Geography, description and characteristics of the country. New Zealand

  • 23.09.2019

Photo of the Nature of New Zealand convincingly confirms that its main attractions are not a city and architecture, but huge natural parks, animal I. vegetable world. Undoubtedly residents of the country are lucky to have completely awesome species of nature around their cities. So, on the one hand, you can enjoy life on the coast and immediately contemplate the snow-white hats of mountains, which create a beautiful and unique atmosphere for life. In the photo City of Queenstown.

Numerous lakes in national parks are one of the business cards of this country. Often, they are surrounded by mountains that are reflected on the crystal clear water surface. This landscape of Lake Pukaki.

There are here I. natural reserves with other landscapes and other nature. Frame from the National Park Fjordland.

We will be transferred to another, no less famous Tongariro reserve. Here we are waiting for unique landscapes, mountain meadows, unusual lakes and many other amazing views.

Difficult and from that very attractive lake travelers on one of the peaks of the mountain range in the same reserve.

Another mandatory point in many tourist programs is an national Park Abel Tasman. There are amazing here sand coasts, cozy accommodated among low, but very picturesque rocks.

Another signal place - the territory of hydrothermal sources and reserves of the UI-O-Tapu, where you can meet completely fantastic landscapes.

If you ever wanted to visit the geyser's real beating from the Earth, then you will definitely visit the equipped site next to the lady Nox geyser.

By the way, it was in New Zealand that the trilogy "Lord of the Rings" was shot. Traveling around the country, you can visit many places in which famous filmcenes were shot.

Animals of New Zealand

Due to the fact that New Zealand is far from the rest of the continents, here formed a special animal world with rare animals. Unfortunately, some of the types of extinct or was directly exterminated in past centuries due to human activity.

Let's start with the National Symbol - Kiwi Birds.

In general, probably, only in New Zealand lives so many types of birds that do not know how to fly. In the photo - Parrot Cacapo.

There are beautiful and unusual European inhabitants, black swans.

Even here you can find a rare species - Blue Vayo duck.

The following photo is an interesting reptile Gatteria. Her ancestors were ancient dinosaurs. This species successfully survived and developed on the islands of New Zealand for hundreds of millions of years. By the way, the life expectancy of Gatteria is surprisingly high. The average individual can well live up to 100 years.

But the snakes in this country are completely absent. And even, moreover, they are prohibited by law. An attempt to enter the snake punishes a serious penalty.

21.01.2015 23:45

The vegetable and animal world of New Zealand is diverse and unique, since due to the isolation from the rest of the world, geographical position And the climate, the types of flora and fauna are preserved here, which are no longer inhabited - they are called endemics. When they represent a new Zealand in photos, they usually illustrate that animals and plants that are unknown to many.

Even before the appearance of a person on these shores, only bats, whales were from mammals here, sea lions and seams in coastal waters. Textbooks on the geography of New Zealand, the opening story also associate with the appearance of such animals on these islands as Polynesian rats, dogs, then the cows, pigs, goats, cats and even mice were delivered. Practically with each immigration wave in the country appeared new animals on the verge of extinction But some of them harm the natural fauna of New Zealand. Cats, rabbits, ferrets, ermine, opossum that did not have enemies in the animal world of the islands, multiplied so quickly that they began to threaten both agriculture and health of people. Therefore, today the policy of environmental authorities is aimed at preserving the natural fauna of the islands.

Pretty livestock remains quite extensive, which allows the country to be the largest exporter of dairy products. In environmentally friendly conditions, almost the best sheep in the world, which serve not only to obtain meat, but also for the production of Lanolin from their wool, as for making yarn for amazingly soft carpets of New Zealand.

But usually pictures depict New Zealand with Kiwi bird, as well as Kea, Cacapo, Taka. In this country, there is absolutely no snakes. Among reptiles, Gatteria and Szink are considered the most famous. Of the poisonous spiders in New Zealand, only Katipa lives. Nevertheless, here lives and the well-known Yozh, who still adapted to local conditions.

The plant world can also be characterized mainly endemic. In the photos of New Zealand, you can see two types of forests: evergreen and mixed. The main forest plants are napelodes, agatis, dacrydum cypress, as well as a large number of ferns. 2 million hectares are artificial forests where you can see a radiant pine. Also, Flora New Zealand is characterized by the greatest amount of moss, half of the more than 600-tons grow only here. Alone of the herbs here can be found more than 180 species, while about 150 of them do not grow anywhere else.

But tourists should be remembered that in New Zealand at the customs will definitely be asked for things on the subject of animal and plants, bone products, bird feathers, skin, and from corals and shells - all this is forbidden. Therefore, if visits wants to keep your impressions or take souvenirs, it is better to take pictures with the image of all rare and amazing plants and animals. And even better to take pictures on their background, in multinational parks, where the best copies of the flora and fauna of New Zealand are collected and preserved.

New Zealand country of forests and meadows. At the dawn of colonization most of Its territory, especially on the northern island, was covered with dense legowed forests. European migrants gradually changed the appearance of the New Zealand landscape, and the arable lands took the place of primitive virgin forests. Nowadays, the latter are preserved only in the most hard-to-reach mountainous areas of the country. These forests are very peculiar. Most of herbal species, about 3d, as in Australia, endemic, i.e. inherent in only New Zealand, and are not found in natural form in no other parts globe. One of the most famous and interesting breeds are Pines of Kauri. These are huge centuries-old trees reaching heights 40 or even 60 m, with a barrel diameter of up to 3 m. The wood of these pines is a wonderful building material. During the colonization of the islands of the forest from the pines, they were very exterminated and at present in the form of small incostets are found only on the Auckland Peninsula. In southern I. eastern parts Islands of the North and main on the island of South, on the slopes mountain chains There are still preserved arrays of forests consisting of local breeds: Totar, Matai, Rome, Kakhikathae, and others. The wood is used to build houses, making furniture, containers for oil export, cheese and other purposes. Ferns are widely and universally common, having a height from 8 to 14 m, form thick undercomes; Lower along with the plauns and mshams cover the soil, and the creeping forms of ferns are climbing along the direct and smooth stems of high trees far up. An interesting and peculiar plant of New Zealand forests is a tallery epiphet tree. It has very small seeds, which are often rooted and germinate on the branches of other trees. There, the ratt is developing until there is a sufficient supply of nutrients, after which the air roots begin to produce. When the latter reaches soil, they quickly germinate and soon acquire the character of high and thick wood trunks. With his branches, they firmly wrap the tree on which they originated, often oppress him and linger. Rata in places were so developed that they were almost completely suppressed and all other tree breeds were supplanted. In addition to the rates, there are many other epiphyts in the forests of New Zealand, who, throwing out a tree on a tree, make these forests completely impassable. Some of them have flexible, in total in a thickness of the thickness, but non-knifeless shoots, while others, such as New Zealand blackberries, are covered with long barbed spikes. Among forest rocks are frequent and palm trees. As a rule, they do not have high trunks and almost straight out of the ground throw out multi-meter filament leaves, reinforced on long chocolate colored velvety cuttings. They are very decorative and beautiful, but in their appearance they differ sharply from the palm trees of the northern hemisphere. However, the New Zealand forests are rather monotonous. They are almost always quiet and dead. There is no other bright colors, not visible animals, and only rare butterflies Yes European birds are somewhat enliven their strict and silent look. Large untouched wood arrays are located on the western slopes of the southern Alps. At the bottom of the bottom, they consist of Totar, Kahikata, Rome, Araucaria already familiar to us, and have thick underols, mainly from tree fern. Epiphyts, lianas and mosses are widespread here. Above the slopes, these difficult thickets are replaced by forests from evergreen beech, and at the achievement of 1500 m trees dropping on the winter to the foliage. Even above, there is a shrubs belt, then a forest of dwarf trees and, finally, tops free from snow and ice covered with highly old alpine meadows, where among the emerald green grass, the motley flowers are blocked with bright stains. Especially many multicolored daisies and snow-white edelweissions. On single rocky vertices and rocks in the highest mountain area there are typical plants for these places. They lower on the ground and have a view of the pillows, the diameter of which reaches 34 m. In New Zealand, they are often called vegetable sheep. The eastern slopes of the southern Alps on the appearance of their vegetation are quite different from Western. There is less moisture, more difference Temperatures between winter and in summer, so shrubs predominate in the middle parts of the slopes, and the lower busy with thick thickets of high and rigid grass tass. In the valleys of rivers or on the edges of the swampy forest, you can very often meet the draping, endemic plant of New Zealand. In appearance, it looks like palm tree. On a high trunk in different directions, the long rigid rigid, shiny leaves diverge. Drazena is not only a beautiful decorative tree that gives palm trees to the surrounding landscape. From its leaves, with processing, high-quality paper is obtained, from the fibers of the thread and the twine, and the roots of a delicious drink. Local woody breeds of New Zealand have a number of features. First, they are distinguished by extremely slow growth, secondly, they have a shallow root system that goes into the soil and therefore easily break out of the ground during strong winds and storms, and thirdly, very hard and durable, but difficult to process wood. In addition, as already mentioned, most of the forests are very exterminated and burned. The resumption of vegetation cover occurs mainly by introducing rocks brought from different ends of the globe. Already from the end of the last century, artificial forest plantations began to be created in New Zealand. Australian eucalyptuses and acacia, sequoia, are currently acclimatized and are currently quite widespread.

Iikau's palm trees on the shore of AA Iva Akaroa (South Island)

Type of typical subtropical forest of New Zealand Cypress and pine North America, Poplar, birch, pines, oaks and other breeds from European countries. In 1951, the total area occupied by forests was 6,356 thousand hectares, or 23.9% of the entire territory of the country, of which 183.6 thousand hectares are occupied by artificial forest stations. From local, non-wood plants, industrial significance has New Zealand flax. In natural state, it is distributed in Westland and Soutland provinces on Southern Island, A 3 / S specially cultivated flax is grown on the North Island, in the area of \u200b\u200bAuckland. New Zealand Leng Perennial herbaceous plant with a thick rhizome, from which numerous long (up to 23 m) sword-shaped leaves are fanlikely. In its appearance, he is very similar to Iris. From the leaves of this plant, you can get a strong and durable fiber, which is superior to its qualities the famous Manila Hemp. At the beginning of this century, the New Zealand flax was still widely cultivated on both islands and was one of the items of exports of the country. Currently, in connection with the competition of Manila's hemp and other fiberglass crops, ease of mechanical processing, crops of New Zealand flax sharply decreased. This plant is most widely used by Maori indigenous people. Fresh, just cut leaves replace them with paper. The acute shells of the islanders scratch the letters on the glossy and strong surface of the sheet. Cut into stripes, it replaces the twiners and ropes; From it weave mats and baskets, get fiber and manufactures clothes. All cultural plants are fruit, grain, garden, as well as special seeded herbs brought to New Zealand from Europe, mainly from England. Even in a not very distant historical past, the animal world of the islands, as well as plant, was very peculiar and unusual. However, most of the local animals and birds were exterminated during the period of colonization and is currently almost completely replaced by new species brought from Europe. A distinctive feature of the islands fauna was that it was very poor mammals. Polynesians brought with them to new Zealand of black rats and dogs, and later several species were delivered bats. Hares, rabbits, deer, roebles and others appeared there together with European migrants. As in Australia, the world was more rich in the world, among which, which was also a feature of New Zealand, loosely prevailed. Some of them, such as Moa, reaching 4 m heights, have long been exterminated. In the deaf forests of the southern island, Kiwi is still found, small running birds. They have almost no wings, but also strong and strong legs. The body of these birds is covered with long, hair-like feathers, reminiscent of the coat of mammalian animals. To the freusing, but fast running birds include Maori cowlows, which are now quite widespread on both islands. Particularly numerous in New Zealand parrots. The most interesting two types are: poorly flying cocapa and kea parrot. Kakapapo is almost exterminated and found, except for zoos and reserves, only in the most deaf valleys of the Southern Alps. He lives either in deep dumps or in rocky caves. In the afternoon, he rarely appears in the forest and only with the onset of the night goes in search of food. The KEA parrot since the development of the new Zealand of the sheep has become a harmful predator. With her strong and sharp beak, he replete with the sheep lower back to get to the renal fat, which is a delicacy for him. This parrot makes a great harm to sheep's herds, and farmers workers lead a constant struggle with him. Many European birds were well acclimatized in New Zealand: Skvorts, Sparrows, Malinovka, mountain singers, the larks and others, which their singing and trills are reviving the gloomy and quiet forests. Winter there and many migratory birds from the northern hemisphere. There are no poisonous snakes, and indeed reptiles are extremely poor. Among them are especially interesting lizard of Gatteria, or Tutara (Maoriy name). This is a representative of prehistoric forms of animals, which have long been extinct in all other parts of the globe. In the structure of his body, this lizard has many primitive features characteristic of ancient, lower-naked reptiles. On the large Islands New Zealand Gatteria is almost completely exterminated. They began to guard them only about 30 years ago. Over the past five years, Gatteria contained in the terrarium in Wellington, the eggs were twice, from which young animals were brought. Living Gatteria were sent to the California Academy of Sciences, as well as in Zurich Zoos and National Park Washington. Under the influence of man, the primitive animal world of New Zealand, as well as vegetable, has undergone great changes. Migrants brought with them many types of European animals and primarily pets: sheep, cattle, goats, horses, pigs, poultry. Some of them, such as rabbits, goats and pigs, partly wild. Currently, they live in the forests and serve as a hunt. Especially big struggle is carried out with rabbits. The latter very quickly multiplied and, by entering the mass of herbs, empty and spoil sheep pastures.

- Country developed and modern, but for residents of many other countries, it still remains a "white spot" - in Russia they also know a little. We know that this country is located on the farther south - more precisely, in the south-west of the Pacific Ocean, and consists of a group of islands. The major islands are only two - the north and southern: they are about the same in the area - the difference is 36 thousand square meters. km. In addition to them, there are many small islands and archipelagoes, but not all of them are suitable for life - New Zealand has even Antarctic possessions.

Distant country New Zealand

The population density in New Zealand is low: the area of \u200b\u200bits territories exceeds the overall territory of Great Britain, and only 4 million people live on it - it is not surprising that lovers of tranquility and extensive spaces, tired of life in big cities.

Very attractive tourists from around the world Extreme entertainment - in New Zealand, the whole industry of such entertainment. This is riding on mountain rivers in high-speed boats, riding with steep mountains with the help of special shells, all sorts of tarzanka, alloy through underground rivers; Heliling - Snowboarding with the participation of the helicopter; rafting, steaming on parachute; Air surfing - flight in the air on small boats equipped with parachute; Flights in the "air kayak" between hills, zorbing - descent from the mountain in huge inflatable balls, and others. Very extreme entertainment can be called descent to crater extinct volcanoes: They act in boiling water geasers, and you can even go down in a thermally insulated capsule into a rapid magma.

From Russia, New Zealand is far from Russia - in the sense that there are even direct flights there, and you have to fly through Korea and Japan - with a transplant. In total, to get to the destination, you have to stay in the air about 24 hours - it is quite serious.

History and climate in New Zealand

The islands on which is located, were settled about 1000 years ago, and the Europeans learned about them in the XVII-XVIII centuries. England managed to quickly "take to the hands" new lands, and so far New Zealand is a monarchy and a member of the British Commonwealth, although membership is rather formal. Queen Elizabeth II is also a formal head of state: it reigns, and manages the country of parliament, as in the UK itself.

Tourists going to visit this distant country, it is interesting to know about her climate and weather conditions. New Zealand climate can be called soft: winter there happens when we have summer, and the air temperature is rarely lowered below 10 ° C; In the summer, it is rarely rarely rising above 30 ° C - we have an annual temperature scatter more tangible. But a sharp change of weather here is frequent phenomenon: heat can change cold rain, and on the contrary - this is because it is very quickly moving warm and cold air masses. Residents of Russia are advised to come here from November to March - January and February are considered the warmest months.

Pristine Nature of New Zealand

New Zealand quite a few amazing attractionsAlthough the country with a rich cultural and historical past - by the standards of Europeans - it is impossible to be called it. a lack of historical monuments It is estimated for a unique and beautifully surrendered nature: no vain New Zealand is considered one of the cleanest countries in the world in the sense of ecology. Local landscapes are really natural - they are intact, and their state carefully protects, considering their main heritage. At the relatively small territory of the country there are 12 national parks, and marine parks including.

The largest and most luxurious is a fjordland, which occupies the territory of about 12.5 thousand square meters. km and enabled UNESCO World Heritage - However, like many other New Zealand Parks. Every year there are thousands of tourists from all over the world here, and it seems to them that the territory of this park has not yet argued with a person's foot ": there are many clean and transparent mountain lakes; Ancient forests grow - southern trees are dominated in them, but they coexist with glaciers, no less than ancient - the spectacle is more than amazing. Animals Here, what no longer have anywhere on Earth - New Zealand is well known, but here are large predators, poisonous snakes and insects can not be afraid.

Auckland - the country's largest city

Wellington - the capital of the country, but the most large city is Auckland. It is huge, but almost all buildings in it are one-story, but this does not prevent him from being an economic, cultural and industrial center. Historic attractions are a bit, but they are: first of all, this is the University of Auckland, founded in 1883; Several beautiful Victorian mansions; Monument to the first minister of the country - Michael Savidu; Fort "Victoria", built in 1885. The history of its construction is interesting: they say that the fort decided to build after Russia strengthened its position in the Pacific Ocean - the British feared that the Russians could attack their colony.

Since such a number of different animals, as in New Zealand, there is no more anywhere, the Oakland zoo is recognized as one of the best in the world - it has many different awards, and international, including. The zoo is divided into zones so that animals are comfortable to live there, and people are convenient to watch them. About 180 species of animals live on a not very large area - only about 20 hectares, but they, and visitors feel in the zoo very comfortable - local residents Love come here on the weekend with the whole family.

In Auckland there is a unique aquarium. Of course, there are dozens of grand aquariums in the world, but almost all of them are the same type: visitors are watching the life of aquatic animals through glass, standing outside - the Auckland Aquarium works in a different way. According to his bottom, a tunnel of glass passes, and people, hitting it, turn out to be like on the seabed: the marine inhabitants are floating not just near, behind the glass, but also right above the head, and the sun seems to be a distant luminous spot - an unforgettable impression.

Of course, in Auckland many entertainment and cultural institutions, a lot of interesting museums and parks, and from the vertices of extinct volcanoes, located within the city, offers a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean. The beaches on the coast of New Zealand - comfortable and "wild" - about 15 thousand km - it is surprising if we consider that the country's territory is not so great. They go one to another but western beaches They differ sharply from the eastern: on some sands are gold, and on others - coal-black, volcanic. Sports facilities built a great set - lovers active rest It will not be boring, and surfers from all over the world come here every summer: there are no such waves anywhere else - they are very different, so professionals can both ride and beginners.

To tell briefly about what is worth seeing in modern New Zealand, it is impossible - you need to go there, but it's not for everyone to pocket: the tours are very expensive, and with flights it turns out more expensive. It is more profitable to go to this country with groups, or combine a trip with a visit to Australia - Distance to New Zealand from southern continent Total 2000 km.

New Zealand is the edge of the world, the country, which is a bit a few average residents of Russia. Dear flight tickets, geographic isolation and the right policy of the authorities do not allow to explore this island crowds of tourists. Therefore, New Zealand can still boast of breathtaking scenery, which does not apply to human influence. Nevertheless, this island of happy people is worth trying to at least once in life (and maybe stay forever).

Some facts

New Zealand is an island powder in the south-west of the Pacific, near Australia. Consists of two major islands - Northern and southern, - as well as many archipelagoes, not always suitable for life. The Square of New Zealand is 268,680 km², that is, a little more than only 4.5 million people live in it.

New Zealand formally ruled Queen Elizabeth II, since from the middle of the XVIII century to the middle of the XX New Zealand Islands were the colony of the British Empire. But in reality, all power is in the hands of the parliament, which, judging by the fact that in the country the standard of living is considered one of the highest in the world, the rules are quite wise.

The official languages \u200b\u200bare English and Maori, and the capital of Wellington. In addition to diverse landscapes, Nature gave a new Zealand soft, pleasant climate: in winter, the temperature here does not fall below 10 ° C, and in the summer rises not higher than 30 ° C. Important: Winter in New Zealand happens when we have summer.

Pristine Nature of New Zealand

On the territory of New Zealand, you can see almost all: from snowy rocky Gor. to velvety beaches. Business card This country is the Fjord Milford Sound, which appeared more than 20 thousand years ago. Rolls covered with forests are hanging over the crystal-pure bay, over which you can often see a thin strip of rainbow.

Nature of New Zealand especially admires the territory of national parks, which in this country there are 12! On the North Island you can observe as geasers located on sloping acting volcano Tongariro, thrown into the atmosphere of multi-colored smoke. Not far from volcanoes is the famous Valley of Rotarua Geysers. Here you can take mud baths and make an unforgettable walk on volcanic terraces. In the very center North Islands, in the crater of the extinguished volcano, is located unprecedented beauty that attracts fishing and cruise lovers.

In addition to the formidable and fascinating volcanoes, fabulous beaches are also features of the nature of New Zealand. In one of the most beautiful national parks on the southern island, it is worth soaring on the sand, the color of which is changing from the snow-white to bright yellow.

But the nature of New Zealand presents a couple more surprises in the form of glacial lakes, Wytomo caves, littered with fireflies, gentle forests and sheer cliffs ...

Pernation World of New Zealand

It would seem, with such quantities and a variety of landscapes wildlife New Zealand must be represented by all sorts of fauna. But the number of animals and birds on the islands is not so great, which, however, is entirely paying off by the uniqueness of the inhabitants of this paradise on Earth.

The first in the list will be the symbol of New Zealand - Bird Kiwi. This dying view covered with long brown feathers is a favorite delicacy of New Zealand opossums. The island also lives the unique KEA parrots, which are distinguished by their curiousness, high intelligence and unexpected power. A couple of dozen years ago they were mercilessly destroyed, as it was believed that they eat sheep. In fact, Kea just love to ride the lamb arrived from Europe.

On the southern coast New Zealand also lives the small colonies of small penguins, which are pretty hard track. In addition to the above representatives of the feathers on the islands, the unique New Zealand birds of the Tui, drummers - Wakes, Parrots of Kakapapo, etc. Birds Kiwi and other birds can be observed on the island of Stewart. In dense New Zealand forests, you can meet pigs, deer, rabbits and little kangaroo. Nature has rebelled New Zealand from reptiles, poisonous spiders and nasty mosquitoes.

Indigenous population

About 80% of the population make up descendants of immigrants from Great Britain, 15% - Maori, another 5% - these are immigrants from Asia and islands Pacific Ocean. Of course, the indigenous population is of particular interest, that is, Maori tribes. Most of them was assimilated with English society and lives in cities.

Maori often cultivate folk customs and traditions in tourist purposes, for example, each wishes for a certain price can see the famous khaka battle dance. Exhibitions of folk craft and art are held throughout the country.

What to do tourist in New Zealand?

The magical nature of New Zealand is the first and main point of each trip to the country of a long white cloud. But except beautiful photos From New Zealand you can bring many more impressions. So, what do you need to experience in New Zealand?

  1. Ride in Swing Nevis - the biggest swings in the world located at an altitude of 160 meters above the stony gorge.
  2. Polink shrimp with bamboo sticks.
  3. Skiing on New Zealand "Alps", and then plunge into a hot thermal source.
  4. View on the North Island, how two oceans converge.
  5. See Gatteria (Il Tuatar) - ancient reptile, genetically connected with dinosaurs.

What you probably did not hear!

  • Previously, Maori was considered one of the most cruel and endless peoples, since they practiced cannibalism, cut off the heads of enemies and applied to the entire face of tattoos using sharp cutters.
  • The shooting of the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" was held in New Zealand.
  • New Zealanders call themselves "Kiwi".
  • New Zealand is the first country in which women received the right to vote.
  • Unique landscapes, species of birds and other features of Nature of New Zealand are carefully guarded. For example, almost anywhere you can not burn fires, importing into the country Even the disgusting from the apple is banned (not to mention the seeds, plants and animals).

If you are tired of rhythm rhythm Megacols, concrete jungle, cramped and serness, if you are looking for extreme adventures, fond of photography and want to surprise familiar images of unusual landscapes - New Zealand, nature and the population of which are unique, will bring many positive emotions and bright impressions for life.