight, in the hollow, in the thickets of juniper, was located, should be a sanitary company.

(B. Field)

The editorial office of children's literature during the Patriotic War came a letter from the front. Lieutenant Gruzdev asked to send a book about his fighters about life in the forest, about traps, about the use of wild plants. "These books," he wrote, "help the warrior to learn the nature of the birthplace, the inhabitants of her forests, rivers and meadows. Without elementary knowledge of nature, it is difficult to conduct intelligence observation. The skills of the trail and observer, the knowledge of the forest helps the intelligence to merge completely with the terrain. It makes him the nature itself. He sees everything, he remains invisible. Knowledge of edible plants and mushrooms will increase the possibilities of the hiking kitchen, will increase the consumption of vitamins. It is necessary to understand that the nature will not leave anywhere: there are fights among it, our soldiers' life flows among it. "

Lieutenant Loading Lightweight: In order to become a good fighter, you need to explore nature. In the conditions of war in the Robinson position, everyone may be. Such "robinsons" were partisans who lived in the forests and successfully faster with the fascist invaders. They knew the nature well and ways to use its inexhaustible wealth.

Thus, the name "Robinson", two centuries after the appearance of a book about Robinzone, people began to understand much wider. Robinson is a person who is not only living on an uninhabited island, but also a person who, being among the nature, having nothing, can get and make everything necessary for life.

Robinson Cruzo knew a lot to do with her own hands, he was a "master of all hands," but in his time the science of nature was poorly developed - biology. Robinson was not interested in nature and did not study it to replenish his knowledge.

Now we know better nature and its laws and can be more fully used. Robinson was armed with guns, we are armed with knowledge. Knowledge and desire to expand them, deeper to explore nature help us open a lot of interesting and useful in the plant world.

In the forest!

In the forest there is everything you need for a person.

(E. Seton-Thompson)

At the occurrence of spring, each person covers excitement. Fishermen begin to prepare the fishing rods, hunters clean the guns, they prepare cartridges, tourists fold into the backpack the things they need, the city residents are going to the cottage. Pioneers are rushing to the camp, in the "Debrist" wildlife. No wonder they are the name of the pioneers, that is, advanced people who are in new, unexplored places.

The well-known researcher Charles Darwin in the diary, called "Naturalist's journey around the world on the Beagle ship, wrote:

"I always remember our little expeditions in boats and on land excursions on unexplored places with such a delight, which no spectacles of the civilized world were not excited in me."

Spring. Every day, the distance is still stronger, in wide expanses of the fields, under the emerald model of forests.

It's good to walk along the path that crumpled an anti-the-ants, who got down to the Earth "bird buckwheel", and watch how everything around the day changes in paints and sounds! Flowers are revealed and closed, birds, butterflies, beetles fly.

It is good to cook on the bore dinner, there is a mad smoke porridge, sleep in a spruce chaolate or on a tree like Robinson Cruzo.

Inquisitiveness, the desire to see a new one, to open anyone not known, unusual names for us to travel. Those who led by this feeling, the travelers opened new lands, got acquainted with unknown peoples and described unprecedented animals and wonderful plants.

Traveling scientists - geologists in search of minerals - ore, coal, oil, shale; Traveling botany, opening wild wealth; Travel geographers, archaeologists. All managed a hot desire to find new values \u200b\u200bnecessary to our people.

It's time for us with you, dear reader, go to the forest!

When you enter the forest, fragrant and cool
Medium solar and strict silence stains,
Meets your breast so happy and greedily
Snack of wet herbs and pine aroma.
Your foot slides on the osp needles
Or rustle grass, dropping drops grew,
And the gloomy canopy of wide
I slept with the foliage of alder and young birches.
It smells like a foolishness, then last year's pretty,
Then the smell of mushroom in a fired stump,
Highlights a short clear rosary,
And the wind will make it in the dry island of the day.
Hi to you, shelter freedom and peace
Native north unpretentious forest!
You are full of freshness, and all in you lively,
And so many mysteries and miracles!
You're impact of centuries jerked with a man,
He takes for himself from "generosity" of your
Mushrooms and berries on sunny days,
And food, and housing, and masts of ships.
Here in the thickets of forest, where everything for the heart is cute,
Where clean air is so sweet breathe,
There are healing in herbs and colors
For everyone who knows how to solve their secret.

So talks about the forest Lover of nature, passionate fisherman, the poet Vsevolod Aleksandrovich Christmas.

Come in the same way to explore the secrets of nature! We put the backpack by the shoulders, take a stick in your hands and go in the footsteps of Robinson!

Roman "Robinson Cruzo" perpetuated the name of Daniel Defo, and the name of the main character has long become nominated. Any child in childhood represented how it will be on a desert island and will survive here. Why say here, not only a boy. So, quite recently, we told about the raised millionaire, who celebrated the 20th anniversary of his stay on the island. But what else there is real stories Robinsons?

Robinson-Cruzo Island, where he spent 4 years Alexander Selkirk

Lived on a desert island: 4 years and 4 months

The history of the Scottish Sailor Alexander Selkigarka just inspired the defense on writing the novel, it was he who became a prototype of Robinson Cruzo. True, the literary hero stayed on the island of 28 years and for this for a long time alone with nature and with himself he spiritually grown. Selkirk also stayed on the island of 4 years, and he got there not as a result of shipwreck, but after a quarrel with the captain. And no Friday friend, and, of course, cannibals. However, Alexander managed to survive in harsh conditions, he fed on mollusks, tamed the wild goats and built two huts. In 1709, the sailor discovered English ships. When Selkirk returned to London, he told his amazing story Writer Richard Stylta, and he published it in the newspaper.

By the way, the island, where Selkirk lived in solitude, was subsequently called Robinson-Cruzo. And 150 kilometers from him there is another island - Alexander Selkirk.

Traveler Daniel Foss

Lived on a desert island: 5 years

Surprises the story of another traveler Daniel Fossa. A man at the end of the XVIII century traveled on the ship "Nezantizant" with the team in the northern seas, where they hunted on their seals. The ship faced with Iceberg, and 21 people managed to escape by choosing on the boat. For a month and a half, they swam in the waves until two people were left alive. Soon the boat was thrown ashore, where the Foss was lost to the last comrade. And this island, this is far from paradise: a small rocky slush block, where nothing was there, except for the frying of the seal. Actually, the meat of seals and helped Daniel to survive, and he drank rainwater. Only five years later, in 1809, who passed by the ship picked up Fossa. At the same time, Bedollege had to be saved to him, as the captain was afraid that he could sit stranded.

Tom Neil - Voluntary Hermit

Lived on a desert island: about 16 years

But there are stories and voluntary waste. So, almost for 16 years coral island Suvorov became a home to the Nile from New Zealand. For the first time he visited the island in 1952. A man domesticated chickens, started a garden, caught crabs, mollusks and fish. Thus, New Zealendets lived on the island of almost three years, and after severe injury it was taken out. But this did not prevent him from returning: Tom returned to his paradise in 1960 for three and a half years, and then in 1966 for ten years. After the second stay, Neil wrote the book "Island for himself", which became a bestseller.

Jeremy Bibs - Robinson, who managed to build up on the island

Lived on a desert island: 74 years

In 1911, the shipwreck was the shipwreck "Beautiful Bliss." Survive managed only to one Jeremy Bibsu. Then he was only 14 years old. Because of his age, he loved the adventure novels, and what do you think, what book was one of his favorites? Of course, Robinson Cruzo. Here he learned the basic skills of survival, learned to lead the calendar, hunting and build huts. The young man managed to build up on the island: he took it only in 1985 by an 88-year-old old man. You just imagine, during this time two world wars and a person mastered space.

Alexey Khimkov with comrades - Polar Robinsons

Lived on an uninhabited island: 6 years

This story is even more severe: without rainforest and warm sea. In the Arctic Ice, the team lived for six years. In 1743, led by Kormchim, Alexei Khimkov, a merchant vessel went to fishery and stuck in the ice. A team of four went ashore of Spitzbard Archipelago, where they found a hut. Here they planned to spend the night, but fate ordered otherwise: a strong Arctic wind fell ice clock along with a ship in the open sea, where the ship was sank. Hunters had one only way out - insulate the hut and wait for salvation. As a result, so they lived on the island of 6 years, during this time the team made homemade spears and bows. They hunted bears and deer, and caught fish. So the harsh Arctic winter turned out to be men in the teeth. However, there was an outbreak of cings in their small camp, and one of the travelers died.

After six years, the ship sailed past the island, which saved polar robinsons. But not with empty hands, they rose on board: for this for a long time they managed to get about 200 skins of a large beast and about the same song. The book "Adventures of four Russian sailors, to the island of Spitsbergen Bureu brought," which was translated into several languages \u200b\u200bwas published about the misadventures of the Russian Robinsons.

An interesting story about a person who created his own paradise. It was 50 years ago, when Brandon Grimschou decided to quit his job and bought a deserted island in Indian Oceanwho was called Maineen. Brandon Grimschow bought his own island while relaxing on Seychelles In 1960. One boy asked him if he would not want to buy myself an island, Brendon thought, and why not. At that time, the island cost only 10,000 £.

Having moved to the island, it was necessary to convert to life. And then he took himself to assistants local resident Rene Antooman Laphôte, and they began to transform Moiren together, put a large number of trees and partially created amenities. This photo was made in 1996:

He told about the island that these were impassable jungle, it was possible to get to different parts only in the mel. Therefore, the first problem with which he encountered is to pave the tracks through the jungle of the island. Together with Rene, they planted more than 16,000 trees, thereby attracted the island many thousands of birds, as well as contributed to the prosperity of giant turtles. Not a single turtle was nearby when the island was only bought.

Since then, Brendan offered 50 million dollars for the island, but he refused this money, saying that he wants to do here national Park Seychelles, this happened in 2008.

Breedana Gimschow's book: "Sand particles - the story of one person and island," was published in 1996, it tells about life on the island and difficulties that you have to face. He died on July 3, 2012, just three weeks before the 87th day of birth. Brandon owned the island for 50 years.

Title leaf book Brandon:

The book also shows the map of Muenne Island:

During the life of Brandon, no one was particularly interested in his life and activities and only for half a year before his death, in 2012, he learned about him and removed 75 minutes documentaryprepared by Joseph Johnson.

Joseph Johnson told about meeting with Brandon: "The coral reef surrounded from all sides, Moyenne looked very wild and uninhabited, but after I saw wooden house Through the trees, I realized that Brandon lives here. I was very friendly welcomed by a tanned elderly man in shorts and a T-shirt. As not strange, he still spoke with an emphasis, although it was not combined with the exotic species of these places. Together we climbed the steps carved in the rock, in the one-storey wooden house of Brandon. Here he cared about 120 his giant turtles. Giant turtles live in the Seychelles, but they are almost extinct in other islands. Brendon gave them names, such as: Alice, Florita, etc. His house was a little old and shabby, but he was filled with American gifts and souvenirs. "